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Story Notes:
Fun to write, a PAIN to publish...don't ever use firefox. Trust me.  

Pam lay in bed, gazing longingly at the side formerly occupied by Roy. She reached for the radio and turned it on, hearing a woman’s voice.

“It’s my husband and my anniversary, and I was wondering if you could play our favorite song. It’s from Wicked, by Idina Menzel. “I’m Not That Girl”?” The woman asked.

“Doesn’t sound like a great love song to me, but okay…” the usual broadcaster’s voice filled the room. Soon, his voice stopped and the sweet song of a poor woman flowed through the air.

Hands touch, Eyes Meet. Sudden Silence, Sudden Heat. Hearts Leap in a Giddy Whirl. He could be that boy...but I’m not that girl.

Pam began to really get in to the song. ‘Sounds like me yesterday,’ Pam thought. She remembered yesterday, when she handed Jim a fax and their hands lightly brushed one another. Goosebumps filled her arms and her heart leapt. “Cold?” Jim had asked, and she replied with “um, a little.” She swore she saw the hairs on Jim’s arm stand up when they touched, but she never said a word.

Don’t Dream too Far. Don’t lose sight of who you are. Don’t remember that rush of joy. He could be that boy; I’m not that girl

Pam sighed. How often did she dream of Jim? How often did she pray that one day he would sweep her off her feet like he did that night back in May, the night only a month before her wedding. She had come to her senses, but it was too late. He found someone else, and she could do nothing about it.

Every so often we long to steal to the land of what might have been. But that doesn’t soften the ache we feel

When reality sets back in...

Pam felt a tear rush down her cheek. “Jim,” she spoke to the air, “I miss you. I love you. I…” the words started again. She listened…

Blithe Smile, Blithe limb, She who’s winsome, She wins him. Gold Hair With a Gentle Curl: That’s the girl he chose. And heaven knows I’m not that girl.

Karen. She hated her. It wasn’t Karen that she hated, not really. She hated her the same reason she had a grudge against Katy. It was that Karen was in Jim’s arms every night, Karen that got to kiss him and hug him whenever she pleased. Not her. The fact was, if it weren’t for Jim, they could have been great friends. Pam knew there was a great connection between them with the “Committee to Plan Parties” prank on Angela. Was it really a prank? No, a prank isn’t a prank unless Jim’s involved. Maybe, just maybe, Jim will come to his senses. Maybe one day he will show up at her door with flowers and all of the love in the world and kiss her with all of the passion he did that casino night. After all, she was the one with the blonde, curly hair.

Don’t wish, don’t start. Wishing only wounds the heart. I wasn’t born for the rose and the pearl. There’s a girl I know; He loves her, so

I’m not that girl.

How ironic was that? The wedding dress that she had picked out for that day back in June that never really came true had tiny pearls, in the shape of roses. Ironic, yes, but definitely not a coincidence. She knew that much was true. Suddenly, Pam was rushed out of her thoughts, and the beautiful song was pushed to the back of her mind when she heard a knock on her door. She went to open it, hoping that it was the pizza delivery man bringing her the pizza she had ordered just before turning on the radio. She opened the door, trying to brush away the black running down her cheeks. She had started to sob; that song brought the truth straight to her. She felt another hot tear gain freedom on her pink cheek as heard him say, “Hey…listen, if this isn’t a good time, I can come back later…”

“No, Jim, please. What’s up?”

Jim looked down at his feet as he said,

“Well, I…I broke up with Karen. After your…speech…I realized that I couldn’t try anymore. I’ve been trying and trying to get over you, believe me. I’ve tried everything possible. I even talked to Michael and Dwight about it. That was not a fun talk, believe me on that. Anyway, I just…I wanted to know how you felt about me still.”

Pam looked at Jim with a look of hope in her eyes, before grabbing him and kissing him tenderly. She never ended up hearing the last line of the song; she turned it off first. ‘The song is wrong. I do get the guy in the end,’ she thought.

I’m not that girl.



AN:: Okay, people who are not Wicked geeks wouldn’t understand the end…in the end, Elphie (the one who sings “I’m Not That Girl”) gets the guy. :]

AN2: Wicked Rules!! Oh, and Idina is absolutely incredible. That song makes me cry…especially when you watch the actual scene. :[

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