Cold Openings by kgreene

Ideas for Cold Openings (the pre-title gags) always pop into my head. So these will be just a bunch of teasers that, hopefully, you will find funny. I don't know how many I will post but I'll keep putting them up as they occur to me.


Categories: Other, Present Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Humor
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 74 Completed: No Word count: 43087 Read: 282414 Published: September 18, 2007 Updated: August 20, 2010
Wacked by kgreene


Jim is seated at his desk looking intently at a
travel website on his screen. He doesn’t notice Dwight walking up behind him and then staring at the monitor
as well.

That doesn’t LOOK like Dunder-Mifflin
business… JIM.

Jim jumps a bit and then rolls his eyes.

DWIGHT(sitting down at his desk)
As the number two here, you should set a better example. Looking for where you should take your
little love accomplice for the weekend is not a
thing for the lesser ones to see.

Yes, and spending three hours looking for
Harry Potter’s address is a better usage of
company time.

It was NOT Harry Potter’s address I was looking
for, it was J.K. Rowlings. Being a fictional character, Harry Potter’s address is immaterial.
(pause) Besides, everybody knows that when school
is in session he is at Hogwarts, located in Scotland
on one of the British Isles. It is invisible to us
Muggles, however.

JIM(shaking head slowly)
Wow. So… scared right now.

BEYOND all of that, I am not the number two.
You are. Act like it.

Dwight goes back to his computer and Jim glares
at the camera. Then he smiles slightly.

Well, I STILL have to think of a good weekend
for Pam… Hey, maybe I’ll take her to New York.
(a look of horror crosses his face.) Oh my God.
I can’t take her to New York, I’ll get her killed!
What am I thinking… (shakes head)

Dwight looks up at Jim, puzzled.

Why… can’t you take Pam to New York?

Did I say that out loud? Oh my God,
Dwight… You can’t… forget what I said! Please!

DWIGHT(squinting at Jim)
Jim… what’s going on?

Jim hangs his head and sighs.

Ok, listen… you can’t… You mustn’t tell
ANYONE about this. You just might put
Pam’s life in danger.(pause) I’m trusting
you with this.

DWIGHT(scooting closer)

JIM(even lower)
Pam… is in the witness protection program.

WHAT? That’s ridiculous! The witness…

DWIGHT! Be QUIET!(shakes head angrily) Damn!
I KNEW I shouldn’t have told you…

DWIGHT(really affected by Jim’s reaction)
No, no, I’m sorry! I apologize… Tell me.
You can… trust me.

Alright.(looks around) When Pam was 10
years old, Pam witnessed a Mob slaying.

Oh my God.

Yeah. She and her family used to live in
New York and one day she was riding her
bike through Little Italy and she saw a
a guy get wacked.

DWIGHT(Leaning even closer)
How was he killed?

What? Oh… uh… 3 shots from a .22,
back of the head.

Nice. Very efficient.

Uh… yeah. But the Feds got their man and
Pam, the only witness, testified. After
that they moved her and her family here.
And the Corleone’s… uh, Beesly’s… have
never been back.

Corleone? Wow, she doesn’t look Italian…

JIM(fighting back a smile)
Uh… no.

Just then Pam enters.

Good morning, everyone.

Hey. (to Dwight) So… mum’s
the word, right?

Of course. Her secret is safe with me.

Dwight stands and strolls over to Pam as she gets
herself situated. He leans on the counter and pretends
to root around for a jellybean.

Can I… help you with something, Dwight?

No… I just wanted to tell you that I… admire
your bravery… bambina.

Dwight winks at Pam and heads off towards the kitchen.
A confused Pam stares after him and then at Jim who sits
looking at her with his hand over his mouth.

What did you do?

This story archived at