Summer of Jam by larrymcg

Takes place after "The Job". 

Jim has finally asked Pam out on a date. What happens now? This story follows their relationship as it develops throughout the summer, and shows how the rest of Dunder Mifflin reacts to both this and other recent changes in their lives.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 8797 Read: 23230 Published: May 28, 2007 Updated: July 02, 2007
The Long Weekend by larrymcg
Author's Notes:

Jim and Pam spend their first weekend together as a couple.

Knock knock.

It was about time. Pam was at the door for their Friday night date. She thought it would be cute if they reversed things and she picked him up this time. She wasn't late, but Jim had gotten ready so quickly he didn't know what to do with the rest of his time. His anxiety was quickly relieved when he opened the door to reveal Pam, standing there with a bouquet of roses. Jim smiled, but looked a bit confused.

“Flowers? For me?”

“No, silly. They’re for me.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well I offered to pick you up, and when you arrive to pick up a date, it’s appropriate to bring flowers.”

“For yourself?”

“Well I didn’t peg you as a flowers kind of guy, so I bought some for you to give to me. Look, I even included a card.”

Jim took the card and read it out loud. “To the most awesome Sudoku player on the planet?”

“Awww, Jim! That’s so sweet.”

“Second,” Jim corrected her.


“Second most awesome Sudoku player on the planet.”

“Oh really?”

“Level moderate? 17 minutes.” Jim pointed at himself.

Pam smiled confidently. “16 minutes.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Yeah, right!”

“Oh you don’t believe me? You think I’d lie about a Sudoku score.”

“I’m just saying, I think I might need to check your computer at reception.”

“Hmmm, I may have accidentally erased it.” They both smiled. “So this is fun, but are we going to stand here forever?”

Jim just now noticed that they’re still standing in the doorway. “Oh yeah, of course. Sorry about that.”

“Such a dork,” Pam teased.

“Come on in. Let’s get these in water. They can go right next to the ones I already bought for you.”

“Seriously?” Pam said with an excited grin on her face.

After putting the flowers in water, they headed out for the night. At Cugino’s, they had their first real dinner date. They laughed and joked, even playing a prank on the snooty waiter. They followed this up by taking a trip to the movie theater.

"Are you sure you want to see 28 Weeks Later?" Jim asked.

"Of course. Why not?"

"Well I feel it is my duty to warn you that Sandra Bullock isn't in this one."

"Ha ha. Very funny. I bet there's a bunch of sexy British guys in it, though."

"Oh is that what you're looking for? A sexy British guy?"

"Well I already found him. I'm just using you until he comes around," Pam playfully teased. At this, Jim felt a little uncomfortable. It reminded him of the situation with Karen and how he treated her. His face fell a bit and Pam quickly caught on. There was yet another awkward silence between them.

"I'm sorry, Jim. I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go watch the movie." They both forced a smile and walked in.

As they exited the theater a couple hours later, all memories of the awkward silence were gone. They were now laughing and giggling.

“You are such a wimp, Beesley!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I can barely feel my forearm now.

“I just wanted to be close to you.”

“Nice try. You totally owe me for the popcorn.”

Their banter stopped for a minute when they spotted a familiar face crossing their path. It was Creed Bratton. “Hey Creed,” Jim said in a surprised tone.

Creed stopped and looked at Jim. “You look familiar. Where do I know you from?”

“Yeah, we work together. For the last four years or so.”

“Oh right, you’re Halpert.” Then he turned his attention to Pam and ogled her for a few seconds. “Well I definitely don’t recognize this one. Very nice. Good work, Halpert.” Pam was getting uncomfortable, as she usually did around Creed.

“Um, she also works… you know what, never mind. We’re gonna get going. Enjoy the movie.”

“What movie?” Creed continued walking into the entrance of the theater. Jim and Pam decided it was best not to think about him anymore.

They arrived back at Jim’s place and walked to his front door. “Well, thank you for walking me to the door,” Jim playfully said.

“Well, it’s the least I could do. Plus, I need to get my flowers.”

“You always have an ulterior motive, Beesley,” Jim said. He paused for a second and gulped. “They’re inside, do you want to come in?”

Pam was too nervous. “Um, I probably shouldn’t.”

“Yeah, I mean that’s fine. I’ll be right back.”

Moments later, Jim came back with the two bouquets and gently set them down inside Pam’s car. He then pulled something out of his back pocket and handed it to Pam.

“What is this?” she excitedly asked.

“A Christmas card. From two years ago.”

“How come you never gave it to me?”

“I just chickened out. Go ahead and read it.”

Pam nervously opened the envelope and took the card out. As she began to read, she started laughing. Then she got to the end. What she read made her heart thump in her chest. She started to feel dizzy and was fighting back tears. She tried to muster up the appropriate response. “Me too,” was all she could say.

Jim wrapped her in a tight embrace, and they kissed more passionately than they ever had before.

“I’d like to change my answer,” Pam said as she came up for air.

Jim looked confused. “Answer to what?” Pam pointed to the door and Jim figured it out. He took her hand and walked her to the door. He held the door open, inviting her in. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him in with her. By the time they came out again, it was Sunday.

“I have an idea for a road trip.”

“Really, you want to actually go outside? Sure you don’t want to go back in there?” Pam pointed toward Jim’s bedroom.

“Well, I won’t lie. It’s been good in there. Very good.”

“Don’t forget the kitchen or the living room,” Pam seductively reminded him.

“Must get more rooms,” Jim said breathlessly. Pam laughed. “Still, I think it might be good to rejoin society.”

“Society bad. Jim goooooood.”

“OK, now you’re scaring me. I’m starting to think it’s like that scene in Ghostbusters.”

“There is no Pam. There is only Zhul,” Pam said in her best throaty possessed voice.


It was several hours later, but they finally started the road trip. Jim was tight-lipped about where they were going, aggravating Pam to no end.

“Come on! You have to tell me.”

“Well, the torture will end now, because we’re here.” Jim parked the car next to a curb, but they were in a residential area. Pam was really confused. He walked around opened the door to her. As they made their way around some very large trees, Pam finally saw it.

“The terrace,” she gasped.

“Yeah, um, we can’t go inside or anything. I just wanted you to see it. I know, kind of lame.”

“Jim, it’s beautiful. How did you find this?” she said, trying to choke back tears.

“Well I was just driving through one day, and it reminded me of this picture drawn by a beautiful woman. Can’t remember her name, but she's awful at Sudoku.”

“Suck it, Halpert.” They both laughed. Pam beamed at the wonderful man standing next to her.

“Never give up on your dreams, Pam. You are smart, sexy, and hilarious. You can have anything you want.” For the first time in her life, she really believed that.


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