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Story Notes:
This story starts right after s2e16 Valentine's Day fyi Also, I don't own these characters or anything about the office
Author's Chapter Notes:
Ch.1 starts right after valentine's day in s2.

“Oh my God!!!”

Pam let out a dramatic sigh as she heard Michael’s voice booming from his office, and everyone in the bullpen immediately stopped what they were doing and turned their attention toward him. She wasn’t sure whether to be concerned or just annoyed.

“Everybody, if I can have your attention, please! Yes, even you, Pamala DeVile!”

Jim and Pam exchanged a puzzled look, both wondering what on earth Michael was on about today.

“I have news that will change your life and take it to infinity and beyond!” Michael said with all the enthusiasm of a cartoon character.

Stanley, for once, was actually paying attention, squinting at Michael with the seriousness of someone waiting for a punchline. “Michael, could you just tell us this ‘life-changing’ news already?”

Michael raised a hand dramatically. “Ah, Stanley, always thinking inside the box. You’ve got to think outside the box, or even a whole new world! Conference room in five minutes!” With a flourish, Michael turned and headed back to his office, as Dwight immediately stood up to follow him. However, Michael, oblivious, slammed the door behind him right in Dwight’s face.

Jim, shaking his head, turned to Pam. “Like clockwork.”

Pam rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips. “So, what are we thinking? Michael thinks the genie from Aladdin lives in your teapot and wants us to figure out how to get him out to grant wishes?”

Jim popped a few jellybeans in his mouth and laughed. “That’s my guess. Or maybe some big elaborate dinner party with Toy Story-themed cocktails.”

Pam raised an eyebrow, playing along. “Right, because that’s totally something he’d do.” She broke into a giggle.

Jim grinned. “See? This is why I need you—to bounce my ridiculous ideas off of. You’re my outside-the-box thinker.”

Pam chuckled. “Okay, but for real, what’s the over/under on a Disney-themed movie marathon with alcohol?”

“Five to one,” Jim said, eyes glinting.

As they made their way to the conference room, Michael’s voice echoed through the office. “Everybody, it’s time! Big reveal time!”

Pam and Jim exchanged one last skeptical glance before entering the room.

Michael, standing proudly in front of them, clapped his hands together. “With the utmost pleasure, I reveal to you—after our branch’s fantastic numbers in the last quarter—we’ve been awarded an incentive-based team-building retreat to the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida!”

The room went silent. Michael waited, clearly expecting applause. But none came. Still, he clapped enthusiastically, leaning into the awkward silence as The Circle of Life began to play softly in the background.

“That’s right, people. Disney World! The happiest place on Earth! And I’m not just talking about Space Mountain. I’m talking about bringing Dunder Mifflin Scranton closer as a family. And it starts with this trip!”

Michael raised both arms dramatically, nearly knocking over his coffee cup in the process. Dwight’s hand shot into the air immediately.

“Excuse me, Michael,” Dwight said, his voice serious, “I must clarify. Is this a work trip or a vacation? Because if it’s a work trip, I expect a very detailed agenda and possibly some rigorous team-building exercises.”

Michael smiled broadly. “Great question, Dwight! Obviously, it’s both a work trip and a vacation. But with some work, of course. What’s the point of going to Disney if you don’t come back inspired to sell more paper? We’re going to generate creativity, teamwork, and sales strategies. It’s going to be great.”

Pam leaned over to whisper to Jim, eyebrow raised. “Do you think he realizes no one’s going to get any work done while we’re there?”

Jim shrugged, grinning. “Probably not. But you know he’s going to try and turn everything into a ‘team-building opportunity.’”

Michael overheard and misinterpreted the conversation entirely. “Exactly! I’m so glad you guys are on board. We will still have the warehouse staff here to continue to deliver paper so win-win! We will have one mandatory team-building activity every day, starting with a ‘Disney-Dunder Mifflin Scavenger Hunt’ at Epcot! Everyone will be assigned teams, and you’ll work together to get closer as a family. Right, Jim?”

Jim blinked. “Uh… sure.”

Stanley, not having it, spoke up. “Why would we work on your scavenger hunts when we could just relax, Michael?”

Michael’s grin only grew wider. “Because, Stanley, the winning team will get the Golden Dunder-Mickey Award at the end of the week!”

“I know, I know. You’re all wondering, ‘What’s the catch, Michael?’” Michael continued, his tone shifting to a mock-seriousness. “Well, the catch is, you have to show up. For everything. If you skip a ride or a team-building exercise, I’ll know. And trust me, there’s no way you want to miss out on these once-in-a-lifetime Disney experiences!”

“And if you try to opt out of any activities,” he said with a sly grin, “there will be consequences.”

Dwight immediately raised his hand. “What kind of consequences, Michael?”

Michael’s eyes glinted. “Well, Dwight, maybe you’ll have to spend an hour in line at ‘It’s a Small World,’ listening to that song on repeat.”

The room went still.

“All right, everybody, our flight leaves late Sunday evening. Be packed, and we’ll meet here at 5 p.m. sharp. And remember—bring your ‘magically-ist’ attitude with you!”

He then leaned in conspiratorially. “Oh, and only our office family will be partying it up with us at Disney World—sorry, Pam.”

Pam shot Michael a look. “Great.”

As everyone filed out of the conference room, Dwight began furiously jotting down notes, planning for the “scavenger hunt” and all other possible scenarios.

Jim turned to Pam, a grin on his face. “You think this will actually bring us closer as a ‘family’?”

Pam shook her head, but there was a smile on her lips. “Only if you count surviving Michael’s antics as bonding.”

“Fair point,” Jim said with a laugh. Already, he was dreading the scavenger hunt, but looking forward to a week with Pam without He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

As 5 p.m. rolled around and everyone began grabbing their coats to head home, Jim approached reception, where Pam was collecting her things.

“Okay, if Michael shows up on Sunday with a Mickey Mouse ear hat, you have to buy two snacks of my choosing for the flight.”

Pam turned and smirked. “Um, this goes both ways, right? Because I’m a huge Sour Patch and Pringles girl, and those share sizes aren’t cheap at the airport.”

“Share sizes, Pam? Do you think I’m made of money?” Jim teased.

Pam rolled her eyes but laughed. “Have a good weekend. See you Sunday!”

‘Yeah you too, Beesly.’ Jim said as he walked to his car smiling thinking about the week he was about to spend with her in the most magical place on earth.



Chapter End Notes:
I hope I captured everyone in the right way, honestly I'm more excited to write the following chapters at the parks. Let me know what you thought!

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