Rebound by warrior4
Summary: AU to the ending of "Benihana Christmas." Yes, another one, but hey it's fun.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Alternate Universe Characters: Danny Cordray, Jim/Pam, Karen, Roy, Ryan
Genres: Holiday, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 16189 Read: 13046 Published: March 21, 2019 Updated: April 11, 2019
Courage by warrior4
Author's Notes:
So jumping in where we left off last time. 

Bliss. Pure, unadulterated, no-other-word-for-it bliss. Pam couldn’t think of any other way to describe the feeling of Jim kissing her. So, she didn’t. Overanalyzing things in the past had only caused heartache, so this time she wasn't going to think. She was just going to hold on to Jim and kiss him for as long as she could. She did notice things though. His hair was just as soft as she remembered it. His arms were just as warm. His lips were just as smooth as they glided over hers. He even smelled the same. The only thing that was different was the fear she’d felt last May was gone. Sure, somewhere deep down she knew there was a thing called Jim’s girlfriend, but at that moment she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was they were together and they were kissing. That is until Roy’s angry shout caused both of them to break apart.

“Get your skinny ass away from her!” Roy bellowed as he started stomping towards them.

Oh crap, not good! Pam knew Roy was quickly building up a head of steam. He’d never been violent in the past, but his angry tirades were something she most assuredly did not miss. Casting her eyes around her she saw one of the extra trays of candy she’d set out on her desk. The whole not thinking thing came into effect again. Before she knew it, she’d grabbed a handful of mini candy canes and hurled them at Roy’s face.

Being assaulted by flying candy was the last thing Roy was expecting. His hands flew to his face as the candies bounced off. The act did get him to stop in his tracks and glare at Pam. “What the hell?”

“Roy stop it!” Pam yelled back at him as she stepped forward to put herself between Roy and Jim. “Don’t you dare try anything! Just leave us alone!”

“Leave you alone! I walk in to find that asshole making out with my girl and I’m supposed to leave you alone?!”

Pam felt shock mix in with her anger. She got over it quickly as she folded her arms across her chest and glared back at Roy. “Your girl? You’ve got to be kidding! I am not your girl! Not now! Not ever again!”

Roy glared back equally at her. “Come on Pam. You know you don’t mean that.”

If anything, the comment made Pam glare harder at Roy. “Of course, I mean that. Or was me giving back the engagement ring and telling you the wedding was off last summer not a clear enough hint? I mean I know most guys don’t get subtlety but I thought that was pretty damn clear.”

“Pam,” Roy said in a very patronizing tone. “I’ve known you since fifth grade. I know you’re angry at me. You just need time to cool down and we’ll be alright.” His hands curled into fists as he turned his attention back to Jim. “That’s right before I give this jag-off the beating that’s coming to him.”


Pam was breathing hard so hard she didn’t feel the sting in her hand. For an instant she took a small bit of pleasure in the hand-sized red mark that had just materialized on Roy’s left cheek. She didn’t feel the earlier roiling anger that had sprung up with Roy’s arrival. Now it was a low but intense white flame that had her speaking with a slow chill to her voice. “Shut your damn mouth for once and pay attention.” She pointed a finger directly at his face. “For the last time, we are done, over, ended. I’m not your girlfriend, your fiancé, your anything. I tried to be nice and see if we could still be friends, but I don’t even want that anymore. The only thing we are now is co-workers. If I have to, I’ll talk to you about company related topics but that’s it.”

Roy was holding a hand to his face where Pam had slapped him. Shock was clearly written into his eyes which was slowly morphing into despair as he listened to Pam’s words. “But I’m doing everything you said. I’m working out, paying attention to you, stopped drinking, all that stuff you said you didn’t like. I even got you that book with the paintings you said you wanted. I’m doing all those changes for you.”

“I never asked you to change for me Roy,” Pam was back to having her arms crossed. “I asked you for space, which you never gave me. Coming up every day with the whole chicken or fish thing. Saying the machine downstairs was out of soda when I know for a fact it was full. I asked Daryl about it after a while. Showing up at Kelly’s Diwali party when neither you or any of the other Warehouse staff was invited. Asking me out to Poor Richards tonight. Hell! I’ll bet when you saw that ambulance leave and my car still in the parking lot you had this whole vision of grandeur thing where you’d rush in, save the day, and we’d head back your apartment where I’d just tear my clothes off and throw myself at you.
You may think you’ve changed, but it’s the same song, just a different tune. You’re still only thinking about yourself, not about me.”

“So that’s it then?” Roy looked utterly defeated. “After all the time we’ve been together you’re choosing him?”

Pam turned and looked at Jim. She quickly stepped to Jim’s side and wrapped an arm around his waist. She was more than pleased when she felt his arm drape across her shoulder. “In a heartbeat. Jim gets me in a way you never have. And spare me the whole puppy dog eyes thing. Grow up. We’re adults, not in high school anymore. It’s high time you figured that out. Now I’m going to tell you this for the last time. Leave us alone.”

Roy opened and closed his mouth a few times but made no move to leave. Pam was about to lay into him again when she felt Jim gently squeeze her shoulder. She looked up at him and caught the small shake of his head.

“Roy,” Jim’s voice was all business. “I want to remind you of a few things. First, the security camera in the corner that has video evidence that makes it very clear that you were about to attack either me or Pam. Both of which are fireable offenses. Second, I am the Assistant Manager of this branch and Daryl’s immediate supervisor. Which means I’m also your supervisor. Pam has said in no uncertain terms that, outside of any strictly professional duties, she doesn’t want to see you. If you make contact with her in any way that’s not related to your job, I can and will start workplace harassment paperwork on her behalf. I have no doubt that Toby will agree with me.”

“You can’t do that,” Roy said in a half-hearted sort of way. “We’re not on the clock right now.”

“Not on the clock maybe,” Jim told him. “But we’re still on company property. Also, part of the agreement we have with the documentary crew allows us to use that footage to investigate things like this. Do the right thing Roy. Turn around and walk away.”

Finally, Roy admitted defeat. He looked back and forth between Jim and Pam a few times before slowly he turned and walked back towards the hall. He paused for a second as he reached the door and looked back at Pam. She didn’t say anything just gave him a look that confirmed everything she’d told him. With a sigh, Roy hung his head and left the office.

Pam let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. At the same time, she heard Jim exhale as well. Adrenaline was still coursing through her veins and she started taking deep breaths in an attempt to control her racing heartbeat. It was Jim who finally broke the silence.

“Remind me never to get on your bad side Beesly. Either that or I’ll have to grow, like a full beard to give myself some cushion against your hand.”

Unbidden images jumped into Pam’s mind. Hmmm, Jim with a beard? That could be fun. I wonder what it would feel like against me? I’ll have to practice with all that lovely chest hair of his. Wait! Hold on. He’s technically still with Karen. Don’t get ahead of yourself. There’s still a lot you’ve got to work through with him. Might as well start now.

She turned to face him again. “Duly noted.” She took another calming breath. “I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s been a long time coming if I’m honest. Clearly Roy didn’t think I was serious last summer. I was hoping we’d be able to stay on good terms, but I guess not.”

Jim put his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t be sorry. What Roy did is not in any way your responsibility. But you! What you did there? Standing up for us like that? That was incredible! I mean when I think of all the times, I saw Roy blow you off and compare that to what I just witnessed? You’re amazing! Fancy New Beesly indeed!”

Pam felt her face flame at the compliment. “Thank you. I’ll have to add that the whole ‘I am the Assistant Manager,’ thing was also very attractive. I mean don’t get me wrong I love the playful prankster, but that confident decisive Jim I just saw there...” She couldn’t stop the slight shiver that ran down her arms. “You should defiantly let that side out more often.”

“As you wish,” Jim leaned down fully intent on kissing her again.

“Jim, hold on,” Pam put up a hand to stave him off. She waited until he straitened up again. “Not that I don’t love kissing you. Because I absolutely love kissing you. But, I mean, I don’t think it’s fair to anyone if we’re standing here kissing and you’re still technically with Karen.”

Jim hung his head of a moment, before looking at her again. “No, you’re right. That’s not fair. But don’t you worry about anything. I was planning on heading home for the night before all this happened. Now I think I need to make a detour over to the Hampton Inn.”

“Want me to join you?” Pam asked. “I mean not like there in the room or anything, but, like, I could drive you over there for, you know moral support.”

She saw him consider the offer for a second before he replied. “Thanks, but no. This is something I need to do on my own.”

“Okay,” she said quietly. “We have a lot to talk about. If it’s not too late after you talk to Karen, you’re welcome to come over. I don’t have any plans for the weekend and if this really is the start of you and me, I want to make sure we do it right.”

“That sounds good,” he said as he pulled her into a hug. “This is the start of you and me. I think it’s fair to say we’ve both made a few mistakes over the last year. I really want this to work, so yes, I’m on board with making sure we talk things out.”

Pam nodded into his chest. “I’m glad to hear that. Take as much time as you need. I’ll be waiting.”

Jim stepped back from his embrace. “Thank you.”

Gathering their things, they turned off the lights to the office. Jim made sure the door was locked behind them as Pam called for the elevator. Stepping in together, Jim reached out to interlace his fingers with hers. She smiled up at him, before she leaned her head on his shoulder. He walked her to her car and was about to help her brush off the traces of snow that had started collecting when she let out a quick shout.

“Oh shoot!” Her hands went to her face.

“What?!” Jim looked at her with alarm.

“Dwight!” Pam exclaimed. “He’ll be here in less than fifteen minutes for his helicopter pick-up.”

Jim shook his head. “Would you believe in all the excitement I forgot about that?”

Pam grinned back at him. “Yeah, I could see how that would have slipped your mind. What do you say we pull our cars out of the lot and watch the show before you head over to the hotel?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jim grinned back.

In quick order they’d parked their cars around the block and walked back to hide in an alleyway across the street from their building. Right on time Dwight’s Trans Am skidded into the parking lot. Despite the cold of the night, Pam felt very warm when Jim slid his arms around her waist as Dwight let himself into the building and disappeared from view. A few minutes later they caught glimpses of his orange hunting cap pacing back and forth across the roof.

“How long do we let him stay up there?” Pam whispered.

Jim checked his watch. “It’s only been two minutes. I say we give him another ten.”

“Five,” she countered. “You still have your own rendezvous to get to you know. The sooner that’s done the better.”




“Seven, final offer.” Pam put a hand up for Jim to shake.

“Done,” Jim shook her hand as they kept their eyes back on the roof.

After the seven minutes passed, Pam sent Dwight the abort message they’d come up with. They both had to stifle their laughter when they saw Dwight’s cell phone come flying over the edge of the roof to clatter on the pavement. They stayed still until their co-worker emerged from the building. Dwight was still looking around, seemingly checking for anyone following him.

Pam looked back up at Jim as Dwight left the lot. Just a little longer, and you’ll really have him back.

He caught her staring. Bending down he placed a kiss in her hair. “Hopefully this won’t take long. I’ll be back to you soon.”

“Back to me,” she hummed. “That sounds really nice.”

“That it does Pam.”

He walked her back to her car. She watched as he walked over to his own car and slid into the driver’s seat. Hurry back to me, she thought as he drove away.


Be quick, be decisive, be clear. Things just aren’t working out between us. You’re a great woman but I can’t give you what you want in a relationship. You deserve better than that.

Jim kept rehearsing what he wanted to say to Karen as he approached her hotel door. She hadn’t given him one of the spare keycards. She’d told him it was because the Hampton Inn was supposed to be temporary. When she found a permanent apartment, she’d promised him a key of his own. That he would have no need for such a key, was a welcome relief to Jim as he knocked on the door.

All his carefully thought out lines flew out of his mind as the door opened and he saw the dark haired, towel-clad person standing in front of him.



End Notes:
Come on, I couldn't let Pam have all the fun now could I? Reviews welcome as always.
This story archived at