The Jim Paradox: Season 3 by scrantonbranch
Past Featured StorySummary: The Jim Paradox continues into Season 3 with analysis for every episode on a scene-by-scene basis, (episodes will be uploaded by title as individual chapters). Analysis focuses on Jim's character development on emotional and psychological levels with emphasis on how his behavior impacts JAM. Also included are the QTPs (Question to Ponder) that incited so much discussion on the NBC message boards.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related Characters: Jim
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: The Jim Paradox
Chapters: 26 Completed: Yes Word count: 86681 Read: 31850 Published: June 28, 2016 Updated: August 09, 2016
Chapter 22: Women's Appreciation by scrantonbranch
Jim may have repaired his wall, but his repairs were hasty and poorly executed. Even though Jim has excelled in the art of avoidance and denial, he has yet to fully eradicate his connection to Pam. In fact, Jim found himself connecting to Pam despite his self preservation mode. She wasn't even in the office for most of the day, yet he couldn't help but notice her. If anything, her absence gave him the freedom to let his defenses down with little fear of consequences. After all, she wasn't there to react to his lowered wall.

Little pieces of Pam are sneaking inside his boundaries. Her prank on Dwight made Jim peek over his wall and he liked what he saw. The prank itself ties back to the revitalization of Season 2 Jim. As mentioned in Product Recall, "the acceleration of pranks is bringing Jim closer to the person he was before CN. This is necessary in that he is rediscovering himself outside the confines of his facade." This aspect of Jim's emotional development continues as Jim enjoyed the humor of Pam's prank on Dwight. Humor is once again connecting Jim and Pam and they don't even have to be in the same room.

While Jim found a small connection to Pam, his distance from Karen is still apparent despite the celebration of reaching 6 months in the relationship. Jim is still trying to believe in his relationship with Karen. Hitting this benchmark furthers his illusion that the relationship is actually working, when in reality anyone can see his heart is not with Karen. Deep down Jim knows it as well, but he won't admit it to himself. His relationship with Karen is the cornerstone of his self preservation model. She provides foundation for his wall, buried emotions, denial, and sense of moving on. The moment he realizes the reality of his relationship his internal and external defenses will begin to crumble.

Greeting Pam:

As Jim walks in he softly greets Pam with, "Hey." It's a small gesture, (and soooo cute), but it reveals the fact that Jim can't completely avoid Pam. She wasn't even looking at him when he walked in, yet he still drew her attention to him. It can be argued that Jim is just a nice guy and says hello to everyone and this is true, but its still significant that Jim isn't totally intent on avoiding Pam.

Conference Room:

Jim remains quiet during Michael's Women's Appreciation speech, only letting his presence known with brief glances at the camera. The significance in this scene lies mostly in Jim's position at the conference table. It Jim and Karen's six month anniversary, yet they are not sitting next to one another. Indeed, there is quite a bit of distance between them in comparison to the conference room scene in Product Recall. The distance that separates them physically is symbolic of the distance that separates them emotionally. Despite Jim's best efforts to forge a relationship with Karen, he is not connecting to her on an emotional level.

In the Women's Bathroom:

As the men of the office take pleasure in the plush surroundings of the women's bathroom, Toby asks Jim, "Where did you decide to take Karen tonight?" Jim immediately falls into the facade of his relationship when he answers "Ana Maria's." He wears an incredibly slight smile that matches his trademark nervous smiles of Season 2. These smiles appear when he trying to mask his emotions. Ryan jumps in and asks, "What's the occasion?" Jim quickly replies, "Six month anniversary," with little emotion as the nervous smile persists. It's obvious at this point that Jim's heart is not in this relationship. The benchmark of 6 months is what he's clinging to as it gives him the illusion the relationship is working. There is more of a sense of pride in his face and tone than one of warmth or enthusiasm.

Ryan doesn't respond with anything besides a look and that sends Jim's defenses into alert. He asks Ryan, "Whhaat?" with that nervous smile still entrenched on his face. He feels Ryan's scrutiny of his relationship and that causes him to squirm. He tosses a glance at Kevin as a result of feeling a little cornered. He's checking to see if Kevin's faces matches Ryan's puzzled expression. Ryan finally tells Jim, "Nothing, I think, uh, we all kind of thought you guys were just like hooking up." The self-defense alarm is screaming in Jim's head. Jim is now in the position of holding up the illusion of his relationship to Ryan as well as himself.

Ryan pointed out to Jim that his relationship status with Karen is not obvious. Although, Jim has been keeping it relatively quiet in the office, he had no idea that it appeared so superficial to his co-workers. This contradicts the internal image Jim has for his relationship that exists as part of his self preservation model. He needs Karen to be more than a rebound or a "hook-up." Jim immediately responds, "Nnno, we've been dating for 6 months." Again, Jim's face is graced with a larger version of his nervous smile. His emotions are starting to get antsy and it's showing up on his face.

He breaks eye contact with Ryan almost immediately. Subconsciously, he knows he's building up a facade to both Ryan and himself. The extension on Jim's "no" is another indicator of Jim's nervousness. Ryan has him cornered and he's getting more and more nervous with having to defend his relationship. If Ryan keeps prodding him about his relationship, Jim runs into the possibility of facing a truth he chosen to keep buried for the last 5 months. Jim knew in A Benihana Christmas that Karen is a rebound, but he's chosen to disregard that truth and forge ahead. Despite his intention to push ahead, it's again obvious his heart is not with Karen.

Jim's earlier tone of pride again carries over to this statement. He is again clinging to the anniversary itself more than he is to Karen. He was careful to say he's "dating" Karen, rather than refer to her as his girlfriend. He's, in fact, never called her his girlfriend. The closest Jim ever got to this was telling the camera, 'I'm with Karen," in both Business School and Phyllis's Wedding. His hesitance to refer to her with this term of endearment ties in with his inability to attach himself to her on an emotional level. It's safer to refer to it as dating. He still has the security the relationship without having to admit a lack of emotional attachment.

Jim self-preservation model is highly dependent on the security Karen provides, otherwise he'll be forced to admit the feelings he still harbors for Pam. He can't risk Ryan bursting his bubble. As Jim finishes reasserting his relationship to Ryan, he reestablishes eye contact with him with a pleading face. He's desperate for Ryan to believe him. Ryan's acceptance of Jim's relationship status helps to reinforce the illusion and solidifies his self-preservation model.

As Ryan accepts Jim's assertion, he feels the need to fess up to an e-mail he sent to Karen. Jim is again in defense mode, but he uses a different tactic. This time around Jim decides to use humor as a way to hide his lack of attachment to Karen. Ryan's e-mail apparently asked Karen out, but Jim shows no signs of jealousy. His reaction to Ryan's admission was very similar to his reactions to Karen's "past" in Cocktails as he is very nonchalant. Jim's sarcasm takes over as he tells Ryan, "Oh, right. I remember that one. She read it to me. She said she's not really ready to date somebody in the office, but she really likes you as a friend." A smile is showing up on his face, but it's his prankster smile rather than his nervous smile.

Making fun of Ryan diverts attention away from himself. Jim's humor has always shielded him from difficult situations. This one is raging internally, as he's struggling with the fact that he isn't jealous when he knows he should be. His head is telling him he should be jealous, while his heart is telling him he can't be jealous of Ryan's e-mail to Karen when his feelings lie with Pam. Humor allows Jim to bypass this struggle and ignore it completely. Subconsciously, Jim is hiding his lack of jealousy from himself and everyone else around him.

Jim's statement also carries a double meaning that is highly symbolic of his relationship with Karen. The truth is literally flying out of Jim's mouth, but of course it escapes his attention. Jim really isn't ready to date anyone as his feelings and heartbreak for Pam have yet to be resolved. However, Jim feels he has to date someone as a means of survival. He doesn't want to wallow in his own pain any further, so the logical step is to find someone new rather than face his internal demons. It's an easier path that gives the illusion of getting over Pam. It's a normal and completely acceptable path to follow, but as Jim will find out he's simply taking the scenic route to the truth that still awaits him. Jim may want to love Karen with every fiber of his being, but he all he can muster is 'liking" her, In effect, he is dating someone he likes as a friend. Wake up Jim, reality is calling.

On a side note, I thought it was hilarious how the men of the office behaved like women in the women's bathroom by eating candy, reading magazines, gossiping, etc. Ryan was particularly funny when he indulged in some purple lotion. And let's not forget how cute Jim was while napping on the couch. Okay, I'm done gushing now.

Pam's Prank:

Jim may have reassured himself of his relationship with Karen, but Pam refuses to be ignored even when absent. Jim meanders into the kitchen and rummages through the refrigerator for a snack. As he looks up, he notices Pam's drawing of Dwight on the informational flier posted on the refrigerator door. He immediately knows it's Pam's work. He smiles and slightly laughs to himself. He is obviously amused, but he is also impressed. Pam has pulled a prank on Jim's level and he can't help but be proud of her. He points at the picture and tells the camera, "That is pretty cool," to show off Pam's awesome prank.

He glances at the flier again with his smile lingering and soft eyes. For the moment his defenses are minimal. For this fleeting moment, he allowed himself to love her, (albeit on a subconscious level). Jim has always loved Pam's humor and this prank gave him reminder of those feelings. Unfortunately, Jim self-preservation model won't acknowledge this lapse and he will return to his previous mode of denying his buried feelings. Well, at least for the time being.


As Pam runs to reopen the door with the push of a button, Jim is in the elevator standing next to Karen. The distance between them is again telling of his emotional status. It's their 6 month anniversary yet Jim isn't even holding her hand. His hands are firmly stuffed in his pockets as his body carries an air of indifference. Furthermore, there's a fair amount of distance between them as they stand together in the elevator. Ryan's observations hold true here, as it's hard to tell these two are dating.

As Pam enters the elevator, Jim celebrates her presence with a warm smile and eye contact. Jim hasn't smiled at Pam like this A Benihana Christmas, when he agreed to join her in her CIA prank on Dwight. It's apparent his smile in the elevator is a remnant of the feelings her most recent prank stirred up in the kitchen, just as her prank woke up old feelings in ABC. That flier reminded him of one of the primary reasons he can connect to her and why he loves her. Therefore, he can't help but smile at her. As much as his head tells him to avoid Pam, his heart simply refuses.

Continuing Pam's Prank:

Jim evidently can't resist extending Pam's prank on Dwight. He calls Dwight and tells him he has information about the flasher. He directs Dwight to look above the sink in the women's bathroom where he has artfully drawn a mustache on the mirror to match the facial hair in Pam's drawing. As Dwight runs to the bathroom, Jim's face is wrought with anticipation, but also a little hidden anxiety. He knows he just crossed a line by extending Pam's prank on Dwight.

Jim wanted in on the prank, but he was unable to go to Pam. The last time he included her in a prank he found himself consciously connected to Pam and cornered by Karen in The Return. Besides that, Dwight pranks are hallowed ground between himself and Pam and Jim knows that. By simply extending Pam's prank he's joining her without actually having to include her. Her perceives this as being safe, seeing as Pam is not by is side. Little does he know, he's actually gravitating towards Pam.

The Bottom Line:

Jim's paradox continues as his avoidance tactic does little to break the connection he shares with Pam. Even by avoiding Pam, he is still connecting to her on some level.
Jim continues to thrive in the illusion he's created of his relationship with Karen. His self preservation model is still active in protecting Jim from the pain of his broken heart as well as providing him with motivation to move on with Karen. Jim is still in survival mode, but his defenses are showing slight signs of weakness.

- - -

JAM Song of the Week:

Back to You
Artist: John Mayer
Album: Room for Squares

Questions to Ponder:

1) How will Jim react to an honest Pam at this point? Consider the status of his self defense mechanisms, (the wall, denial, buried feelings, Karen, etc.).

2) Is Jim fully aware of the distance that exists between himself and Karen?

3) Now that Jim is aware of how his co-workers perceive his relationship with Karen, will he try to alter their perception by being more affectionate with Karen?

4) Does Jim trust Pam? Karen? How about himself?
End Notes:
Commonly Used Acronyms:
PD = Pam Dichotomy,
JP = Jim Paradox,
CN = Casino Night,
FNB = Fancy New Beesly,
QTP = Questions to Ponder

This post was written nine years ago so go easy on me in terms of writing style! I’ve decided not to revise the original posts beyond filling in missing words or fixing wayward punctuation. Call it nostalgia if you will, but there’s something to be said for preserving this little snapshot of fandom.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
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