The Wedding Party by RomanCandle
Summary: An intriguing hook-up takes place during Jim and Pam's wedding rehearsal...
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other, Future Characters: Jim/Pam, Other
Genres: Drabble, Married, Oneshot
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 638 Read: 2631 Published: May 31, 2008 Updated: May 31, 2008
Story Notes:
I do not own The Office.

1. Dinner at Cugino's by RomanCandle

Dinner at Cugino's by RomanCandle

She was tall.

That was the first thing he noticed about her. Almost as tall as he was, as a matter of fact. She was beautiful, too, but that went without saying. He wouldn’t have been stealing glances at her all night if she hadn’t been.


He was pretty surprised when Jim asked him to be a groomsman. It was a nice gesture, of course, but he suspected it had more to do with the fact that Jim just didn’t have that many friends. In fact, his brother Jon and his old roommate Mark were the only other groomsmen who didn’t work at Jim and Pam’s office. It didn’t make much sense, really. Jim was a cool guy. Maybe he just sucked at male bonding.

I can relate to that, he thought to himself. Growing up with two big sisters will do that to a boy.


He was the third groomsman and she was the third bridesmaid, so they would be walking down the aisle together. Which made sense, once you think about it. So that meant they were…partners? Matched? Cohorts? He didn’t know the phrase for it, or if one even existed. And he didn’t really care. All he knew was that he got to walk a few dozen yards, hand-in-hand across a warehouse floor that was serving as a stand-in for a church aisle, with the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.

They didn’t really say anything to each other. He was too shy (a trait which, unfortunately, ran in the family). He did try to give her a smooth smile when they first locked hands, though.

She did not think his smile was smooth. Not in the least bit. She did, however, find it very endearing. And cute.

When they reached the end of the “aisle”, he reluctantly released her hand, and they went to their respective positions on either side of Jim and the priest. During the rest of the wedding rehearsal, he noticed that she kept playing with her hair. And laughing too loud at people’s jokes. And looking at him when his eyes were elsewhere.

Yeah, she liked him too.


The rehearsal dinner was at some Italian place called Cugino’s. It seemed like a bit of a dive, to he honest, but for some reason Jim and Pam loved it.

She was at another table. When they got to the restaurant, he made sure to sit down in a place where he could see her. Which was pretty smart, he thought. He had a perfect view of the side of her face.

She looked even better than she did before, if that was possible. Whenever anyone at her table told a joke or said something strange, she got this cute little smirk on her face, and it just killed him.


Finally, after almost everyone was finished with their meals, he got up enough courage to walk over to her table. She pretended not to notice him coming over. He sat down beside her.

He had never been so nervous in his entire life. Neither had she, for that matter.


Jim and Pam watched the whole thing with great interest. Pam could barely contain her excitement. Jim, on the other hand, was not amused.

Then again, she always told him he was too overprotective of her. Maybe he should just lighten up and let it happen.


He was going to have to beat him to a pulp.


“It’s funny…we’re in the wedding party together, but I never even got your name.”

“I know, right? That’s so weird. Anyway, I’m Larissa Halpert, Jim’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you, Larissa. I’m Brian Beesly, Pam’s brother.”

End Notes:
There it is...hope you didn't guess the ending too quickly.
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