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Author's Chapter Notes:
The poetry juggernaut has begun and there ain't no stopping it now. I'm a big fan of poetry and I love limericks. I hope to add to these as the season goes on. (And thanks to Moxie for encouraging my behavior!)
The Fight
There was an employee named Dwight
Who challenged his boss to a fight
They went to his dojo
He used all his mojo
And gave poor Michael a fright.

At the same time Pam and Jim
Were fooling around in the gym
He tickled her a bit
And Pam nearly had a fit
When she thought that Meredith saw him.


Creed sits quietly in the back
His memory he seems to lack
His mung beans do smell
He steals things as well
Is he homeless or just out of whack?


Meredith, it seems, is a drunk
Her divorce put her in a funk
She drinks gin at work
Her ex is a jerk
And her son is a juvenile punk.


Oscar, as it turns out, is gay
And Michael found his own unique way
To make Oscar come out
And so using her clout
Jan gave Oscar a three month holiday.

Casino Night, In Brief

Pam was engaged to Roy
Who was in Dunder Mifflin’s employ
When along came Jim
Pam was drawn to him
And she sent mixed signals to our boy.

Pam and Jim became best friends
But that’s not where our story ends
Jim’s love he confessed
For her answer, he pressed,
But marrying Roy is still what she intends.

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