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There was family, and an overheated kitchen, and of course turkey and pumpkin pie that day. There was too much food and a pile of dirty dishes as well, just as always.

But our new guest was my focus this Thanksgiving. Specifically, I wanted to watch Jim with our youngest daughter. More importantly, I needed to watch Pam with Jim.

I learned quite a bit in the watching. I learned about Jim, and I learned a lot about our daughter as well.

It's possible that I even taught her something as I was learning, though I believe that with all she's got going for her, she would have eventually come to the same conclusion herself. I think I just helped things along; perhaps in the nick of time, maybe not. Maybe Pam and Jim had all the time in the world. As in all matters of the heart though, it's really hard to say.


Jim came dressed nicely and carrying flowers and wine, and it was a little obvious but appreciated nonetheless. The gifts were paired with that genuine grin that told me that he really was happy to be included, though perhaps a bit nervous.

Pam was bright. She was wearing the light pink coat I have always favored, the one I think brings out the rosiness in her cheeks and flatters her beautiful hair. But she quickly shed it to reveal a very vibrant, somewhat tight fuchsia sweater underneath, something I knew she would never have worn six months ago.

And I knew in that moment, as that sweater niggled at me, what I would be watching for in my daughter.

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