Date: January 04, 2022 03:31 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hurrah! Mine! Mine!
Sorry it has taken me a few days to review, got a bit caught up in Holiday season things with family. THANK YOU so much for this story!
This was so rich in Christmassy goodness (and you got almost all the elements I asked for, I a chuffed to bits!) I feel very full of warm fluff, which is rather lovely quite honestly. Also I love what Angela's done with the irrigation room :D
Happy New Year TPB!

Date: December 31, 2021 10:22 am Title: Chapter 1
That was absolutely lovely, TPB - thank you so much! You got all but one according to my calculations (and the last one was more trying to think of a seventh thing anyway) - pretty good! SOme nice call backs and left me feeling warm and fuzzy, all the good things. Happy New Year!

Date: December 27, 2021 10:39 am Title: Chapter 1
Very sweet :) loved the ‘we should be pranking their kids’. Nice work with all the ingredients!

Date: December 26, 2021 06:52 am Title: Chapter 1
This was very sweet, the atmosphere was delightful. You really captured the essence of Christmas chaos with kids, nice job!
*Angela in particular seemed delighted with her pair of well-behaved boys.*
hahah love this!
* Pam smiled at the exchange. She never got tired of seeing Jim bond with their kids in this way. This thoughtful yet carefree side was the root of her earliest memories with him, and she loved that her kids got to experience it, too.*
I love that Jim would pass on his love of pranking to the kiddos and that Pam would enjoy that.
Merry Christmas, TPB! b29;a039;🎄

Date: December 25, 2021 08:15 am Title: Chapter 1
I love the atmosphere in this one - the joy of northerners returning to the land of White Christmases, Pam shooting the Nerf gun at Jim, the kids' sheer joy at the holiday. Cece and Phil and their excitement and energy felt very real here, and Phillip and Jonah seem appropriately Dwangela-fied. (I loved Dwight instructing Phillip about handshakes, and all the bows and stickers ending up everywhere.)
I feel like this is a take on Dwight as a father I haven't seen much of before, and I like it. He's noticeably more normal while still being very Dwight - the identical instructions to Cece and Phil about their knives was a nice touch.
“Please don’t talk about him when we’re in bed together.” “Wouldn’t be the first time." Mean, Pam.
I appreciate you bringing in the loss of William, too. Feels like we get to see a lot of Jim and Pam's milestones as adults and that would seem to be the next one.
The callback to the wink was terrific, and *very* organically built in!

Date: December 24, 2021 09:33 pm Title: Chapter 1
Alright so, you know I love everything you right. This is absolutely NO EXCEPTION! TPB, this was so stinking ADORABLE! I loved your incorporations of your recipe, their Christmas spent in Scranton, Dwight’s gift to the kids. The ending was ADORABLE TOO!
Ugh, great story! d84;a039;

Date: December 24, 2021 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was fun. Kinda sad to hear about William though. However all the fun times with Grandma Helene seemed to make up for it. Cece waking up Pam about two inches from her face was a wondering thing to envision.
Sounded like a very nice trip out to see the Schrutes. The bent spoon trick was a lot of fun. Same with Jim thinking it would be funny to set that early of an alarm. In the end though it was a sweet story filled with a ton of heart. Perfect for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Date: December 24, 2021 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was adorable!! You fit in a lot of the elements so well! I love the thought of Phil putting ketchup in a squirt gun, and him waving around the knife Dwight gave him immediately after Dwight says its not a toy LOL I also love that Cece got the same thing as Phil, with the exact same explanation hahahah and the “not a bad christmas day” ughhhhhh. So cute. I loved it so much.

Date: December 24, 2021 04:49 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was sooo great!! So many sweet moments mixed with with perfect humor. The dialogue and characterization was spot on and you write kids super well. Trust me, I know. Hahaha
Great job on working in the elements too! I loved this!! Great job, lady.