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Reviewer: antipodes Signed [Report This]
Date: October 16, 2007 03:51 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

That was really lovely.

Reviewer: kyrafic Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14, 2007 09:32 am Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Oh man, I really like this. I love Kelly trying to self-comfort the best ways she knows how, and "like she’s vibrating at a higher frequency or something, like her base mood is now a couple notches higher on the happy scale" is a fantastic description of season 4 Pam. But most of all I love how you draw them both as people, kind of awkward together, but finding common ground.  There's totally not enough fic about girls being friends and I hope you write more!

And the martini drawing is perfect. (And the subtle exploration of the Darryl thing!)

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 14, 2007 06:02 am Title: every word you say, say something sweet

This was really good.  So perfectly Kelly and I like the friendship with her and Pam. 

Also? I'm glad that she called Darryl!  

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: October 13, 2007 08:51 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

 "And she just looks different, like she’s vibrating at a higher frequency or something, like her base mood is now a couple notches higher on the happy scale than it’s been since they’ve known each other."  What an awesome line.  I love that Kelly called Darryl - that would be a fun pairing.

Reviewer: Hotdog Fingers Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 13, 2007 06:19 am Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Aw. I loved this! I love Kelly and this fic totally does her justice. Sweet and hopeful and I love the friendship between Kelly and Pam. Great job with this, it was awesome!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 11:29 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Some favorite lines: "But then she realized that he just wasn’t talking, and that’s not the same thing." "She likes sweetness and sugar and fruit and she is tired of liking them alone, of being dizzy and in love when no one else is there to share the feelings with her." "And she just looks different, like she’s vibrating at a higher frequency or something"

You've done a really good job capturing Kelly.  I really enjoyed this. 

Author's Response: Thanks!  And I'm not sure I ever thanked you properly for all the info you contributed toward that fic I was planning to write towards the end of season 3, so, in case I didn't, thank you muchly.  I still want to write it because I put so much planning into it, but now that Karen's out of the picture in the canon I can't get myself motivated.  Freaking writers, making everything happy... :D

Reviewer: thirtypercent Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 10:45 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

I really liked how you wrote Kelly here too -- she's a very real person, but at the same time, it doesn't clash with what we see in the show.

Aw, poor Kelly.

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 08:01 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

proving that those gigantic purses are good for something, even if the little ones are cuter).

Not only is this hilarious Kelly commentary, it's SO true!! haha.

And I love your Pam/Kelly relationship.  Becasue as annoying as Pam may find Kelly I think she does like her as a friend.  And yay for Kelly dating Darryl! Haha Love it! :) Great job!

Reviewer: sophia_helix Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 07:38 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Oh, this is SO good, so original and interesting. Kelly's voice is really natural here, a hint of the fake-shallow but not so much that she's cartoony, and the stuff about Ryan is really perfectly written, sad but very precisely so. And of course Pam would try to get out of Kelly's invitation, and of course she'd remember later just when Kelly didn't want her around, and the part about never seeing Pam without the cameras just killed me. 

Author's Response:

It probably makes me that one weird fangirl to squee over this review, but what the hell, I love your fic so I'm going to squee anyway.  Thank you!! 

Reviewer: rakerpation Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 06:57 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

I liked seeing Kelly with real thoughts and making the decision to be the way she is.  Really, it gives her more depth.  :-)                    

Reviewer: pennylane83 Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 06:41 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Aw, Kelly. I really loved this. We don't get to see self-aware Kelly enough in fic.

She would have listened, if he’d talked.

Loved that line. Great job!

Reviewer: agate Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 06:21 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

Oh, there isn't enough Pam and Kelly friendship fic.  I really liked this!

Author's Response:

I agree!  I came across this fic (not by me) with some nice Kelly/Pam moments, although that isn't the point of the fic (which is actually Kelly/Andy).  You might like it!  Also, thanks for your review!

Reviewer: BlueBustyGal Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12, 2007 05:20 pm Title: every word you say, say something sweet

I loved this! Kelly as self-aware and reflective, but still inconsiderate and self-absorbed = perfection.

"She would have listened, if he’d talked." So true.

Author's Response: Thank you!  I was afraid that I made her too self-aware, so I'm really happy to see this!  I'm glad you liked it.  :)

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