Stolen Moments by PuffingNoise

A series of short vignettes about Jim and Pam's need to find some time alone together every once in a while.
Chapter 4 added.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Oneshot, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 2391 Read: 14546 Published: September 26, 2007 Updated: December 06, 2007
"Research" by PuffingNoise
Author's Notes:
I don't think I was the only one who wondered if, in "Fun Run", Jim telling Michael he'd do the research and then Pam volunteering to join him was an excuse for them to go make out...

 Jim's heard enough of Michael's insane ramblings, and is still trying to get used to this thing with Pam: having to turn it off in front of their coworkers and the cameras. It's exhausting. He hopes Pam gets his hint when he volunteers to do research for whatever the hell Michael just went on about, and thrills a little when she volunteers to help.

He gets back to his desk, and she to hers without any eye contact. He glances up from his monitor (where he'd typed "Demon Animals" into Google just to kill some time) a few moments later to see her signal with her eyes. The coast is clear, and he turns back to his monitor, watching out of the corner of his eyes as she gets up and walks out the front office door. He counts to fifteen, and makes sure no one in the conference room is looking his way and then he follows, stepping lightly across the carpet, letting the door close behind him without a sound.

His shoes echo on the tile of the stairs, and he finds her a flight and a half down, leaning against the railing and staring down to the floor way below. She turns towards him when he approaches, and gives him a brilliant smile. "Hey! It's the body of a giraffe with the head of a baboon!"

Jim's eyes go wide, and he can't help but smile. "Oh, you're going to get it, Beesly." Before she can run, he scoops her up, and carries her down the rest of the stairs, all the while she's laughing and saying, "It's a compliment! Monkeys are adorable!"

When they reach the bottom floor, he sets her down so they're behind the last case of stairs. She's still laughing, and he shakes his head, and with a mischievous smile, he presses her up against the wall and kisses a quick trail up her throat before landing roughly on her mouth. She makes a sound like a delighted squeak, and he's kissing her like he can't get enough, as if he's starving for her like he hadn't just made love to her that morning ten minutes before they left for work.

Her hands reach up to entwine with his, twisting and pressing. He nips at her bottom lip, and then slides his hands from hers, bringing them up to touch her face. She sighs shakily as he slows his pace, his kisses becoming languid and gentle, and he tenderly strokes her cheeks with his thumbs.

He pulls away after a couple of additional small pecks, and her eyes are still half closed, and she's smiling dreamily at him. He can't help but chuckle.

"How come we never did this before?" she asks, smiling.

"I don't really know. If you ask me, we would have started doing this a long time ago."

She looks at him seriously now. "I know."

"From now on, Whenever Michael is acting crazy, or Dwight is annoying the heck out of me, I'll give you a signal, and we'll meet down here." He knows that means they'll be down here doing this about twenty times a day, but that sounds good to him."

"Deal," she says.

They stay for a while longer, just enjoying this reprieve from the craziness upstairs. Jim still has her pinned to the wall, and they're holding each other. Pam's nuzzling his neck, and he's sighing into her ear.

After enough time passes that they think they might actually be missed, he kisses the tip of her nose. "Come on, we should get back. There's research to be done."

End Notes:

I somehow feel like this story is turning into a series of vignettes of Jim and Pam making out... I promise the next chapter will be more interesting...
Thanks for reading!

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