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Author's Chapter Notes:
Christmas time! This chapter really gives a look into their friendship. Planning to give this story a few more chapters… don’t get bored! There is a lot coming up!

The sparkle of the red and green string lights thrown onto the tree seemed to mock Pam. They lit up at the chance to spend time with relatives and join gatherings. It was as if they ridiculed Pam for her lack of festivity and excitement for the season, which was replaced with apprehension. The thought of disappointing relatives and the guilt of her lack of participation in the festivities made her stomach twist with tinsel wrapped around it, her mind jingle at a feverish pace, and feel confined as if she was wrapped in an overload of layers to protect her from the cold. 

They still had a few weeks of school before the upcoming holiday, and their class present exchange was coming up. 

Pam was never able to ask for certain gifts, so only special gifts were given to her by her mom. Often times her voice seemed to betray her in times of need, even when she had to use the bathroom in class or when she got a staple stuck in her pointer finger. She had stubbornly pushed back the tears and said nothing, resisting the waves of stinging from her finger. She remained silent despite the raging discomfort with the sliver of silver metal.


Jim had given Angela the bobble head, and her response was a scuff but if looked carefully a suppressed smile was seen. He looked over to Pam and made a gentle eye contact, keeping it gentle to prevent intimidating Pam. She lifted her hand and Jim gave back an air high five, loosening any tight air between the two. Her cheeks pinked and her shoulders came up in a shrug. 


Pam had worked on what felt like years on Jim’s gift. She handcrafted a comic book of Jim and his search for a teal teapot. She wasn’t exactly sure what inspired the plot, but she enjoyed putting her thoughts onto the paper. Usually, gift exchange day at school was spent in the back corner, color or reading by herself. This year, she was apprehensive to see Jim’s reaction to her gift. It was made of printer paper, with hole punched holes held together by a light blue, frizzy yarn. Her mother was thrilled to have her daughter eager to participate and was keen on helping her out and bring her plan into reality to the best of her ability, thus getting her supplies and helping her put the book together. 


Pam was wearing a pink sweater with light brown and pale pink Christmas trees on it and black leggings. Her hair was held back with her hair clip with a red, sparkly present bow her mom had put on it. Her gift was clutched protectively to her chest, wrapped neatly by her mother. The wrapping paper crinkled with the snowmen scattered on it as she held it close. 

Jim couldn’t wait to see Pam and give her his gift to her. He had bought the watercolor set a while ago, but had checked on it daily to ensure it was still in one and hidden from his older brothers. It was wrapped in a stripped red and green wrapping paper with sparkly gold lines separating each color. 


Mr. Flenderson was clearly trying to make the day festive and holiday filled, but it was only bland and monotonous. It wasn’t until recess, when he finished reading a Christmas book, that the children were able to talk and exchange gifts. There was a gentle frost on the grass and one of the coldest days of the year, so they refrained from having recess outdoors. The sky was grey and ominous with impending snow. 

Jim carefully placed the gift onto her desk, with the sun that was courageously peeking from the streaky clouds, making the gold stripes glitter from the rays, creating a radiant yellow. The gold reflected on the green and white of her twinkling eyes. Her fingers wrapped around the cold wrapping paper, stinging her clammy hands. He couldn’t help but noticed her hands shook from the joint of her wrist, itching to uncover the gift rather than from the overload of stimulation. 


Her fingers lined each circle of watercolor paint. She bite her lips together as if to keep herself in control and refrain for saying something. Her warmed eyes met his and the two children hugged one another, her tense body relaxing into the touch. 

Chapter End Notes:
Hope y’all enjoy it!

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