Blackout at Dunder Mifflin by flonkertonxx

Pam and Roy are fighting when a blackout occurs at Dunder Mifflin. She begins to relize her feelings towards Jim compared to her feelings towards Roy...

 Wow guys. I just read back over this uncompleted story.  I apologize for how crappy it is. It's one of my first... spare me! [x

Categories: Jim and Pam Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam, Pam/Roy
Genres: Fluff, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Violence/Injury
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 4006 Read: 12482 Published: October 15, 2007 Updated: February 04, 2008
Story Notes:
I do not own anything but my computer. If i owned the Office, it would def. not be nominated for 9 emmys.

1. Jellybeans by flonkertonxx

2. Bon Appetite! by flonkertonxx

3. Dr. Beesly by flonkertonxx

4. Chapter 4 by flonkertonxx

Jellybeans by flonkertonxx
Author's Notes:
The start of this chapter is slow, so bear with me. Actually, the beginning of this story is slow. But stay tuned in with me, it will improve [:

Pam drove her car into the Dunder Mifflin parking lot. It was raining outside.


What a great start to the week...


Roy drove his car separately to work that day. They were fighting, once again. It seemed like they could never go though a day without a fight. It was normally because Roy was stubborn and couldn’t handle not getting his way. This time it was because Pam wanted nothing more than to go to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Roy wanted to go to Mexico.


Pam never got her way, even though she did everything her fiance asked. Everyday after work she would drive home while he went with his warehouse friends to Poor Richards and get drunk. She would go home and cook him dinner and clean the apartment. She was tired enough after work, but after doing all of the household chores she was exhausted, so she would plop down on the couch and turn on the television. Roy would walk inside with his friends and tell Pam to get up off her lazy ass and cook his friends dinner too. They would sit in the living room she just cleaned and watch some stupid show. She would walk in with the dinner and see the living room was trashed. They would eat the dinner and not even say thank you. Pam would call Roy into the kitchen and tell him how she felt. She would tell him how she just got through cleaning the apartment and he ruined it. He would refuse her when she asked for him to clean it up. He would yell and that would normally lead to Pam crying and locking herself in the bathroom. As soon as Roy would go to bed, she would let herself out and sleep on the couch. Around 3 in the morning, he would start to feel bad and would ask her to come and sleep with him. She was tired and exhausted so she would refuse. Then he would try and get her to have sex with him. She would again refuse and he would get pissed off. Again. That would happen almost every night.


She slammed her car door shut with these thoughts and walked inside the building, into the elevator, and through the doors of the office. She hung up her coat and sat down at her desk.


Jim could tell that something was wrong. He always could. He leaned over her desk.


“Is something wrong, Beesly?” he asked while taking a jellybean.


Pam sighed and replied, “Me and Roy are fighting. Again. We have been a lot lately.” She looked down at her hands.


“What are you both fighting about?”


“I want to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon, but Roy wants to go to Mexico. Apparently the beer is better there.”


“Wow, Beesly. There’s good beer! Why can’t you say yes to that?”


Pam saw his teasing smile. She giggled threw a jellybean at his forehead. He laughed too.


“You’re turning violent!” Jim said, still laughing.


Pam threw another jellybean at Jim.


He held up a tissue meaning for it to be a white flag, and said, “I surrender! I surrender!”




“Oh. Do you want to say that again?”


“Jim Halpert is a wimp!”


“You are so going to regret that!”


“Oh, this is war, Halpert!”


They both reached for a jellybean at the same time, their hands brushing lightly against each others. Pam jerked hers away and felt the pink going into her cheeks. She saw it in Jim’s also. They were both looking into each other’s eyes when Roy walked into the door.


“Hey babe!” he said, walking up to Pam’s desk. He looked at Jim with a look of hatred in his eyes. Pam noticed. She hated it when Roy looked at Jim like that. He got extremely angry whenever Jim was in Pam’s presence or when Pam even momentarily mentioned him.


Pam rolled her eyes, stood up, and walked into the break room. Talking to Roy was the last thing she wanted to do right now. Of course, he followed her in there.


“Don’t you want to talk about it?” he asked and reached for Pam’s hand.


She pulled her hand away and walked out on the verge of tears. She had recently been wondering if she should go through with the marriage. She wasn’t sure if it would be the right choice.


Roy didn’t walk out of the break room until 5 minutes later and tried talking to Pam one more time. He handed Pam a Butterfinger. Obviously, Roy didn’t know Pam at all because Pam hated Butterfingers. Jim knew that. They both hated them.


“Come on Pam. This fight is stupid. You will like Mexico, I promise,” he pleaded.


“Stop it Roy! I don’t want to talk to you right now!” Pam said that louder than she intended. Jim looked over and looked at the sadness in Pam’s eyes. “Just leave me alone right now, please,” she said in an almost whisper. As Roy walked out, Pam threw the Butterfinger in the trashcan and walked to the restroom. She felt the tears running down her cheeks.


After a long time, she walked out of the restroom, and saw Jim waiting right outside. He had a bag of French Onion Sunchips and coke with two plastic cups. She smiled at the sight and walked over to him.


“Are you feeling okay, Beesly?”


“Better than I was, thanks.”


“Here, sit down.”


Pam walked over and sat in the empty chair next to Jim. He opened up the Sunchips and she poured the coke into the two cups.


“You know, all of this rain is going to freeze in a little bit. Then it will turn to ice. I don’t think it’s going to be a nice ride going home tonight,” Pam said.


“Oh god,” Jim said




“What if we end up having to stay the night here? With Dwight and Michael.”


“I would sneak out a window. And then allow myself to freeze myself.”


They both started laughing, and reached for a Sunchip. Again, their hands briefly skimmed across each other, but were pulled apart almost as quickly as they met.


Pam couldn’t help but wonder why when she and Roy held hands for a long time she never got that skip in her heart. Actually, she could never remember a time when she had that feeling. How come when she and Jim’s hands briefly met, she had to remind herself to breathe?


Her thoughts were interrupted by a big clap of thunder. It had scared her so much that she started choking on the chip she was eating. Jim ran behind her and patted her back until the coughing died down. He gave her a bottle of water and told her to drink it, which she did.


“Oh my god! That thunder scared the living crap out of me!” She said.


Jim couldn’t help but laugh a little.


“Wow Jim. I could have died if you weren’t here, and yet, you laugh at me,” she said with a small smile on her face.


“But you do admit, I did save your life,” Jim replied.


“I hate you.”


Jim and Pam smiled at each other for a long time. Pam could feel herself blushing once again. They didn’t seem to notice the blaring thunder and lightning outside.


Pam twisted the ring on her finger. It suddenly didn’t feel like it was supposed to be there anymore. Her smile turned into a frown, and she looked down.


“Is something wrong?” Jim asked.


“No. No, I’m fine,” Pam said, forcing a smile.


Jim smiled back, but she could tell that he was not convinced.


All of a sudden, the lights flickered and eventually went out.

 To be continued…
End Notes:

feedbackk !! i lovee feedbackk like i lovee my mommahh !!

i will not be posting another chapter until i get a decent amout of reviewssss

Bon Appetite! by flonkertonxx
Author's Notes:

i wrote this really fast, so be prepared for typos ! i tried to look over it and fix that, but i apoligize in advanceee [:

Jim and Pam walked out of the breakroom and they were welcomed by Kelly having a spaz attack.


Dwight was handing out flashlights to the office and Angela was telling everybody to remain calm.


Michael was hiding under his office desk like a baby, Stanley was using a flashlight to work on his crossword, Meredith was passed out on her desk for drinking God knows what, and Kevin was holding his flashlight up to his face in an attempt to look frightening to his co-workers.


Jim retrieved both him and Pam a flashlight. “Let’s go back to the breakroom away from everybody. I think soon Kevin will have us all in a circle sharing scary stories, and I do not wish to be included in that,” he said. Pam laughed.


“Hold on a second,”


Jim watched her walk back to her desk and pull out a sheet of paper. She wrote something on it and met back up with him.


“Let’s build a fort!” Pam exclaimed.


“How old are you?”


“Come on, it will be fun! Please, Jim? Please?”


“Alright. I give in!”


They both headed toward the buildings hallway closet, where there were a lot of blankets for events like this. The grabbed as many as they could hold, a few pillows too, and walked back into the breakroom.


They got a few chairs and draped some blankets over them. They made a door too. They covered the floor on the inside with blankets so it would be comfortable, and set pillows all around.


“I think we should be architects,” Jim said and crawled in with Pam. “I mean really, look at how sturdy this is!” He pulled on the blankets and the whole fort came crashing down. They erupted into fits of giggles, rolling around on the floor with tears streaming out of their eyes. Soon, they were laughing so hard that there was no sound coming out at all except for occasional gulps for air. Pam thought about how she and Roy almost never laugh together. It took a long time for the laughter to finally cease, and when it did they were lying on their backs.


“I have cramps from laughing so hard,” Pam said.


“So do I. But that was fun. I think we need to try building our again.”


They both looked at each other and smiled. They stood up and rebuilt the fort, making sure it was not going to fall this time.


They finally got settled inside. They hung the flashlights from the fort’s ceiling.


“I think this fort deserves a name,” Jim said.


“Of course it does!”


“I’ve got it! Our fort will be called ‘Beesly and Halpert!’”


“Oh wow, how original is that?”


“I think we should go with it.”


They laughed and went to the supply closet to get a piece of paper and a marker. On it, Pam wrote the fort’s name.


They both stood outside of the fort and Jim said, “From henceforth, this fort shall be referred to as ‘Beesly and Halpert’s Fort!”


With that being said, Jim taped the piece of paper to the fort.


They laughed and took their spots back inside the fort.


Pam shivered. With the heater shut off with the electricity, the building was freezing.


Jim noticed and wrapped a blanket around her. “You were shivering,” he said.


“Thanks. You have to admit, you’re freezing too! Here…” Pam gave Jim part of her blanket.


They never have sat this close to each other. Jim was in awe. His heart was beating 100 mph and he was sure she could hear it.


“You know, I’m hungry,” Pam said.


“You can’t be! You practically ate that whole bag of Sunchips!” Jim would say anything to get her to stay in the blanket sitting so near him.


Pam giggled and crawled out.


She went and got her lunch she packed for the day. There were two sandwiches in it, one for her, and one for Roy. She figured Roy could do without. She walked back into the fort and poured out her lunch.


There was her Mixed Berries yogurt, two PB&J sandwiches, 2 cokes, another bag of French Onion Sunchips for her, a bag of Doritos for Roy which now belongs to Jim, and a piece of the apple pie Pam had made the other night.


“Bon Appetite!” Pam said and reached for her sandwich. Jim’s hand went at the same time and their hands met for the third time that day. Jim’s started pulling his hand away, but Pam reached for it and took it in hers.


“Don’t let go,” she said.


Jim ran his thumb against Pam’s hand. He noticed something missing.


Her engagement ring was not present on her finger. He was bursting to ask why, and he knew he shouldn’t. He kept the question to himself. That’s when he noticed a bruise on her arm.


“Woah, what happened to your arm?”


Pam looked at her bruise.


“Oh… um… Roy and I were fighting last night and he refused to clean up his mess. Things got a little out of hand….”

“What? Pam, are you okay? Did anything else happen? He hurt you!”


“No, it’s okay, honestly! Don’t worry about it, I deserved it. He was really drunk, too.”


“I’m sure you didn’t deserve it. What… how did he hurt you?” Jim felt the anger rise inside of him. He wanted so desperately to hurt Roy. If Pam was his, he would never physically harm her.


Pam took a deep breath. She started explaining what goes on with them every night. Jim was paying close attention to each word she said. He held her hand the whole time and would occasionally give it a squeeze of which she would happily return.


“But last night something happened. He got really tired of me asking him to do things. After his friends left, he broke open the door to the bathroom and started yelling,” Pam had a tear rolling down her cheek. Jim did too. “Then, he just punched me. It was no big deal…”


Jim interrupted her. “It is a big deal. He hurt you and I can’t stand seeing you hurt.”

Jim pulled her to him and hugged her. He held her tightly and he could feel her crying in his arms. She was crying hard. He ran his hands soothingly up and down her back.


He could feel her starting to breath steadily again, and he knew she had stopped crying, even though tears were still rolling down his eyes.


“Since when has my life turned into a soap opera?” Pam asked, and they started laughing.


Pam put her free hand on Jim’s knee. They were looking deeply into each other’s eyes, and their faces were close together. He could feel her breath.

He was in shock being this close to Pam’s face.

 I should kiss her. But what about Roy? He ring is not on her finger…maybe after last night she broke up with him. So that makes it okay to kiss her. She’s the one that told me to keep holding her hand. But if she called off the engagement, wouldn’t she have told me? I really want to kiss her… 

Their faces were slowly moving closer, and closer, until their lips were hardly a centimeter apart. Pam let out a staccato breath. Her eyes started closing and his did too.

 This is really happening. I’m about to kiss Pam. I have waited years for this… 

Jim’s thought was cut short, and the door to the fort was opening.


Pam opened her eyes. Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach.


Roy Anderson was now sitting in the fort witnessing Jim and Pam about to kiss.


End Notes:

Dunn Dunn Dunnnn.

what will happenn ??

i need feedback & reviews until i will continueee !!

this will probably end up being a pretty long storyyyy.

Dr. Beesly by flonkertonxx
Author's Notes:

Thanks for the reviews so farr (: I don't really know what else to say, but keep 'em comingg !

“Hey, Halpert!” Roy screamed. He was furious.


Jim felt all of the color rush out of his face. Pam sat still, paralyzed.


“Get your hands off my fiancé!” Roy pulled Jim out of the fort, with Pam following close behind.


All of a sudden, Roy pushed Jim. He landed on the cold, hard floor.


Jim felt a sharp pain running to his head and heard Pam scream his name. Then all of a sudden, he blacked out.


Pam flew down to the ground to wear Jim was. She felt the tears falling down her cheeks and watched as they dripped onto the wound on his head. She stood up in a fury and looked Roy straight in the eye.


“Roy, we need to talk. Now.”


Pam grabbed Roy by the arm and pulled him through the dark office, and into the hallway. She grabbed the piece of paper she wrote on while walking out. When she was sure nobody was around her, she threw the note at him along with her engagement ring.


Roy knew what was coming.




“Roy, I have listened to you long enough. It is your turn to listen to me for a change. Now, I wrote on that note later in the day telling you that we needed to talk. It explained how I didn’t feel like I could go through with the wedding and how we should try spending some time apart. But now, after seeing what you did to Jim, I’m flat out ready to end this whole relationship. Telling you that I love you only feels like a lie. Each time I kiss you, I can’t help but think I should be kissing somebody else. I’m sick and tired of having to give you your every want and need. I’m sick of you bossing me around. Most of all, I’m sick of you showing such a strong loathe to my best friend.”


He was speechless. At that moment, he would do anything to have her stay. It hit him what he had just did, punching Jim. What was he thinking? He began to realize his mistakes and how outrageous he had acted towards her.


This time, when Pam looked into his eyes, she saw he was hurt. She could tell he was on the verge of tears. She noticed how harsh her words must have sounded.




“No, Pam… You’re exactly right. You don’t deserve me. But couldn’t you have told me how you felt 10 years ago? This hurts…”


“I know. I know it hurts. It hurts me too. But I know that if I married you…. I wouldn’t truly be happy.”


Pam felt the tears trickling down her cheeks too. She tried to hold them in, but just couldn’t. Roy reached out and hugged her. This time, she accepted his embrace.


“It’s okay Pam. You deserve to be with somebody else who appreciates you more.”


He let go of his embrace and kissed her cheek one last time before walking away.


It took all of this a while to finally hit Pam. As soon as she collected her thoughts and the tears stopped, she walked back into the break room. She saw Jim sitting in a chair looking confused.






“How come my head is bleeding?”


He smiled at her, and she smiled back. She knew that he knew exactly what happened.


“Let’s get you some ice for you head,” Pam said. She stood up and went to get some ice. She was utterly surprised with how well Jim was taking this, considering the fact that Roy had just tried to kill him.


She walked back in the break room and pulled a chair right next to where Jim was sitting.


“This may sting a little,” she said


“Okay Doctor Beesly. Do I get a sticker afterwards?”


Pam laughed and cleaned his wound. Then, she stuck the pack of ice to his head. His head wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought; it was just bleeding a lot. Pam took of the ice pack after a while. It had silent for quite some time now until Pam knew she had to say something.


“Jim… look. I’m really sorry about Roy. I never suspected he would do that. He really isn’t a bad guy and he hardly acts the way he has been lately. And—”


“Pam, don’t worry about it. I mean, you are engaged and—”


“No. I… I’m actually not engaged anymore. I called it off.”


Jim was speechless. He was secretly thrilled but he didn’t know if it was necessarily a good thing. When he finally managed to said something, his voice sounded throaty.


“Oh…. Um….. Wow. Are you…. are you okay?”


“I’m actually doing better than I thought. When Roy engaged, I said yes because it was what I had always dreamed of. I was so excited and I just jumped to conclusions that getting married would be great. I didn’t realize that I didn’t love him. I never really did.”


Now, Jim really didn’t know what to say.


“I should have told myself that a long time ago. I should have told myself when…. okay. Let me start over.”

Pam took her hands out of her lap and placed them on the table. She took her stare away from them and looked at Jim. When he met her gaze, he saw she her eyes were glazed over with tears.


“When I met you, I always thought of you as my best friend. I never had a best friend until I met you. When you would walk up to my desk and lean over, I would get a feeling that I never got around any body else. I told myself that everybody felt that way around their best friend. That was just an excuse, because deep down I knew there was more to it than that.”


Jim saw a single tear run down her cheek. He has wanted to hear this for… actually, he doesn’t know how long. He has to keep telling himself that it isn’t the time or place to kiss her.


She took a deep breath before continuing.


“The feelings have grown stronger. I always feel like I need to be in the same room with you otherwise I would explode. Today I finally let myself come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t meant to be with Roy. I was meant to be with you.”


Now, Jim could feel a tear go down his cheek.


“Pam, I… I’m really don’t know what to say to that…”


“You don’t have to say anything. Just … Just let me do this.”


She turned to where she was really facing him and moved her hands on his neck. Then, she closed the space between them and their lips met.


He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. He never, ever wanted to let go. Her lips were so warm and they moved perfectly across his own. A tear went made its way down his cheek and into his mouth.

The kiss was a sweet one. It wasn’t too passionate, yet at the same time it was.


At one point, Jim felt her mouth open. He glided his tongue gently across her lip. He was going to take the kiss for granted. He had wanted this so long. He had dreamed of it ever since he first met her.


She had too.


It ended all too quickly. When their lips parted, Jim still held on to her. Their noses rubbed against each other and they were both smiling.


“I have waited so long for this moment,” He said


“Me too,” Pam replied quietly.


Me too. Jim felt like he was dreaming.


Pam ran her hands slowly down his chest and placed her hands in his. This sent shivers down his spine.


“Am I dreaming? Pinch me,” Jim said. Pam did as he asked and pinched him.


“I didn’t mean technically!” he said.


They both started laughing.


“Way to ruin a moment Beesly!” He slapped her playfully on the arm.


It was quiet for a moment until Pam spoke.






“I love you.”

End Notes:

This isn't the endd ! there are actully quite a few chapters left.

But i will not post another chapter until you review !

Reviews are the Golden Ticket to another chapter (:

Chapter 4 by flonkertonxx

crapp. i keep adding to this story and not meaning to!

this WILL be an actual chapter SOON! 

This story archived at