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Story Notes:

I've watched this scene two thousand times. I wish they would've shown us what our couple was like shopping together at the "estate sale." So here's a little extra Jammy goodness.

And no, they're not mine, or else the whole "Fun Run" would've been Jim and Pam holding hands. Cuz that's all I really need in life.

“What’re we looking for, exactly, Jim?”

“It’s an estate sale! It’ll find us.

“First, it’s an indoor yard sale. Second, when’ll it find us?”

“Patience, Beesly…”

“All I’ve seen’s crap.”

“Crap?! Pamela, it’s treasure! Look, a unicycle!”

“What’re you gonna do with that?”

“Embarrass myself in front of my girlfriend.”

“I’m always up for that.”
Chapter End Notes:

FictionInReality is the author of 6 other stories.

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