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Story Notes:

They are a few little ditties that I wrote for the NBC Message Board contest. The only requirement was this: 69 word poem on your favorite character in any rhythm. Unfortunately, I could only come up with one poem that was 69 words long, but it inspired me to write more and see what else I could come up with.

I don't know much about poetry, so please be a little forgiving of me if you are a poetry expert. This was in a way an experiment for me and as you'll see, the poems may get a little more complicated as you go along. I am posting them in the order that I wrote them. I was learning as I went. I still have a lot of learning to do, but this was fun.

And I know this isn't really fiction, but I figured why not. I hope you'll enjoy
Author's Chapter Notes:
This is the only poem that fit the contest guidelines



Another Day, Another Drink


Another Day

Another Bad Joke

Another Drink

Another Rude Remark Drowned



Another Day

Another Mistake Made

Another Drink

Another Harsh Blonde Judgment Dismissed



Another Day

Another Fight with Her Son

Another Drink

Another Silent Tear



Another Day

Another Gray Hair

Another Drink

Another Wrinkle Blurred Smooth



Another Day

Another Man Comes and Goes

Another Drink

Another Night All Alone



Another Day

Another Pain Numbed

Another Drink

Another Time Forgotten





Chapter End Notes:
I'm performing another little experiment: I'm anxious to hear what you all think and would appreciate all and any reviews. Thanks Muchly!

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