Date: September 22, 2022 07:23 pm Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
Always a sucker for Dwim moments. Such a cute commercial for the two of them.
(quickly, in fine print mode) JELL-O does not condone workplace bullying. - Love the disclaimer.
Great job!!
Author's Response: I think people would buy Jell-O from them, for sure!
Lol, thank you. And thanks for reading and reviewing!

Date: September 22, 2022 07:08 am Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
This is the cutest idea ever and it's a shame it was never an actual thing. Bravo, friend!
Author's Response: Thank you so much!

Date: September 21, 2022 06:40 pm Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
Watch it wiggle - see it jiggle, cool and fruity, Jello brand gelatin - okay now this is going to be in my head all night. Not sure if this is the same one you grew up with and referred to in this fic, but to me this is the classic jingle!
I was intrigued if a bit confused diving into it at at first (you warned me not to but I plunged in anyway) but when I got to the reveal I was like "BRILLIANT" and you nailed it.
(now I know that feeling of having something said on OL AFTER you had already come up with it - part serendipitous, part frustrating since like you said there might be doubts as to who said/wrote it first). Knowing you, I know this was without a doubt one of your clever ideas.
Speaking of clever, that disclaimer was the perfect tie-in to what this series will be and should have been the first clue.
Some other things I noted - he Jell-Oed Pam's Jelly bean container - is nothing sacred?
And how come a grown Mose still needs a legal guardian? Wait don't answer that, he dressing the goats.
I am looking forward to more commercial breaks from you.
Author's Response: I was more thinking about the tune at the end of this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoLMCms36Mc.
Well, I'm glad you didn't hit your head!
It's just been sitting there, almost completed, in my drafts for so long... very sad.
Sometimes I think I enjoy coming up with the disclaimers more than the actual writing.
I like to think Jim was clever enough to have them replicate the jelly bean container for the ad... even as he convinced Dwight to use his actual Dwight bobblehead.
I'm not going to lie, the Mose guardianship talking head is basically why I wanted this fic to see the light.
Thank you! Hopefully more coming soon.

Date: September 21, 2022 03:25 pm Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
Quite simply genius. Please do more of these! As good if not better than the rejected cold opens! (And it’s a high bar!)
Author's Response: Thank you so much! There are (probably) more of both coming soon.

Date: September 21, 2022 02:14 pm Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
Oh this was SO much fun!
First off, your disclaimer AMAZING
Loved the whole setup here and the reveal of it being an ad was amazing
Dwight's talking head at the end. HILARIOUS
Only bone to pick - you don't like Jello? WHAT? If you call it jelly like we do, does that make it any better??
Author's Response: As always, the cast is doing most of the work on the disclaimers, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! I am thrilled to finally let the story of Mose having gone nudist to ensure that the goats are fully clothed out into the world.
I'm afraid that calling it jelly just makes it seem more confusing, but not tastier.

Date: September 21, 2022 11:24 am Title: Jell-O TV Spot, "Oldest Trick in the Book." National campaign, first run 8/10/13.
Oh this was great fun. Dwight saying Jim put his stuff in Jello again in the Pilot obviously means Jim has pulled that prank before. Seeing how he continued it was tons of fun. And lovely beats there near the end now that Jim and Dwight are actual friends and can sit and enjoy some Jello together. Great job.
Author's Response: Yeah, I strongly believe this was a regular part of Jim's prank rotation. He just never thought Jell-o would be paying HIM.
I do love that Dwight and Jim are friends by the end of it all... but I'll also note that Jim has functionally convinced him to fully participate in pranking himself here.
Thanks as always for taking the time to read and review!