Date: October 31, 2024 01:59 am Title: Chapter 1
omg this is so funny IM BEGGING YOU please keep it up
Date: September 23, 2024 06:13 am Title: Chapter 2
Yeah I can see how that would track with Meredith. Let's all be honest, she's not the best decision maker we've ever seen.
No real questions for her. However it seems like she's walking a very dangerous road. It might be fun and fast, but it also usually ends up in ruins. Thing is I also know that it's highly unlikely one walking that path is willing to listen to reason until they crash headfirst into rock bottom. I just hope the crash doesn't take anyone else down with them.

Date: September 19, 2024 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 1
So Roy made a burner Reddit account after the events of The Alliance and switched himself with Pam? Kind of tracks with Roy there. There's a lot to unpack about the early seasons. Roy taking Pam for granted but also throwing his weight around when he gets upset. Pam kind of letting him take her for granted because she was really stuck in her comfort zone and denial about her real feelings for both Roy and Jim. Jim for also flirting with Pam even though she was in a relationship. There's not so great things to be said about all of them. In the end though, YTA to Roy for making it physical.
Also welcome to your first MTT fic! Always great to have someone new join the ranks.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the welcome 🤗
Jet_skiii123 answer to warrior4
Ok I get I'm the AH. But so are them

Date: September 14, 2024 07:11 am Title: Chapter 1
So I am kinda reddit illiterate despite perusing it often - like why are there so many YAM screennames? which is a long winded way to say - I'm loving the screenname you gave to the poster. Thought I knew who it was before even reading the post (although it could've been a sibling) - but then I got to the post and was all kind of confused. (must be my age, and the reddit illiteracy) and then I think I got it (especially once I reread the summary).
Clever and I do love the "sounds fake" - makes it very authentic.
And no "she" is just following her heart and seeing her friend get treated not like a BF (OMG I'm even confusing myself here) should be. Shoving is never ok is right.
Author's Response:
Sorry for the confusion. Gonna try and make it clearer in the future. I have some big plans for this jet_skiii123 character.
Jet_skiii123 answer to Maxine Abbott
So do you think I'm the AH or no? I'm confused
Date: September 14, 2024 04:12 am Title: Chapter 1
I don't know if MTT forever changed my view of Roy, but I just cannot imagine him on Reddit😅
Author's Response: I know what you mean. I also don't think Roy would use Reddit for advice on relationships, but I do see him using it for other things... ,🫣 But he was probably feeling frustrated with Pam not forgiving him and also didn't want anyone to know it was him, that's why the change of gender.

Date: September 14, 2024 12:47 am Title: Chapter 1
Oh this is SO much fun! I love love love fics that are styled like something from real life.
Not gonna lie, I was super confused at first but it was smart what you did!
Really looking forward to the next one of these!
And congrats on your first story here!
Author's Response:
Sorry for the confusion, I thought it was going to be so obvious, but I guess it was obvious to me because I been thinking about this story for some time.
Thanks for the welcome.