Reviews For The Circle of Life
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Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: January 15, 2008 03:21 pm Title: Chapter 14: Arguments that make up sex can't fix

Wow!  Jim fights dirty!

They so needed to have this conversation.  It was so well written that I could totally picture Jim's face getting all red and angry.  Fabulous.

Looking forward to the little Halpert!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: January 15, 2008 02:45 pm Title: Chapter 14: Arguments that make up sex can't fix

Whew!  Yup--that's "a bit" angsty : ) 

Reviewer: Pamalama Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10, 2008 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End


That is what this chapter is.

AHHHHHH!!! If you updated five minutes from now it wouldn't be quick enough for me!

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10, 2008 03:53 pm Title: Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End

Keep it up!

*cough* twss *cough* Sorry, it had to be done :)

ooh that was one heck of achapter.  Great idea for plot and yay for Jim for taking a step forward!  I love how Pam just knows not to pester him about it but rather is supportive and great.  And I can't wait to see when she has the baby! :)  I mean, who doesn't love Jam!Baby?  :)  Lovely again, binxbaby!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: January 10, 2008 02:10 pm Title: Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End

GREAT chapter! 

"That's when he heard her whisper, 'Whatever you did, you saved people's livelihoods. Thank you so much for that. That's one of the many reasons why I love who you are. You amazing person. And you've shown me how extremely dedicated and strong you can be.'"  Really touching.

Reviewer: LoveFool Signed [Report This]
Date: January 06, 2008 04:52 pm Title: Chapter 12: Perfection

I want phillyJim! lol. I hope Pam makes him see how great it could be and that they can make it ANYWHERE together!

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04, 2008 10:01 am Title: Chapter 12: Perfection

Oh, Jim!

Another great chapter.  I am really enjoying this story and get excited every time I see it updated.

Looking forward to more!

Reviewer: hues8 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: January 03, 2008 05:24 pm Title: Chapter 12: Perfection

I love how realistic this is. The back and forth and the reasons why not to go for it...very true to life.

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 03, 2008 02:16 pm Title: Chapter 12: Perfection

Jim!! Don't wuss out!  They have sunshine in Philly (I think).

I can totally see him grinning like an idiot at the chaos around him with the thought that he & Pam are having a baby together.  And it is totally reasonable that he would reevaluate how well he was doing as breadwinner for his family in the making. 

Reviewer: I_Still_Believe Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 28, 2007 04:46 pm Title: Chapter 11: Back to Dunder Mifflin...Unfortunately

the end made my day. so sweet! another great chapter- can't wait for more!

Reviewer: hues8 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 28, 2007 02:00 pm Title: Chapter 11: Back to Dunder Mifflin...Unfortunately

The last four sentences made me tear up! I love this story!

Reviewer: hues8 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 10: Wedding bells

I just discovered this story and cannot express how much I love it! Jim's, unbelievable! Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 03:04 pm Title: Chapter 10: Wedding bells

The vows?  Amazing.  Just wow. 

Nicely done, BB.

Reviewer: NanReg Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 02:50 pm Title: Chapter 10: Wedding bells

So sweet and romantic.

Reviewer: I_Still_Believe Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 01:07 pm Title: Chapter 10: Wedding bells

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. this was so beautiful! their vows were sweet, and just so them! but poor toby. not that i would ever wish for a pam/toby thing, but he always seems so sad, and you just know that he's never going to get what he wants! anyway, this chapter was perfect!

Reviewer: khand3stooges Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 12:31 pm Title: Chapter 1: Life Changes

I don't know if we will ever see a wedding on the show but if so I hope it is exactly like the one you just wrote. Perfection!

Reviewer: Alie_Woos Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 11:45 am Title: Chapter 10: Wedding bells

sweet, you actually made me tear up. but happy tears!!  :D

Reviewer: katoepotatoe Signed [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2007 11:23 am Title: Chapter 1: Life Changes

I've been a fan of this from the beginning :) you got the characterization just right-- love it.

Reviewer: LoveFool Signed [Report This]
Date: December 16, 2007 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 8: Convention

wow...didn't see that coming! lol.  Man, what a great chapter! I loved everything from the tension between Jim and Pam with him leaving to go to the Convention, to the train ride with Dwight (philly by way of Canada -  you'll need your passport....SO Jim) to the confrontation with Karen.  Great installment!

Reviewer: bebitched Signed [Report This]
Date: December 16, 2007 01:42 pm Title: Chapter 8: Convention

Wow. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees Karen getting over Jim with a woman :)

Reviewer: Abigail Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2007 04:53 pm Title: Chapter 5 :Decisions, Decisions

I just discovered this story and read the first 5 chapters in one sitting. Can I just say I LOVE IT!!!!  Wow, your writing style is beautiful and spot on.  Totally believable and a much needed treat during the strike.  I can't wait to read the next 3 chapters later tonight.  Must go eat dinner now though. :)

Reviewer: batman29 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2007 02:29 pm Title: Chapter 8: Convention

Hey great job! This is an excellent story. Please continue. 

Reviewer: fatjax Signed [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2007 11:14 am Title: Chapter 7: The Outing

Hehe, awesome story. Here comes Karen to mix things up a little. =)

Reviewer: bebitched Signed [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2007 03:04 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Outing

I can't wait to see this Jim/Karen interaction!

Reviewer: I_Still_Believe Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 12, 2007 06:29 pm Title: Chapter 7: The Outing

!! fantastic chapter!!

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