Christmas Party

Talk to me, Tivo: After Michael suggests a game of Yankee Swap with the Secret Santa gifts, everyone fights over Michael’s gift to Ryan, bringing morale to an all-time low. Jaminess: 2 [3=Casino Night] Jam Cam: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! So wonderful, in fact, that Jim got Pam for Secret Santa. He bought her a teapot that he knows she wants because he pays attention to her. As an added bonus, …

Email Surveillance

Talk to me, Tivo: When Michael begins monitoring their emails, he manages to upset all of the employees. Jaminess: 2 [3=Casino Night] Jam Cam: Someone thought it would be a good idea to give Michael the power to spy on everyone’s email and their email-vitations. But who cares about that when Pam suspects something weird going on between Angela and Dwight? Ick. Of course, who does she turn to first to share her theory? Try …

Performance Review

Talk to me, Tivo: Everyone is on edge during performance review day, including Michael who steals the employee suggestion box in search of new ideas he can present to his boss. Jaminess: 2 [3=Casino Night] Jam Cam: The only talk about sex that Jim is going to be a part of today is Dwight’s talk about his new fitness orb. Yuck. Meanwhile, the only action Pam’s hearing about is through a message Jan left for …