Date: August 16, 2023 04:57 am Title: Chapter 1
I had read this before I knew the wonderfulness of the Jaime & Morgan series! It made this SO much sweeter and interesting to read, knowing the whole family already had such a rich backstory & connections.
Author's Response: Thanks for coming back to it. Always a lot of fun to add depth to the Jamie/Morgan world.
Date: March 03, 2023 12:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was so sweet!!!! Enjoy a spot of kindness and fluff!!
Author's Response: Thank you! It was fun to try and write a story that still had conflict but no angst. Glad you liked it. Feel free to check out the companion story to this one. "You Can Count on Me." Same event, just Jim's side of it.

Date: December 29, 2021 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was such a fun read! Great job tying in all the recipe elements so seamlessly and capturing Creed and Michael so well with your dialogue. Wonderful work. Happy Holidays!
Author's Response: Thanks bored! Always a treat hearing from you. Glad you liked it so much. Creed's dialogue started out as literal keyboard smashing and it grew from there. So that was fun. Thanks for the review. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Date: December 24, 2021 09:00 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was really pretty cute. I enjoyed the tension of not knowing what was happening with the storm and when Jim showed up it was really lovely. Good job, warrior!
Author's Response: Thanks BT! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Date: December 24, 2021 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was great, Warrior!! Their reunion was so sweet when he finally showed up at the "silent night" comment made me laugh. Loved this!! Merry Christmas! :)
Author's Response: I'm a sucker for a trope from time to time and what better one than showing up on Christmas morning? The silent night line has been a favorite. Really glad it's come across well. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

Date: December 24, 2021 11:38 am Title: Chapter 1
So sometimes a fic just touches you in all the right places and this one did that for me.
From the opening with Creed where I heard his voice to the polar bear (although wasn't this on Jim's desk? - I guess she's good sharer) and I love how Cece (both Cece's perhaps) got her name.
The cozy comfort of Pam with the Halperts, even without him there is something I too imagine and I smiled with delight as Vanessa called Pam, Aunt Pam.
Despite the way the family kept busy doing fun winter holiday stuff, I could somehow feel the fear they all tried to not let too overwhelming.
It isn't Christmas without a little Scotch and I like how you worked it in (that is the twist that makes this a Warrior Christmas story).
This line - “I know exactly what it means to have a silent night.” just the amount of Jam steam to do it for me. I like to think I know what came next.
Nice job bring the merry in the end.
Wishing you a very merry christmas, may you enjoy your family, your holiday and your Scotch!
Author's Response: I always look forward to your reviews Max. This one was no different. I'm glad Creed came across well. He can be tricky. I probably should have included a line that Jim was keeping the bear in his desk before he gave it to Pam. But yes Vanessa telling Pam of the meaning of the name Cece in the Halpert clan was intended to get the name in Pam's mind for when little Cece shows up in a few years. Always fun to have the Gerald and Betsy be warm and loving to Pam, and considering in this universe Gerald is a whisky guy why not bring that in. The hint of steam was fun too. Glad you liked it so much.
Happy Holidays to you as well.

Date: December 24, 2021 08:58 am Title: Chapter 1
Aw, this was such a sweet one-shot. I love Betsy immediately looking after Pam and inviting her over, and all of Pam’s scenes with the Halperts are so lovely to read 😍 Creed’s opening message (and his forgetting who Dwight is) is hilariously Creed, and then Michael and his ‘Ry-guy’ and the invite to a real party really cracked me up (in fact, there are so many brilliant Michael-isms in this). I also love the inclusion of Vanessa! And then Jim eventually coming home is just the perfect moment between them. Also, this line on the steam: ‘“Don’t worry Beesly,” he breathed into her ear which sent shivers down her shoulder and arm. “I know exactly what it means to have a silent night.”’ Perfection!
Author's Response: Thank you. In this fic universe it's not the first time Pam's been welcomed by the Halpert family and I saw no need to change that here. Glad you enjoyed everything with Creed and Michael. That can be an interesting headspace to get into. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, especially around Christmas so we get a nice cliché reunion. Lots of people liked the silent night line, sometimes its what's not said that has the biggest impact. Thanks for reviewing and Merry Christmas!

Date: December 23, 2021 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
the "personal hot water bottle often found in her bed named Jim" slayed me, omg.
I really loved the comfortable dynamic you created between Pam and Jim's family. Also the little girl's convo with Pam was so sweet. AND CECE???? What an adorable origin story, I love it.
*“Don’t worry Beesly,” he breathed into her ear which sent shivers down her shoulder and arm. “I know exactly what it means to have a silent night.”*
Official request for a follow-up telling the adventures of Michael and Jim stuck in the storm, please!
Author's Response: Thank you! It was a lot of fun to bring all these elements in. I'm glad you liked it so much. I may have to tell Jim's side of this story at some point. Merry Christmas!

Date: December 23, 2021 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very sweet fic. I love that Pam was comfortable enough to be with Jim’s family without him and all the interactions they have are great. She feels very accepted and comfortable there. So cute when Jim finally makes it home, you can really feel the love there. Great work!
Author's Response: Thank you. This story is set in a larger fic universe I've been creating. There are other stories of mine which also explain why Pam is so comfortable with the Halperts. Cliche moments exist for a reason and me being the sentimental guy I am see no reason to not use them. Glad you liked it. Merry Christmas.

Date: December 23, 2021 04:12 pm Title: Chapter 1
A return to the Jamie and Morgan-verse! Excellent.
Creed being able to speak badger is vintage Creed. As him being lost as to which solstice it is.
You know, Michael is a goober here, but I'm happy he got his invite to the corporate Christmas party. He's earned it, dammit. And the disaster it led to wasn't even his fault.
I'm not sure I'm drinking a Scotch named after Shackleton, but other than that it was quite lovely to spend some time with Pam among the Halperts, being embraced by that family, especially knowing that her own family has some travails in its future. Her dialogue with Vanessa is adorable.
And the ending is perfectly Christmas movie.
Very sweet!
Author's Response: Yup, always fun to come back to this series. One shots are a great way to keep it going I think. Creed was actually kind of easy to write. I just started button mashing and it grew from that. Yeah Michael earned that invite. I think it's more due to David Wallace rather than Ryan though. Always fun to have Pam interacting with the Halperts pre-engagment and wedding. Same with helping Pam to realize she can interact with kids. Glad you liked the ending as well. Thanks as always for the review and Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Date: December 23, 2021 10:15 am Title: Chapter 1
You had meeeeeee! And I loved it so much! I died laughing at Creed's letter for everyone. Omg, you nailed it.
I also loved the line where Pam compares Jim to a hot water bottle. That seems very true to them as a couple.
I wasn't sure what the story was going to be when I submitted my recipe, but I love what you did with the snowstorm and everyone worrying about Jim. We got to see Pam interact with Jim's family in such a lovely, albeit worrying, way. It was plot without angst, and you know I love that.
Author's Response:
Thank you. Once I got a good idea of where it was going, it was fun to bring to life. How to have conflict without angst? I was reminded of the great stories of liturature one of which is, and I'm paraphrasing a bit, "The Journey Home." I decided to flip it a bit and that than have the camera on the one trying to get home, have it with those at home hoping our hero arrives. It's also always fun to have the Halpert clan welcome Pam to their midst. I'm really glad you liked it so much.