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Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry for the delay!! Life has been very busy!
The wind was not favoring one swing over the other, pressing a stronger gust to assist in the effort required to put the playground’s swing into motion. Pam’s swing was lower to the ground, where her tippy toes could reach the mulch if she stretched her calves far enough. It was in her comfort, not willing to chance that required a big leap. Her shorter legs meant more thought into each swing in hopes of catching up with the swing adjacent to her. Not much came easy to Pam. Jim’s swing was higher up, the number of links on the metal chain attaching it to the bar being lesser than Pam’s swing. He leaped on without a thought of what if and thrust himself into motion, his long legs giving him an extra push into the unknown of the air. The carefree smooth swinging of Jim seemed to only make Pam want to push harder.


Observing was always a strong suit of Pam. She noticed the meticulous details and the wordless words that float in the thin air between two people. It wasn’t long before she noticed the way Dwight smirked at Angela from across the classroom, Angela in her cat t-shirts and perfect skirts. It was easy to see the nerves that appeared in him when she approached, his words jumbling up as Pam’s words do in her mind but never making it out.

Angela was intense in nature with a stern face and emotionless face that seemed to warn off anyone who may want to mess with her. Pam had learned to avoid eye contact with her, her eyes always felt as if they were piercing into her if she looked at them too long. Yet, Dwight deserved to have a companion who may understand him… similar to a certain someone who understood her.

Angela was judgmental and standoffish, both traits that kept Pam loyally keep a far distance from her. She knew that rumors spread within the blink of an eye, but rumors require whispers that spread like wildfire and Pam couldn’t even muster the courage to mumble a word. She wanted to get it to Angela that Dwight talked highly of her, but Pam couldn’t.

Jim saw her ponderous look. He loved the way her eyes scrunched when she was focused, and the way her tongue peeked a small sliver of pink from the corner of her tongue. He pulled out the blue notebook, the source of communication. He cherished the light bulb that flashed on when her eyes were drawn to the notebook.


It was freeing. She sketched simple, predictable lines to form quick figures to resemble the connection between their two classmates with arrows between the two. A sloppy cat was sketched in graphite on top of the drawing of the girl, distinguishing her as Angela.

Jim loved the way her muscles relaxed with each line and she shoved her auburn curls with soft gold highlights behind her ears to prevent them from falling onto the paper. The way her eyes followed the lines, telling her wrist to relax to create any curves and gentle motions. Her drawing started the firm and dark grey, refusing to lighten up the pressure and embrace the chance of slipping up with a lighter, less predictable hold. She sometimes erased, trying to take back what she had communicated, but with Jim watching, she found ways to work around them and find ways to improve them without overthinking them. He could see the thoughts slow through the irises in her green eyes no longer frantically looking for something to launch her into motion, prepared for something to run from. Her shoulders were still tense, but not yanked up to her chin line. When she was unsure of what next line to sketch, she looked to Jim. He would nod reassuringly and that was all she was in need of. She always wore long sleeves as if to protect herself, but as she became immersed she rolled up her sleeves.


Jim formulated a plan quickly. He was a little taken aback at the thought of putting Dwight into a second-grade relationship… but it would set him up for fantastic pranks and Pam seemed invested in getting this for Dwight. He also bought something as a prank that would make a fantastic gift.


The bobblehead looked ridiculous. It had a dress shirt with overalls. A stern, Dwight face was plastered onto it. It bounced erratically upon a slight shake of the toy.

The wind was getting nippy, turning the children’s fingers blue and their cheeks pink from the cold. The streets were lined with strings of colorful lights and festive decorations creating apprehension for the upcoming holiday. Soon the over-the-top trees would be smashed into their living rooms with ornaments handmade in preschool and mickey mouse ornaments from Disney. The extravagant nature of the holiday seemed to creep upon them, taking any sense of routine and replacing it with preparation for family and old connections. The holiday brought pure joy to some and anxiety to others.


“So… I bought a little something that would be a perfect gift for Angela to give to Dwight. Though I must say, it is hard to part with this beauty…” Jim began.
Chapter End Notes:

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