Pinky Promise by Pan_cake_Cats

Jim and Pam are the best of friends, until Jim moves away. He makes and keeps a promise. 

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. 

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe Characters: None
Genres: Childhood
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 1179 Read: 2154 Published: July 19, 2017 Updated: July 19, 2017
Moving Away by Pan_cake_Cats

From the 1st day of preschool Jim and Pam had been attached at the hip. Nothing could separate them all through elementary and middle school, through thick and thin, through boys have cooties/ girls are gross, their friendship lasted through it all.

It was the last week of 8th grade, everything was going great, Jim and Pam were set to go on to the same High School, in Scranton, PA. That’s when the news came, Jim’s Dad was being transferred to Austin, TX. They would have until the end of July to hang out, they knew their friendship would change after that. Over the next few months everything seemed normal and just right, but they both were dreading what was coming.

As July sped along Pam helped at the Halpert’s pack up their house.

Pam was going to go with the Halpert’s, because she wanted to go to Austin and see the sights. She would fly back to Scranton after a few days.

They reached a gas station. Pam ran inside the store bought two grape soda’s and a pack of gum. On her way out one of the cans slipped from between her torso and her arm, causing in to get quite shaken up. She picked it up and made her way back to the car. Handed a soda to Jim. Just as he popped the top, she gasped, realizing which can she had given him. But it was too late, purple, sticky liquid sprayed everywhere.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry, I meant to give you the other one.” Pam managed to get out through her fit of giggles.

“Apology accepted, as you are also covered in grape soda. Good thing we both have a change of clothes.” Jim replied. Pam looked down and discovered that her shirt was indeed covered in soda.

They both grabbed the fresh clothes they needed and changed in the bathroom.

The rest of the trip went smoothly with no other incidents.

When they reached Austin, everyone was exhausted, and fell asleep immediately. The next few days, Pam and Jim explored the city, from top to bottom, no street left unexplored, no activity left unexhausted.

Jim’s oldest brother drove Pam to the airport, Jim came too of course. They reached the drop-off area and Pam hopped out of the car, Jim got her bag out of the trunk while she said goodbye to Pete. Jim pulled her bag into the terminal, stayed with her while she checked in, at the security line, they knew it was time. Jim pulled Pam into the tightest hug, Pam felt a tear fall onto her cheek. She could tell Jim was going to say something, she had known something was up since the soda incident. He loosened the hug a little and said, “Pam, I... really like you…. in a more than friendship sort of way.”

“I do too, but long distance never really works.”

“I know that, we don’t have to be more right now, but I wanted you to know.”

“I am glad you told me. Oh god this is going to be hard.” She said, she wasn’t even trying to hold back tears now.

“I’ll promise you this, if we land in the same place, I will ask you out on a date.”

“Pinky promise?”

They shook pinkies and Jim, pulled her close again, they stayed like this for a long time. Pam knew she had to go but she didn’t want this to end, she looked at the time, and, she knew it had to, she whispered, “I have to go.” Jim pulled her in even tighter and then let go, placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He watched as she went through security, and finally into the crowd of people.

They stayed in touch over the next few years, but as they got busy with schoolwork and new friends they drifted apart, until they didn’t speak to each other at all.

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