28 [Reviews - 75] Printer ePub eBook
Summary: COMPLETE Twelve years after the infamous Casino Night kiss, and Jim's sudden marriage, Jim and Pam finally meet up for the first time since his wife's death. AU
Rated: K+
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Drama, Kids/Family
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Word count: 33609 Read: 49976 ePub Downloads: 9
Published: January 07, 2010 Updated: July 21, 2010
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1. Chapter 1 by JHalpert [Reviews - 13] 5 (2955 words)
A HUGE thanks goes out to my beta's xoxoxo and Jessie, and of course to Hannah_Halpert and Liv who always help with my stories as well...You're all GREAT guys!

Disclaimer- NBC owns all rights to The Office and it's characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

2. Chapter 2 by JHalpert [Reviews - 6] 4 (3507 words)
A HUGE thanks goes out to my beta's xoxoxo, Julia, and of course to Hannah_Halpert, Liv, and Jess who always help with my stories as well...You're all GREAT guys!

Disclaimer- NBC owns all rights to The Office and it's characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

3. Chapter 3 by JHalpert [Reviews - 7] 3 (3278 words)
Firstly, I just wanted to say thank you for all the kind reviews that you guys have left on this story. I was very worried about how this story would come out as it is an AU, and Jim and Pam aren’t thrust together from chapter 1. I can’t explain how happy I am that you guys are enjoying this, and leaving such kind messages. I love to read them. Enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: NBC owns all rights to The Office and its characters, no copyright infringement intended.

Also, thank you so much to my wonderful beta’s Julie and of course Hannah_Halpert and Liv for all the help they always give me.

4. Chapter 4 by JHalpert [Reviews - 5] 1 (2615 words)
Authors Notes:
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who are reviewing, it means a ton. I have to apologize, the beginning of this story came so quickly, but now the end of Winter break is approaching and I’m trying to finish up school work and get ready for a new semester, and then I had a birthday last week, so this chapter took a bit longer to get up. I promise, they will be coming, but they may not be daily like they were before. As always, enjoy!

A huge thanks to my beta untherapy for all the work she does on this story :0)

5. Chapter 5 by JHalpert [Reviews - 4] 2 (2007 words)
Author’s Notes Thanks guys for sticking with me! I’m so glad you’re enjoying this, another chapter up, and I’m excited about the plot building in this one. Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think! :0)

Also, big thanks to Liv for beta-ing for me this week, and Hannah_Halpert for helping out as well! They are seriously awesome.

Disclaimer NBC owns all rights to The Office, no copyright infringement intended.

6. Chapter 6 by JHalpert [Reviews - 9] 3 (2863 words)
Author’s Notes: Not a whole lot to say before the chapter, but check out the end notes :0) This chapter’s a little different than the rest.

Big thanks to my beta untherapy for all the work she does for me.

Disclaimer NBC owns all rights to The Office and it’s characters. No copyright infringement intended.

7. Chapter 7 by JHalpert [Reviews - 5] 1 (2603 words)
Author's Notes Hey all! Here's my next chapter, thank you ALL for the lovely reviews you've left for this story. This next chapter is setting up a lot of foreshadowing that's going to happen soon. Keep in mind, there are many levels to Claire and that's what's going to be important for the upcoming chapters.

Also, thank you SO much to my beta untherapy for all of the hard work that she does on my story. Thank you, thank you! Disclaimer- NBC owns all rights to The Office and it's characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

8. Chapter 8 by JHalpert [Reviews - 4] 1 (2537 words)
Authors Notes: Again, another chapter. I hope you all are still enjoying, and reviewing. And I do respond to all reviews, but MTT doesn’t send emails any more apparently, so check on them if you’re interested in my reply :0) I hope you like this chapter. FINALLY Jim and Pam are in the same room.
A huge thanks to my beta untherapy and to Summer for helping me write the angsty stuff
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of this…NBC owns all rights to The Office and it’s characters

9. Chapter 9 by JHalpert [Reviews - 4] (2032 words)
Author’s Notes So I’m a terrible person and haven’t updated this story in two months, mostly because graduation from college is looming and I’ve been SO busy, and I’m sorry. But a HUGE big super DUPER thanks to my beta untherapy for going over this for me.

Also---I don’t own The Office, if I did…I’d share though

10. Chapter 10 by JHalpert [Reviews - 4] 2 (1691 words)
Author’s Notes—I am so sorry for the delay in writing this, I had a terrible writers block on trying to get Jim and Pam together in one state—so here’s your next installment, please let me know if people are still interested in this…
I don’t own The Office, or its characters

11. Chapter 11 by JHalpert [Reviews - 6] 1 (2557 words)
Disclaimer I don’t own The Office..for the hundredth time ;)

12. Chapter 12 by JHalpert [Reviews - 3] 2 (2377 words)
Author's Notes Chapter twelve up, thank you so much for all of the kind reviews, I hope to hear more feedback, I always love to know what everyone is thinking!

Disclaimer--I own nothing

13. Chapter 13 by JHalpert [Reviews - 5] 3 (2587 words)
Author’s Notes--Well, all, it has come to an end. I can’t say how much I appreciate the fact you’ve all followed me to the end. I hope that it’s lived up to your expectations and that you enjoyed it. Again, thanks for coming along for the ride!

Disclaimer I don’t own The Office or it’s characters.