Hello Muddah by Gravity Defier
Summary: The ongoing saga of Jim and Pam from a maternal standpoint.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 8138 Read: 20095 Published: March 22, 2007 Updated: April 18, 2007
At Least It Gets Better With Age, Unlike The Singer by Gravity Defier
Author's Notes:

Jim's back in town and his mother is excited to see him, so of course she doesn't.  Title is a (cheap) shot at one Michael Lee Aday. 



Larissa turned away from the television and padded to the kitchen.  Grabbing a pair of oven mitts, she reached down and pulled out the meatloaf she'd been baking.  Meatloaf had always been Jim's favorite. 

"Need help?" Stephen asked, joining her from his own spot on the couch.  He leaned in quickly and kissed the corner of her mouth as she used the meat thermometer to make sure it was cooked. 

"Um, do you want to check on the corn?"  She smiled at her husband, who ambled over to the stove and lifted the lid on the small pot she had sitting there.  She knew he thought she was overdoing it, but she didn't care.  She hadn't seen her son in almost six months and she was going to keep him here for as long as she could.  If that meant having a twelve-course dinner, then that was what was going to happen. 

Jim had been back in Scranton for two days, today being his first back at work.  When he'd told Larissa he was moving back, she'd been elated, immediately planning a family dinner for tonight.  He would be here in half an hour, and she wanted everything perfect. 

She was pulled away from the pot of boiling potatoes on the stove by the ringing phone. 

"Oh, it's not happening," Stephen smirked, stirring the vegetables nonetheless.  Larissa shot him a dirty look before answering it. 

"Mom?" Jim asked, as if this hadn't been their phone number for twelve years. 

"Jimmy, what's up?  I just pulled the meatloaf out of the oven."  Larissa grinned. 

"Mom," he started, regret in his voice.  Larissa left the smile slide completely off her face.  "Look, I don't think I can make it." 

"Oh," is all she said in response.  Stephen came over next to her and grabbed her hand consolingly.  He knew how much she'd been looking forward to this. 

"Yeah, and I'm really sorry, but...it's just that some people from Stamford are going out together, and I feel like since I know what they were getting themselves into..." he trailed off. 

"Oh yeah.  Of course, you go spend time with them.  I'm sure they had a rough day."  Larissa knew what Jim's office was like and didn't blame the new recruits for wanting to start drinking at five in the afternoon.  She waited a few seconds, wanting to ask the question that was at the back of her throat.  Finally, she did.  "So, how was it seeing everyone?"

Jim paused, thinking the question over.  "It was...fine.  Dwight is still Dwight, Michael is still Michael..."

"How's Pam?" Larissa cut in, trying to move this conversation along. 

There was such a pause this time that Larissa thought his call had been dropped.  "She's..." he stopped again, searching for the right word.  "She's Pam.  We talked a little and, I don't know, I guess she wants to be friends."  She instantly heard the bitter edge Jim's voice had taken on. 

"Well, that's good, right?" Larissa pushed.

"Yeah," he said, his voice sounding tired, defeated.  "I guess things will just go back to how they were before I left.  That's what she wants."

Larissa frowned slightly.  Now knowing what to add, she said, "Well, have fun tonight, Jim.  Maybe we'll see you next week, huh?"

"If not there's always Christmas," Stephen cracked loud enough for Jim to hear him.

"Tell him I'm sorry," Jim said, sounding chagrined.

"Oh, he'll be fine.  This means more mashed potatoes for him anyway."  Larissa joked.

"Next week, definitely," Jim promised.

"Okay."  Larissa couldn't help herself.  "And Jim?  She didn't call off her wedding for no reason, so try not to be too hard on her, okay?"


And he hung up.


This story archived at http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=1430