Some Things Still Fit by LoveFool
Summary: Pam's dealing with things that don't fit...and some things that always do. No Spoilers.

Categories: Present, Jim and Pam Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Drabble, Fluff, Humor, Oneshot, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 613 Read: 2903 Published: September 27, 2009 Updated: September 27, 2009
Story Notes:
No copyright infringement intended.  This is just a little scene that wouldn't leave me alone tonight. 
Chapter 1 by LoveFool

Some Things Still Fit



Pam turned to the side in front of the bathroom mirror and reached behind her, attempting and failing - again - to zip her favorite gray skirt.  


There was no way to deny it. It didn't fit.  It had fit just yesterday.  It fit.


Jim stopped in front of the bathroom as he pulled on one shoe. "You need me to zip you up?"


" got it," Pam said trying to suck it in when she knew it was a lost cause. There was no amount of sucking in that would help. 


Jim nodded and turned back to their bedroom, putting his other shoe on. He grabbed his jacket from the bed and stopped in front of the bathroom again. "Here why don't you just let -


Pam groaned loudly and let her hands drop to the side. "It's not gonna zip.  It's not gonna zip just like every other skirt I've tried on this morning won't zip."


"Oh," Jim said, walking further into the bathroom. "I didn't realize that you..." His voice trailed off as the full meaning of her words seemed to dawn on him slowly.  She hadn't just put on a pound. She wasn't having what she liked to call one of her 'fat days'. No this was something else...this was the something else.


A slow smile replaced any words he may have said.


Pam sunk down on the toilet and looked up at him in time to catch this smile. "It's really not that funny. I don't have anything to wear to work today."


Jim tried and failed to wipe the smirk off of his face as he moved closer. "Sorry...I...You could wear pants," he suggested.


"Because those are going to fit so much better than my skirts are?"


"A dress?" He said with that smile again.


Pam slumped forward, her skirt gaping open behind her. 


Jim knelt down in front of her and just when she thought he was going to say something really profound and heartening, he just...smiled again.


"Ok you need to stop," she said, smiling in spite of herself. "Cut it out. It's not funny...It's not...All I have are summer dresses with spaghetti straps - not work dresses."


"You could wear a cardigan over it," Jim managed through his grin. "I kind of miss your cardigans anyway..." he said rubbing her knees.  Unexpectedly he dropped a kiss against one knee...and then the other.


She swallowed around the sudden lump in her throat. The sudden - or not so sudden - realness that struck her anew each time. First the sonogram and now...


"You're getting way too much satisfaction out of this, you know," she said, weaving her fingers through his. "And I hope while you're sitting there smiling you realize that I'm not going to be able to fit in my wedding gown...and everyone's gonna know that you knocked up your fancy whore fiancée."


He was quiet for a long moment before he looked up at her and said, "You are really beautiful."


Pam shook her head slowly and sighed.  She quickly swiped at the tears that had formed beneath her eyes. "Go get me my pink dress and my white cardigan...We're gonna be late."


Jim stood to his full height with a grin. He jogged out of the bathroom like a giddy child. "Ok!"


Pam called after him, "Don't look so happy, you're taking me shopping tonight!"


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