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Story Notes:

I don’t own The Office. I don’t even own the title of this story (I stole it from some random website.) I do have a yard full of dandelions though, so that’s something.

WildBerryJam deserves many thanks for countless emails and AIM conversations, trying to get this story to work and not totally suck.

Oh, and just in case anyone is wondering – I still wish on dandelions. All. The. Time.

            “Dandelions!” shouted Rebecca. “Look Pammy!” Rebecca said, blowing the dandelion into the wind. “Now I get my wish,” the five-year-old explained.

            “There’s a genie in there?” Pam asked quizzically.

            “No,” Rebecca said, offended at the suggestion. “You make a wish, and then blow, and then the wish comes true!”

            Pam picked her own dandelion, examining it, not sure how it could make her wishes come true. She closed her eyes, made a wish, and blew as hard as she could.

            That night, when they did get ice cream for dessert, Pam understood. Dandelions were magical when you believed.

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