Tales from Tech Support: Phone Guy by DoomGoose

"This morning, phone guy comes in, and he shows Michael that our phones have a PA function... and then he just, left..." 

Categories: Episode Related Characters: Dwight, Jim, Michael, Other, Pam
Genres: Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Challenges: None
Series: Tales from Tech Support
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 6829 Read: 5517 Published: January 04, 2020 Updated: February 05, 2020
Common Troubleshooting Tactics by DoomGoose
Author's Notes:

Previously on Tales From Tech Support:

The phones are down, does this mean a day off? 

9 o’clock brings with it the camera crew, co-workers, and an investigation by Dwight into the reason for the phones being down. Michael, on the other hand, had not even noticed that the phones were not ringing this morning, and was content to barricade himself in his office with the blinds drawn and take a nap.

Dwight had just finished interrogating Stanley, accusing him of sabotaging the phones to steal all the sales for himself, only to have Stanley glare at him. Dwight’s next victims appeared to be Jim and Pam, as he was making his way towards reception now.

“Pam,” Dwight greets neutrally, “Jim,” Dwight says with disdain.

“Hey Dwi- “ Jim starts, as Dwight interrupts him.

“Do you have anything to do with the phones being non-functional this morning Jim?” Dwight asks, “I find it very unlikely that such an impact to productivity could have been perpetrated by anyone but you,” Dwight finishes with a superior smirk.

“Um, wow Dwight, no,” Jim replies, “Actually we’ve already called IT this morning, the phones were like this when we got here, there should be a guy here any minute now.”

“Please, you expect me to believe that,” Dwight asks incredulously, “Corporate on-call technicians are based out of the head office, they would not be here for another 3 hours Jim.”

“Dwight, we called corporate, they are sending some contractor,” Jim tries to explain.

“Are you an idiot!? We can’t just let some stranger into our office to do things to our technology!” Dwight exclaims, “That is close to treason, Jim.”

“What are they going to do Dwight,” Pam butts in, “it’s not like they can install a phone tap while they are here and try to sell our clients list to staples,” Pam trails off.

“That’s it,” Dwight says, “I am going to fix this myself. I have always heard that turning something off and on again will solve most problems, I will simply reboot the phones.”

“Dwight, you don’t even know what the phone system looks like,” Jim tries to reason, “and you know how the film crew doesn’t like us being in there while they are here.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures Jim, we must nip this corporate espionage in the bud,” Dwight explains, “I am going in, if you do not see me in five minutes, the film crew is in on it.”

With this, Dwight strides purposefully towards the door in the accounting corner, which happens to be the room that holds the IT rack and the film crew’s equipment.

“Do you think we should stop him,” Pam asks Jim, “he might break it even worse before the phone guy gets here,” she says with concern.

“Nah, what’s the worst that could happen,” Jim tries to reason.

After saying this, everyone hears a small ‘pop’ come from the speakers of all the phones in the office as they suddenly die, and a muffled ‘Hah, take that!’ come from the IT room. Seconds later the internet goes out and Michael emerges from his office, looking flustered.

“Hey, my computer is broken,” Michael starts to explain, “I was in the middle of… checking… my emails! Yeah, my emails, and then it just stopped working! Pam you need to get IT over here STAT!”

Jim shakes his head slowly in equal parts disbelief and amusement, and says, “Already on it Michael, they should be here shortly.”

“Oh, well… that was fast, good work Jimbo, anticipating the needs of the boss and all that… I’m just going to go back in my office and wait for them, then,” Michael says, turning on his heel and retreating back into his office.

Pam thinks that it is funny that Michael would be the first one to notice the internet going out, but upon thinking that she reminds herself that he was probably watching a video online or something.

“I’m going to go check on Dwight,” Jim says, tapping her desk and starting to move away.

“Yeah, you do that,” Pam replies with an eyeroll, watching him go.

Pam decides she may as well play Freecell until the IT guy gets here, seeing as she can’t do any real work without phones or internet.

A minute or so later, Pam saw Dwight returning to his desk, looking quite smug. Jim returned to leaning against reception and looked at her expectantly.

“What,” Pam asks defensively.

“You will never guess what Dwight did,” Jim trails off.

“I think I have a pretty good idea,” Pam says.

“Well, okay sure, you probably do,” Jim says, “but I’m going to tell you anyways. You know how there is the big rack of IT stuff in the back room,” Pam nods, “well Dwight couldn’t figure out which machine in there was the phone system… so he just pulled plug that went into the wall,” Jim finished with a laugh.

“Suffice it to say, Dwight just rebooted everything,” Jim says, finishing his explanation.

“Wow, I have, no words,” Pam says with a sigh, “That IT guy better hurry up and get here before Dwight can do any more damage.”

With that, Pam returns to her Freecell game, with Jim leaning over the counter occasionally and pointing out moves that he thinks she has missed.

One good thing to come of this morning was that Pam had yet to answer any phone calls or emails. Monday might not be so bad after all.

End Notes:
Thanks for reading and reviewing everyone! Please let me know how I am doing, as I for one am not very confident in dialogue.
This story archived at http://mtt.just-once.net/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=5714