Date: November 08, 2020 05:03 pm Title: Everybody's Business
I really love a good ensemble scene! I thought Michael and Kevin especially worked well, and Stanley not at all caring is pitch perfect. A very funny chapter!
Author's Response: Excellent, thank you!!
Date: November 08, 2020 11:20 am Title: Everybody's Business
Nice way of getting everyone's persepctive. At first I was confused who was talking. The line "Hey, where's Karen? I was going to ask her about Point Sales account," could have been from anyone. Until it became clear that Micheal was talking I had no idea who said that. The rest of the characters came across well though.
Other than that it was fun to have Pam's and a bit of Jim's perspective on things. Nice update.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Sorry for the slight confusion.
Date: November 08, 2020 06:36 am Title: Everybody's Business
Lots of good stuff here. You really nailed the essence of the co-workers. Amazing how three m's epitomize Stanley but they really do.
Author's Response: Stanley is Stanley, right? Ha!