As Long As It's Not Whorish by vicodinfm
Summary: A sequel to my story Reconnection: How would Dwight propose to Angela? Who would be go to for advice? Someone who knew about these things of course!
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future Characters: Dwight/Angela
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 2220 Read: 5357 Published: November 01, 2009 Updated: November 02, 2009
Chapter 2 by vicodinfm
Author's Notes:
I've just realized that these chapters are ridiculously short...sorry about that! Not too long til it's all finished though.
It had taken him a weekend to organise everything perfectly. It had seemed a ridiculous amount of work to go to for this but Pam assured him that it would be worth it. She reminded him of the importance of telling his own children something like this, and he deferred to her experience.

He'd actually called Pam six times in total, and despite her sounding tired and irritated, she had answered as best she could, and had been extremely helpful. He thought back to all the ridiculous pranks they'd played on him, laughing at his frustration. But the two had come through for him spectacularly, and Dwight made a note to send them a coupon for a free weekend and his beet farm.

Monday arrived. He was anxious, sweating, when Pam pulled him aside around lunchtime.

“Stay calm Dwight, this is perfect for Angela. And you two...well you're not made for anybody else.” Dwight had smiled at her kind words, wishing for her a male for their first offspring.

The day had passed extremely slowly, his anticipation growing. As the clock hit four thirty Pam quietly left the office, just as planned. Jim came out from his office and wandered over to accounting.

“So listen Angela, I'm going to need you to go through the expense reports for the last six months. We're worried there might be an anomaly and we need you to check them for three branches. Angela glared, the sight filling Dwight with joy.

“That will take hours, I'm due to leave soon.” Jim shrugged. “Take the break room at five fifteen, everyone will be gone and you can spread out. Just get it done.” He walked away, ignoring her protests.

Everyone began leaving at five, and the rush of people leaving meant Pam slipped easily into the office without being noticed, and nobody commenting on the basket she carried. She waited in the women's bathroom, coming out when Dwight texted her that everyone had left and Angela was in place in the breakroom.

Pam set about her task as quickly as possible, realizing that time was of the essence, and quickly departed the building, nodding silently at Dwight who was now hiding behind reception.

Everything was in place.

Now, like any good hunter, he just had to wait until his prey came to him.
End Notes:
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