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Reviewer: 09imagine09 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 28, 2008 04:56 am Title: Chapter 23: Epilogue

I just read this whole storie, and I really loved it! You did such an awesome job! You really got the characters just right. Hope you'll keep writing!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm going to be busy for a little while, and I tend to try and write a whole story before I post it, but I'll see what I can do.

Reviewer: dancer288 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27, 2008 07:43 pm Title: Chapter 23: Epilogue

soooo good...loved that you gave a final ending to it all, but in the end left jim pranking dwight...can't wait to read more of your works!

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reviewing. I hope that I can write another story soon, too.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27, 2008 07:38 pm Title: Chapter 23: Epilogue

awe! That was too cute!! I loved the ending, which was so Dwight! I think the epilogue really pulled everything together! Loved the story!!

Author's Response: Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it. I really think Jim and Dwight are two people who really won't change much of who they are, so I liked the idea of them having the same dynamic years down the road and just had to finish with that.

Reviewer: dancer288 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 14, 2008 07:19 am Title: Chapter 22: On To Philadelphia

sooo good...just read it all and i loved glad i didn't have to wait for updates between each chapter...loved how the show was ingrained in the story and of course i loved the ending...hope for an epilogue!!

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've enjoyed writing it. You shouldn't have to wait too long for the epilogue.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 05:14 pm Title: Chapter 22: On To Philadelphia

Awe. I love the fact that they both are trying to achieve their dreams. That's the one thing I wish Jim(on the show) would do. Oh boy/// Michael and his hugs!lol! Great story!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I sort of realized that I hadn't had Michael hug anyone until this point in the story and had to put some of those in there. Thanks for the review and for reading.

Reviewer: iwantphillyjim Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 22: On To Philadelphia

Well done! you hve to write the epilogue! it was really good. JAM forever.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and all of your reviews. And I worked on the epilogue a little today, so I think I'll put it up some time this week. Stay tuned.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 19: Drug Bust

Jim + Dwight+ suspition of drugs= AWESOME! This chapter was hilarious!

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks so much. Any chance for Jim to mess with Dwight in his capacity as Volunteer Sheriff's Deputy makes for good laughs, I think.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 04:37 pm Title: Chapter 16: Basketball Homecoming

awww poor Jim. I loved that episode until that end scene. He's so talented.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 04:25 pm Title: Chapter 14: Some News

At my old job we used to sell those machines. I had a boss who took a liking to them, and would place them stratigically around the store. Usually when an associate was helping a customer he would set it off. Most customers would make a face or an excuse to walk away. He thought it was hilarious everytime. Good chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing. I remember seeing the machine the first time when Larry the Cable Guy used it in a mall. I thought Jim could put one to good use.

Reviewer: Jordon Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13, 2008 03:48 pm Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Awwww... I love this story, but the last line from this last chapter was a wonderful way to wrap it up.

This was a great first story, I hope you keep writing!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I do have another idea that I worked with a little today that I haven't seen before so I may actually write another story when I get the chance.

Reviewer: iwantphillyjim Signed [Report This]
Date: April 11, 2008 04:16 pm Title: Chapter 20: Prom

this is a great story, I am really enjoying it

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: elly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 06, 2008 04:02 pm Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

Are you planning on following the show's timeline? I've been reading this story and looking for updates. It's very cute.

Author's Response: Not exactly sure how to answer. Maybe I should just tell you to keep reading so you can find out. ;) I guess the best way to answer is to say sort of. A lot of the upcoming events will be recognizable, but I have mixed up the order somewhat and left certain things out. Like the last chapter sort of is maybe like Jim getting hit with the engagement which is sort of like Booze Cruise, but earlier on. If that makes sense. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: alli817 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 06, 2008 03:21 pm Title: Chapter 14: Some News

Awww poor Jim!

 Great story!

Author's Response: Yeah. Poor Jim. Not my favorite chapter, but it was still needed. Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: dundiefromgod Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 04, 2008 03:39 pm Title: Chapter 13: The Faculty Meeting

I wanted to make a point to leave you a review for this story because I think this story, but this chapter in particular is quite funny and cute. It might be difficult, but don't get discouraged by the number of reviews that you have for a story. It doesn't always reflect the quality of the story, and it definitely doesn't in this case. You'll notice that the authors on this website that get the most reviews, are not only good writers, but are rather established and are active on the forum. 

And...that's all I have for completely unsolicited/asked for advice today. Keep going, this is a lovely 1st story, and remember, really, that its about writing for your own amusement and not for accolades.  

Author's Response: Thanks so much. I do like getting reviews, but didn't go into this necessarily expecting to get a lot of them. It seems like at least some folks are reading it, so I'll keep posting till I've got all the chapters posted so I don't leave anyone hanging. And like you said, I wrote it because I wanted to, and I post it because I want to share it. Thanks again for the encouragement.

Reviewer: bee sly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2008 05:45 am Title: Chapter 11: The First Week Comes to an End

I would have loved Michael as a principal! I like tha story so far, but do Jim and Pam have more of a connection then pranking Dwight? I'm just curious, but your right the Private schools usually are snottier!lol in mho! Lookin forward to the next part!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing. In response to your question, there will be more than pranking Dwight (see next chapter, for example), but I would say that will be a good part of their interaction. Just remember that at this point in the story, they've only known each other for like 10 days, so sort of a surface relationship at this point, and pranking is something they both enjoy.

Reviewer: BrosBeforeHoes Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 02, 2008 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

I can't believe this story doesn't have more reviews. Its a very believable and well thought out AU. Everyone's the same but....not. I can't wait to see more. Nice job. :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much. Though I definitely like getting reviews (more than I thought I would- it's my first story), I really am just happy that people are reading it- 3000+ reads so far! rnrnThanks for taking the time to review. So you know, I actually finished writing it tonight, so you shouldn't have to wait long to read the rest of it.

Reviewer: iwantphillyjim Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2008 09:16 pm Title: Chapter 9: Introductions

i like it, good chapter, roy suX!! in any universe :!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the compliments. Roy does suck, just not when he first meets Jim.

Reviewer: MissEmilee Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2008 06:15 pm Title: Chapter 5: The Department Head and Old Habits

usually i don't like AUs because they mess with what i consider a perfect storyline, but you have proved me wrong!

this is so cute, i can't wait to read more.

oh, and i live nearly 15 minutes away from Messiah College! haha, and believe me, i can see Angela going there in a second!

Author's Response: Wow. Thanks a lot for saying that. Quite a compliment. I'll try to continue to prove you wrong. :)rnrnRe: Messiah College- I just looked up Christian colleges in PA and looked for one that offered an English major and that's what I came up with. So funny that someone has not only heard of it, but lives close. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Jordon Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2008 08:16 am Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

As an english student and future english teacher I declare this story AWESOME. Very fun, keep it going!

Author's Response: I declare this review of my story deemed awesome to be awesome. Thanks.

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2008 03:42 am Title: Chapter 5: The Department Head and Old Habits

What a perfect setting for an AU Office fic.  I'm a teacher and just the thought of Jim being a teacher sends my heart soaring with the eagle's nest.

Great job, looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing. I'm slightly concerned that I have teachers reading this, because I really know nothing about the inner-workings of the educational system. But hopefully you'll allow me some literary freedoms.

Reviewer: elly Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 30, 2008 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

this is cute. keep going

Author's Response: Thanks a lot for reviewing.

Reviewer: iwantphillyjim Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30, 2008 10:23 pm Title: Chapter 5: The Department Head and Old Habits

good stuff, keep going...i like it already

Author's Response: Thanks so much. And you have the honor of being the first ever to review one of my stories. Congratulations to us both.

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