Everything I Can't Say by elly , skeber
Summary: What if Pam had taken that Dunder Mifflin internship during Season 3? What would Jim think? An AU season 3 fic that deals with a side of Pam that we didn't get to see

"She's going to prove to everyone that she's not this fragile little flower that's waiting on Jim Halpert to ride up on his white horse and rescue her."
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related, Alternate Universe Characters: Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Inner Monologue, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 89299 Read: 118542 Published: February 17, 2008 Updated: July 10, 2008
Her eyes...That's where hope lies... by skeber
Author's Notes:
This is one of our favorite chapters. A lot of JAM goodness!! Enjoy!!

Jim woke up early Sunday morning. He pulled on some sweats and a sweatshirt and went for a long run. Then he showered, ate breakfast, cleaned up his room and started washing the weeks’ worth of dishes that had piled up in the sink.

“What’s up?” Mark asked coming into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.

“Nothing really.” Jim said wiping his hands on a dish towel. “Want some breakfast?”

Jim went over to the fridge to open it, but stopped when he saw the look on Mark’s face. “What?” He asked.

“You are in a ridiculously good mood. I mean you are up, dressed and are cleaning the kitchen and it’s not even 9:00 yet. Plus you’re offering to make me breakfast like your flippin’ Martha Stewart or something. What gives?”

“Can’t I just be in a good mood?”

“Well, considering the fact that you’ve been dark and depressing Jim for the past, who knows how many weeks? Now you’re all captain sunshine.”

Jim laughed. “Captain sunshine? Dude that has got to be the lamest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

“Whatever. Did Karen stop by for some post break-up…”

“Wow….” Jim interrupted. “That is not it at all. Fine if you have to know…I saw Pam.”

“And? I mean last time she was in town you came home without a girlfriend and spent the whole next day passed out on the couch.”

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that and no she didn’t come into town. Actually I went up to New York.”

“Really?” Mark asked pouring a bowl of cereal.

Yeah…and we had a really great time. I think things are going to be different now.”

“Well I hope so, because if you go back to depressing Jim, I will have to kick your ass.”

‘Thanks for the warning.”

“So…are you guys like together now?”

“I don’t know…we didn’t get that far.”

“Oh please…” Mark said rolling his eyes. “You guys have got to get it together.”

Jim nodded, “Yeah. I know.”

“So when are you going to see her again?” Mark asked through a mouth full of corn flakes.

“Next weekend. Going to go back up to the city.”

“Nice. So you up for some ball?”

“Are you sure you’re ready to get your ass kicked?”

Mark laughed, “Good to have you back man.”

“It’s good to be back.” Jim thought.


Pam slept in late on Sunday, waking up feeling totally refreshed for the first time in months. She went out to the kitchen to find a note from Natalee on the table.

**Had to meet Aidan’s parents for brunch. Be back this afternoon.**

Pam made herself some tea and sat down on the couch with a book and her cell phone near by. She didn’t want to be that girl that sat by the phone waiting for the guy to call, but she also didn’t want to be the girl that called constantly with nothing specific to say. Finally she put the book down, rinsed out her teacup and took a shower. She got dressed, did her hair and then made herself a sandwich. Finally she took her sketch book and her phone out onto the balcony. She had just opened her sketch book when her cell phone rang. She nervously set her book down on the table and picked up the phone. She tried to wave away the disappointment when she saw that it wasn’t Jim calling.

“Hey” she said flipping open the phone.

“Hey! What’s up?” Kate said.

“Oh nothing. Just working on some sketches. What’s up with you?”

“Not much. Just haven’t talked to you in a few days. Wanted to see how things were going.”

“Actually things are going really well.”

“Really?” Kate asked anxiously.

“Yeah…actually Jim came up to see me yesterday. I was going to call you last night, but I’ve just been trying to wrap my head around this.” Pam said picking up her sketch book again.

“He came to New York?”

“Yeah. Just showed up. I was leaving and I opened my door and there he was.”

“That’s great Pam! So what happened?”

“Nothing really. I mean we hung out all day. It was great. It was so nice having him there.”

“That’s it? You just hung out? You didn’t kiss him!?”

“No. There were a couple of moments where I thought we might. He held my hand though.” Pam smiled at the memory of the warmth of his hand around hers. She felt so giddy talking about it. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so giddy talking about boys with her sister.

“Pam, that’s great! When do you get to see him again?” Kate asked.

“Well I don’t know exactly. Hopefully next weekend. I haven’t really talked to him since he left yesterday.”

“So are you finally together or what?”

“I don’t know that either! We really didn’t talk about anything….serious. It was really nice though. Just spending that time with him.”

“I bet. So…”

Kate’s voice was cut off by a beep signaling that Pam had a call on the other line. Pam’s heart jumped when she saw Jim’s name flash on the screen.

“Kate? Sorry to interrupt you, but he is on the other line. Do you mind if I call you back later?”

“Of course not! You better fill me in!”

“I will! Bye Kate!”

Pam took a deep breath and then pushed the button to switch to the other line.


“Hey. How are you?”

“I am good. How are you?” Pam was glad that Jim couldn’t see the ridiculously huge smile that was on her face.

“I great. I just kicked Mark’s butt at basketball.”

“Congratulations. You must be so proud.”

“I am thanks. So what are you doing today?”

“I don’t know yet. Probably work on some things for class, maybe go to dinner with my roommate.”

“Wow Beesly. That sounds…just…wow.”

Pam laughed, “Okay Mr. Excitement. What big plans do you have?”

“Well…I already did the dishes, so I thought I might fold some laundry, maybe play a little x-box, take a nap. My day is jam packed.”

Pam giggled again softly. They joked and talked back and forth about nothing of great importance for nearly an hour, but despite the laughter and jokes, the thought that was on the forefront of both of their minds was where they stood and what the next step was going to be.

Finally Pam decided that she needed to break the ice. When there was a break in the conversation she decided that this was her chance.

“Jim. I think we need to talk…about some stuff.” She said walking back inside the apartment and sitting down the couch with her legs curled under her.

Jim could tell by the change in her tone that this was going to be it. He tried to settle his nerves before answering.

“You’re right. We do.”

“Well can I ask you a question?”


“Okay…well…I don’t really know if I want to know this, but…what happened with Karen?”

Jim took a deep breath. Better to get this out of the way first. “Well, Pam…honestly…I couldn’t give myself to Karen. Not fully anyways. I couldn’t give her what she wanted.”

“What did she want?” Pam asked tentatively.

“Well…she wanted my heart and I just couldn’t…” Jim trailed off.

“I’m sorry Jim.”

“Don’t be Pam. It was better that it ended. I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

They were silent for a few minutes. Then Pam started again. “Okay…so what now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Where do we go from here?”

“Where do you want to go?” Jim asked.

“Stop being difficult!” Pam laughed.

“Sorry! I just…want to see what you’re thinking before I…” Jim didn’t finish, but Pam understood. He had already put it all on the line and despite the fun they had been having and the closeness they were beginning to feel with each other once again she knew that he had every right to still be guarded. She knew what she was beginning to feel. She had a sense deep down that she had always been in love with him, but she had done such a good job of hiding it, even denying it that she was still a little hesitant about saying it out loud.

“Well…I know I want to spend more time with you. I know that I…I really…just want to be with you.”

She could almost hear Jim smile over the phone. “I want to be with you too Pam.”

He knew how much courage it took for her to admit that to him. He could tell how much she had changed by being in New York. He could see and hear the confidence that she had gained.

“Well good.” She said softly.

There was another pause and then she asked, “So are you okay with coming back up here this weekend?”

“Absolutely. What do you want to do?”

“Well I was thinking that maybe we could go to the Met. I’d really like to show you some of the things we’ve been working on.”

“I would love to do that.”

“Really?” Pam knew that this was going to take some getting used too. Any time she suggested an idea of something to do to Roy he would brush it off or tell her that he already made plans.

“Of course. Then we could go to dinner afterwards.”

“Sounds great.”

“I was thinking I could leave a bit early on Friday…like around 4:30. That’d be me in the city around 6:30 or 7:00 depending on traffic.”

“That’d be perfect. Are you sure you don’t mind coming back up here?”

“Not at all. Pam…seriously. I want to do it. I’ll have to check and see what hotels are around.”

“Well you could always stay here.” The minute Pam said it she began to blush, hoping that he wouldn’t get the wrong idea. “I mean…we have a nice pull-out couch…or….” She was stumbling now not knowing quite what to say.

“By pull-out couch do you mean futon?”

Pam loved the way that Jim didn’t make her feel stupid or embarrassed…just made her laugh.

No…we’re a bit classier than that.”

“Are you sure your roommate would be okay with that?”

“Of course. It would be great.”

“Well okay then it’s settled.” Jim smiled.

“Hey!!” Natalee said walking in and closing the front door. “Oh sorry!” She whispered when she saw the phone in Pam’s hand.

“It’s Jim…” Pam mouthed pointing to the phone.

Natalee smiled and gave Pam thumbs up.

“Pam?” Jim asked.

“Oh sorry. Natalee…my roommate just walked in. What did you say?”

“Oh it’s no problem. Actually, I just said that I had to get going. I told Mark that I’d go grab some pizza with him.”


“I’ll call you later tonight, okay?”

“Okay!” Pam said trying to sound cheerful. She hated having to say goodbye to him.

“Talk to you soon!”

“Bye Pam.”

Pam hung up and pressed her hand against her lips. She thought that she would be used to missing him by now, but she couldn’t ignore the ache inside of her every time they said goodbye.

Pam was looking forward to the start of the week. She was going to be really busy being as she had two big assignments due for class and the art show that she and Natalee had been helping prep was only a couple of weeks away. She hoped that with as busy as she was going to be that it would make the week pass by fast. She could hardly wait for Friday, to see him again, to feel his arms around her. He sent her a text early Monday morning containing a picture of Dwight staring at his bobble head. As much as she loved being in New York, part of her wished she was back in Scranton, with Jim. Laughing at Dwight and eating sandwiches on the roof. She tried not to think too much about it because if she did then she would begin to feel regret. Regret about the moments that were lost and the fact that she had realized too late how he felt, and more importantly how she felt. She knew that it wouldn’t do any good to dwell on that fact. She could only continue to try and make it up to him…and to herself.


Tuesday night, Pam and Natalee were driving home late from the museum. Pam was leaning her head against the window with her eyes closed. It had been a long day and she was exhausted.

“Oh… I forgot there was something I have to ask you.” Natalee said.

Pam lifted her head and turned to look at Natalee.

“Aidan called me today and told me that his firm is having a big dinner/dance gala thing at the plaza this weekend. You know…big black tie event. He wanted to know if maybe you and Jim would like to come with us.”

“Oh wow. That sounds amazing. I would love to go. I’ll ask Jim tonight and let you know. I’m sure he’d like to go.”

“Great! It’s Saturday night, so it won’t conflict with your big plans for Friday!”

“Is it totally stupid that I am nervous? I mean this is like our first official date.”

“It’s a big deal. It will be great though.”

When they got home Pam changed into some pajamas and then lay down on her bed. She flipped open her phone and quickly dialed Jim’s number.

“Hey.” He said his voice deep and slightly hoarse. Pam’s stomach fluttered at the sound of it.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No….” Jim said lightly.

“You’re such a liar. I’m sorry. I know it’s late.”

“Naw…sleep is overrated.”

Pam laughed softly. “I’ll make this quick. Natalee invited us to this dinner thing at Aidan’s PR firm on Saturday night. It’s a big, formal thing. I totally understand if you don’t want to go. I thought it might be fun, but if you don’t feel up for that we definitely don’t have to go. I mean you’d have to dress up and everything and….”

“Pam…” Jim interjected. “Whoa….”

“Sorry…I just…” Pam couldn’t finish. She knew why she was talking so fast, trying to convince him before he could say no. She was so used to having to do that with Roy. She always felt like if there was ever anything that she really wanted to do she had to argue it until she was blue in the face and even then most of the time he would find some excuse to get out of it. Pam didn’t want this to become a habit, comparing Jim to Roy, especially as she was learning more and more that they were absolutely nothing alike, but she also knew that it was going to take some time to break out of the habit of being quiet, submissive Pam. The Pam that did whatever she was told because she lacked the courage to do otherwise.

“Pam?” Jim asked. Tears filled her eyes as she thought of what her life had been before and the hope of what it could be now, with Jim.

She sniffed, hoping he couldn’t hear it. “Yeah?”

“Do you want to go?”

“I think it would be fun…”

“Then let’s go.”

“You don’t mind? You’ll have to dress up.”

“Pam…honestly…as long as I get to be with you I don’t care what we do.”

Pam sniffed again, a bit louder this time.

“What’s wrong?” Jim asked with such tenderness in his voice that Pam finally let a few tears fall.

“Nothing…I’m just…happy.”

“Yeah…you really sound like it.” Jim laughed.

“No seriously. I am. I am really happy. I’m in….” Pam stopped suddenly, shocked by how easily those three words were going to come out.

Jim waited, unable to breathe, to see what she would say next. It certainly sounded like she was going to tell him that she was in love with him, but he didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

“I’m just really happy.” Pam said finally.

“Good. So am I.” Jim said softly. He had hoped that she was going to say something else, but he also knew that it might take some time before they were finally able to admit that to each other out loud. “So…it’s a formal thing right?”

“Yeah…so you’re going to have to save the Dwight costume for another event.”


“Great…now I have to start at square one.”

They talked for a while longer and then said goodbye. Pam set her phone down on the nightstand and sat stiffly on the edge of her bed. She couldn’t believe that she had almost told him that she was in love with him. She had just fully come to the realization herself. She had been sitting there listening to his voice, slightly husky, but as always she could hear the thoughtfulness and attentiveness in his voice. It was then that it hit her like a Mack truck. She was in love with him, probably always had been. It was racing through her mind a million miles an hour and that is when she realized that she had almost said it aloud. She stopped suddenly hoping he wouldn’t notice what she had almost said. She knew that she needed to tell him, she wanted to tell him, but part of her wanted to wait a little longer to see if he gave her any inclination that he felt the same way. She knew it was a bit selfish of her, knowing that he had told her that he was in love with her, not expecting anything in return. She tossed and turned all night, torn between wanting to call him back right then to tell him and waiting because when she did say it she really didn’t want to do it over the phone.

Wednesday passed by as quickly as Tuesday did. Pam was getting anxious waiting for Friday. She could hardly wait to see him again. When she got home Wednesday night she sat down in front of her computer with a bowl of soup and opened her e-mail. They still had to define plans for Friday. As she was typing in his e-mail an IM suddenly popped up on screen.

JHalpert: Hey

Pam smiled loving how even a simple greeting over an instant message could make her feel weak in the knees. She took a bite of soup and typed back.

PBeesly: Hey yourself

JHalpert: What are you doing?

PBeesly: Eating soup

JHalpert: What kind?

PBeesly: Chicken noodle. Is there any other kind?

JHalpert: Well I am quite partial to the classic tomato. Goes quite well with grilled cheese.

PBeesly: Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything else from you! So, what are you doing?

JHalpert: Nothing really. I was hanging out with my brother. He came over to watch the game and is now passed out on my bed…and snoring very loudly I might add.

PBeesly: Wow. I feel so much better now that I know that.

JHalpert: I thought you might.

PBeesly: So how was your day?

JHalpert: Well I spent about an hour trying to convince Dwight that Ryan will try and take his place when he graduates from business school and it kind of backfired. Dwight spent the rest of the afternoon making a 14 point plan about why he will always be a better employee. I had to sit for the rest of the afternoon listening to him groan and say “He’ll never win” over and over again.

PBeesly: Well how does the plan look?

JHalpert: I think it might be some of his best work up to this point.

PBeesly: Make sure you tell him good luck for me.

JHalpert: I definitely will. So what are you up to tonight?

PBeesly: I was actually going to e-mail you right when you IM’d me. Wanted to see if you wanted to finalize plans for this weekend.

JHalpert: Yeah. I was thinking about that today. I have a sales call at 3:30, but I can leave straight from there, so I will be on my way around 4:30. I was thinking maybe I could pick you up at your apartment…like a real date…if that’s okay.

PBeesly: That would be great. Then we could go to the museum and then grab some dinner?

JHalpert: Perfect

PBeesly: I’m really looking forward to it.

JHalpert: So am I. I think it will be a great weekend.

PBeesly: Me too. Well, I hate to cut this short, but I have to finish up some work on my project that is due tomorrow.

JHalpert: I should go too. I have to figure out a way to get Jon off my bed before he ends up staying there all night.

PBeesly: Well good luck with that.

JHalpert: Thanks Beesly. Sleep tight.


Thursday seemed to drag with the anticipation of Friday being right around the corner building. Pam’s mind kept wandering and she had a hard time focusing on her work. Finally it was lunch time and she and Natalee were able to escape to the deli around the corner.

“Please tell me why I am so nervous about this weekend.” Pam asked as she took a bite of her turkey sandwich.

“Because you know that this is the start of something huge. I can’t believe that you haven’t kissed him yet.” Natalee said.

“Well it’s not because I didn’t want too.” Pam laughed.

“I know, I know. But if this whole weekend goes by without it…”

“It won’t if I have anything to say about it…” Pam said boldly.

“Slut!” Natalee said with a wink.

The two dissolved into laughter as they finished up their lunch.

“I think I’m going to have to go shopping again.” Pam said as they walked back to the museum. “I don’t have a dress to wear on Saturday.”

She thought of the two dresses that she owned. One was the blue gray dress she had worn to Phyllis’s wedding and the other was the periwinkle dress that she had worn that night. Neither dress held memories that Pam wanted present this weekend. For Phyllis’s wedding she had dressed herself up with the slight intention of making Jim jealous. Now things had changed and she wanted to start with a clean slate.

“You know I am always up for that.” Natalee said. “Although I think I might have the perfect dress for you. We’ll go home and you can try it on.”

“Definitely. You know I can’t do it without your expertise!”

“Well obviously…” Natalee said with a smile.

Pam woke up early Friday morning, unable to sleep at all. She quickly showered, ate breakfast and got dressed for class. Her stomach was in knots. She kept pacing back and forth making sure that the apartment was cleaned up and that there were clean pillows and sheets for the pull-out bed. Finally Natalee pulled her out of the apartment saying that she was going to walk a rut into the floor with all the pacing she was doing. She sat numbly in class, watching the moments tick by on the clock. Her last class didn’t end until quarter to six, so she wasn’t going to have much time to get ready. After what seemed like forever the clock finally read 5:45. She threw all of her stuff in her bag and rushed out to the parking garage.

When she finally pulled into the parking lot at her apartment it was 6:05. She raced upstairs, hopped in the shower and then hurried into her room to get dressed. She pulled on a pair of gray wide leg trousers and a simple white button up shirt. Then she finished the outfit with a deep blue cropped cardigan. She slipped on some cute, but comfortable black ballet flats that she had borrowed from Natalee. She ran some mousse through her hair and then blow dried it so that it softly curled around her face. She carefully applied some make-up, trying not to overdo it. Finally she stepped back and admired herself in the mirror. ‘Not half bad…’ she thought as she looked at her watch. It was 6:40. She went out into the living room to wait. She getting annoyed with herself at how nervous she was. She paced back and forth, sat on the couch, stood up again and then finally made herself sit still. She glanced at her watch again 6:45. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest when she heard the knock at the door. She quickly checked her hair in the hallway mirror, took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves and then opened the door. He was standing there wearing a pair of khaki pants and a green sweater with the sleeves slightly pushed up showing off his forearms.

“Hi!” Pam said excitedly. Then without thinking she stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He responded immediately, snaking his long arms around her waist. Finally Pam broke away and flushed at the huge smile that was on Jim’s face.

“Hey yourself.” he said, extending out his arm to reveal a beautiful bouquet of peach, orange and white Gerber daisies.

“Oh Jim! These are beautiful!” she said taking them from him and shivering slightly as his fingers brushed hers. “Come on in.” she said stepping back so he could enter the apartment. He stepped into the entry way pushing his hands deep into his pockets.

“Wow,” he said looking around the living room. “What a great place.”

“I know. Hard to believe Dunder Mifflin owns this.” Pam laughed reaching under the sink for a vase.

“Awesome view too.” he said peering out onto the balcony.

“Yeah…I spend a lot of time out there.” she carefully set the vase on the table and went to stand by him.

Jim turned to Pam and said, “You look amazing by the way.”

“Thank you. You don’t look half bad yourself.” Pam said with a shy grin.

“Oh thanks.” Jim said with a small laugh. His eyes met hers and she felt the flush return to her cheeks. He slowly reached out and took her hand gently in his. She took a step towards him and he pulled her into another warm hug. She loved the feel of his arms around her. She leaned her head on his chest, broad and muscular under her cheek.

“I missed you.” Jim whispered against her hair. Some might have taken that comment as that he missed not seeing her for the past week, but they both knew that it encompassed so much more than that.

She pulled him a little bit closer to her and whispered back, “I missed you too.”

Finally Jim pulled away and looked down at her. “You ready to go?”

“Yup. Let me just grab my coat.” She grabbed her coat and purse from the closet and then opened the front door.

They walked down to Jim’s car and he opened the passenger door for her. They made comfortable small talk as they drove to the museum. They parked and Jim got out and opened the door for Pam. She carefully climbed out and smiled up at him. Feeling brave she reached out and grasped his hand. A look of surprise flashed briefly across his face, but then he relaxed and gently squeezed her hand.

They spent over an hour at the museum. Pam pointed out different paintings that she liked and showed him the different exhibits that she had helped prep for the big show. Jim said very little, just watched the light in Pam’s eyes and the smile on her face as she pulled him from room to room. He had seen this side of her when it came to art only a couple of times before. The one that he remembered most clearly had been when she had told him about the Dunder Mifflin internship the first time Jan had mentioned it to her. Her eyes had lit up and he had seen something there that he had never seen before. He the immediate change in her demeanor when had told him that she wasn’t going to do it. Despite the front she had put up that it wasn’t that big of a deal, he could see the hurt and longing in her eyes and he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and promise her that if she would just give him a chance he would show her that there was so much more out there for her…for them.

But now the spark was back, the light was in her eyes and he was the one that got to share it with her.

Finally Pam stopped and took a breath. “I am so sorry. I have been talking nonstop for like an hour. I sometimes get too carried away. I’m sorry.”

Jim smiled and shook his head. “Why are you sorry? I love that you are showing this to me. It’s great to see what you get to look at every day.”

Pam felt a surge rush through her body as she looked at him, further confirming the realization she had come too earlier that week. “Well there is just one more room and then we can go to dinner.”

“Take your time.” He said.

Eventually they made their way out of the museum and decided to walk to the few block to the restaurant. Jim kept casting sideways glances at Pam while they walked. The desire to kiss her was growing stronger by the minute. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait. Despite the overall painful memories associated with Casino Night, there was a moment that he held close to his heart and he swore that at times he could still feel the sweetness of her lips on his.

They went to a quiet, small Italian restaurant for dinner. The candlelight and small tables made for an intimate setting. They both ordered the chicken parmesan and shared a piece of tiramisu. After Jim paid the bill, they made their way back towards the museum. Pam pulled her coat closer around her to ward off the chill of the night air. They walked hand in hand block after block just talking and thoroughly enjoying being with each other. The lights of the city provided a great backdrop. They talked about their childhoods and told each other funny stories of things they had done when they were younger. He loved hearing about how she got her first set of art pencils when she was 10 and had drawn on every piece of paper in sight, including her dad’s tax forms. Pam’s eyes filled with tears from laughing so hard when Jim told her about the first prank he ever played and how it ended with his mom hosing mud off of him in the backyard. The sound of her laughter was music to his ears. They both knew that they had a lot to catch up on, so many lost moments to make up for.

Jim stopped walking and Pam turned to face him, her cheeks pink from the cold and from laughing so much. She had the most beautiful smile on her face, and Jim knew that if he wasn’t already madly in love with her this would have pushed him over the edge. This moment reminded him so much of the booze cruise, trying to say everything that he was feeling with a look. Only this time the smile didn’t fade from her face under the intensity of his gaze. Instead she stepped closer to him and brought her hands up to rest lightly on his chest. His heart began to beat fiercely in his chest as she looked into his eyes. She smiled warmly and then softly grasping on the lapels of his coat pulled him down until his lips met hers. Pam felt the electricity of the kiss shoot all the way down to her toes. She felt her knees go weak and she stumbled slightly, gripping his coat tighter for fear that she would fall. His hands rested lightly on her waist, pulling her closer.

She slowly pulled away only to look into his eyes and whisper, “I’m in love with you Jim.”

Jim felt as if time had frozen. He could of sworn that his heart completely stopped beating at that moment. Could he have heard her right? He had waited for this moment for four years and his mind was such a blur from the kiss that he wasn’t sure if she had really said it or if he had imagined it.

“What?” He said huskily.

Pam began to feel nervous; maybe it was too much too soon. She quickly ducked her head, but she knew she had to muster the courage to finish.

“I am in love with you Jim. I am so in love with you. I think I always have been and I am so….so sorry that it took me so long to realize it.”

Finally Pam dared to look back up at him and froze when she saw the look his face. It was so similar that the look that he had had on his face that night, tears forming in his eyes, his hands shaking slightly. One small tear escaped from his eyes and made its way down his cheek, but this time it was accompanied by a smile. He didn’t answer, just bent back down and pressed his lips firmly against hers. She could feel wetness on her cheek, but she couldn’t tell if it was from him…or from her. She was fairly certain that she had never felt happier in her entire life than she did at this moment. Finally, they had made it to this point. This kiss was longer, much longer and filled with a thousand unspoken words. When Jim finally pulled away he reached up and brushed a curl from her face, his hand lingering gently on her cheek.

“You have no idea…how long I have wanted to hear you say that.” He said finally. He took a deep breath. “I am in love with you too. I love you so….so much.”

She grinned up at him blinking back the tears of happiness that fell down her cheeks.

“Good…” she said before standing up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him again.

Eventually they made their way back to the museum where Jim’s car was parked. Even though they still had two days together they didn’t want the magic of this evening to end. Jim leaned back against his car and wrapped his arms tightly around Pam’s waist. He pulled her to him and rested his chin lightly against her hair, breathing in the fruity, fresh scent of it. She hugged him tightly while they talked. She leaned back and looked up at him and he dipped his head to kiss her again. He loved this, the fact that he could now kiss her whenever he wanted. Each kiss was better than the last, a little deeper and longer and with more passion. She gasped softly as his teeth nipped at her bottom lip. He loved the way that her fingers threaded through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp. Finally he pulled away from her a little breathless and grinned down at her.

“I love you…” he said, just because he could.

The sound of those words made Pam’s heart swell. She couldn’t believe that this was happening.

She stretched up and pressed a couple of soft kisses against his cheek and along the firmness of his jaw line. “I love you too…” she whispered.

Finally, they got into the car and drove back to Pam’s apartment, hands interlocked tightly. They both were feeling like they had to hold on as long as they could, that for some reason if they stopped touching then this would all disappear. Jim got out of the car and opened Pam’s door for her. She got out and then wrapped her arm through his resting her hand lightly on his bicep, secretly pleased at the firm muscles she felt beneath his coat.

“Well here we are.” Pam said as she unlocked the front door.

Hey!” Natalee said from the kitchen table as Pam led Jim into the apartment.

“Hey!” She wrapped her arm back through Jim’s and said, “Natalee, this is Jim. Jim this is my roommate Natalee.”

“Its nice to meet you.” Jim said extending his hand politely.

“It’s great to finally meet you Jim.” Natalee said standing up and walking over to shake his hand. “Pam has told me so much about you.” She tried to stifle a laugh as she saw Pam roll her eyes behind Jim’s shoulder.

“Well I’ll just leave now then.” Jim said, turning slightly towards the door.

Natalee and Pam both laughed as Pam peeled off her coat and hung it up in the closet.

“Do you want me to take your coat?” Pam asked.

“Actually, I have to run back down to my car and grab my bag. I forgot to bring it up with me.”

“Oh okay. Do you need help?”

“No, that’s okay. I can handle one small duffle bag. Plus it’s cold out. I’ll be right back.” he gave Pam’s hand a squeeze and then headed out the door.

Natalee waited until the door closed behind him before turning to Pam and squealing, “Okay! Hurry…fill me in.”

“Well we definitely had a productive evening.”

Natalee raised her eyebrow at Pam questioningly, causing Pam to blurt out, “Wait…no! Not like that!”

Natalee laughed, “At least tell me that you kissed him.”

“Well….” Pam said, pausing dramatically.

“You suck!” Natalee yelled. “Just tell me.”

“Yes I kissed him…a lot!” Pam said with a laugh. “I also told him that I was in love with him.”

“You did? Oh my gosh Pam! What did he say?”

“He said he was in love with me too.”

Natalee squealed again and threw her arms around Pam. “I am so excited for you!”

“Thanks! I still can’t believe it. It’s like any moment I am going to wake up from this dream. It’s crazy.”

“This is great Pam! I am so glad I finally got to meet him. He seems great.”

“He really is.” Pam said with a smile.

“So….” Natalee asked expectantly.

“What?” Pam said.

“Is he a good kisser?”

“Natalee…” Pam exclaimed rolling her eyes with mock exaggeration. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Oh whatever…” Natalee said. “Come on…spill it.”

“Well…if you MUST know. Yes, he is a good kisser. A VERY good kisser.”

“He looks like he would be.” Natalee said. Pam began to blush and Natalee laughed as the redness spread across her cheeks.

“Excuse me….but don’t you already have a boyfriend?” Pam asked with a wink.

“Well he’s a good kisser too….” Natalee said blatantly.

“Glad to hear it…” Pam said. They both started laughing and then their laughter was interrupted by a knock at the door. Pam hurried over to it and opened it.

Jim took a look at Pam’s flushed face and then glanced over at Natalee who was trying desperately to compose herself.

“Do I want to know?” he asked stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.

Nope…not even a little bit.” Pam said.

“Got it.” Jim set his bag on the floor next to the wall and pulled off his coat.

Well…” Natalee said. “It’s late and I am off to bed. It was really great to meet you Jim.”

“ You too. Have a good night.”

Jim knelt down to pull something out of his bag and while he was bent down Natalee caught Pam’s eye, mouthed “Slut” and with a wink was gone.

Pam just smiled and shook her head as Jim stood back up holding his cell phone charger.

“Can I plug this in somewhere?” he asked.

Yeah. Um…let’s put your stuff in my room. You can plug your phone in there.”

“Ok…” Jim said following Pam into her room. He stood tentatively in the doorway, suddenly unsure about being in Pam’s bedroom. She set his bag down on the desk chair and then turned to look at him.

“What are you doing?” she asked when she saw him leaning slightly against the door frame.

“I…don’t know.” Jim said with a laugh. “So this is your room?”

“This is my room.” Pam said. “It’s not much…but it works.”

“It’s nice.” Jim said noticing the easel in the corner and the pile of art books on the desk.

“Thanks…” Pam said sitting down on the bed. She glanced at the clock by her bed. “Oh wow. I can’t believe it’s almost one in the morning.”

“I know. It’s gone by so fast already.” Jim said bravely moving to sit next to her on the bed. She turned to look at him and he cupped her chin in his hand and pressed his lips gently against hers.

“This has been an amazing night.” Pam said.

“You have no idea…” he said breathlessly kissing her again.

Their kisses became deeper and Pam found herself leaning back slowly on the bed pulling Jim with her. He placed his hand behind her head as she pulled him down. She let her hand roam over his back, loving the way the muscles rippled in his back. Despite the intensity of the kisses Jim was extremely careful, not wanting to push too far too fast. He kept one hand behind her head and the other moved gently from her arm to her hair and briefly to her waist. She ran her hands up his back and then into his hair. She could kiss him forever, she thought. This was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Making out with Roy had always had to lead to one thing and one thing only. It was almost like making out with her was a burden to him…just a way to make her semi-happy so he could get what he wanted. But just like with everything else Jim was totally different. He was respectful and gentle, showing his love for her in the way he kissed her and not just trying to get to the point.

Eventually, Jim gently pulled away and sat up slowly. He knew he had to stop now or it would be too late. He looked down at her, her curls spread out on the bed, lips slightly swollen and he smiled.

“You’re so beautiful.” he said taking her hand and pulling her up to sit next to him. He placed his hand on her cheek and gave her one more long, deep kiss before standing up.

“I guess I should go change.” he said grabbing his bag from the chair.

“Oh…uh…bathroom…down the hall…left.” Pam managed to squeak out and then he walked out leaving her breathless and shaking slightly on the edge of her bed. Finally she was able to stand up. She closed the bedroom door and then grabbed some pajamas out of her dresser. She quickly slipped them on and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She opened the bedroom door and sat back down on her bed. Soon, Jim came back in, wearing faded blue pajama pants and a gray Penn State sweatshirt, his hair slightly ruffled. ‘Amazing how he looks good in everything, even pajamas’, Pam thought as he set his bag back down on the chair. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist. He pulled her close and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I guess I better go to bed.” Jim said reluctantly.

“Oh…yeah…” Pam said, but she didn’t let go. “Um….” she started.

Jim looked down at her quizzically.

“Do you think that maybe you could stay here with me for a little while?” she finally asked.

“Absolutely.” Jim said. He took her hand and pulled her over to the bed. She pulled back the covers and got into bed. Jim turned off the light and walked over to the other side and then paused, debating whether to just lay on top of the covers or get into the bed with her. She smiled as the dilemma played clearly on his face. She didn’t say anything, just flipped down the blanket on his side and patted the mattress. He laughed and then climbed into the bed next to her. If someone would have told him a month ago that he would now be laying in bed with Pam, feeling like his heart would explode from happiness he would have told them they were insane.

He lay down and put his arm around Pam. She snuggled up close to him, breathing in the smell of him. He smelled incredible, sort of spicy and warm. She remembered back to when he would lean in close over the reception desk or to whisper something to her about Michael and she could catch a trace of his scent. She also remembered how after he would walk away she would desperately try to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, wondering what he was doing to her. She lay her head on his chest and he brought one hand up to softly stroke her hair.

“I love you.” she whispered as her eyes slowly closed.

“I love you too.” Jim said unable to contain the huge smile that crossed his face

End Notes:
Reviews are like seeing Jim and Pam kiss in Money....AMAZING!!!

Please review!!

Some visuals....

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg148/jinxcoke/Jimsweater.jpg] [/URL]
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