Date: December 05, 2020 07:27 pm Title: Starting Fresh
Ah, it's a guilty pleasure, but I do love seeing Ryan get slapped down. And Pam asking if Jim has a brain injury while also finding Managerial Jim hot is VERY Pam.
It hadn't occurred to me that getting them together at this point means they're together for Pam's art contest win. That was a really sweet moment to work in, especially when combined with a mercifully early version of DMI.
This was a fun one - I'm glad you ended up digging into this scenario more!
Author's Response: After what Ryan did, I'm sure there's a big feeling of satisfaction on Jim's part too. Glad you liked Pam's recation. Always fun to hear I got characterizations right.
And yes Pam wins the art contest. Especially since she now has Jim's support and backing again.
Thanks for taking the time to go through and read and review this one. I've very glad you liked it.
Date: January 27, 2020 02:24 am Title: Starting Fresh
I'm a little bit late, but nevertheless. I like this story! At first, I was confused a little when Jim fainted, but then I saw that behind-the-scene video... you played that beautifully!
I'm not sure if I'm in awe or terrified of such a powerful team Jim and Pam became. The way they defeated Roy and Danny - it was something. I was a little bit uncomfortable with the cheating scene, though, but it gave us Jim's astonishing speech about his coworkers, and I love it!
Thank you for your story!
Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to read this one and also leave a review. I remember having a lot of fun when I was writing this story. The whole cliffhanger ended every chapter was a fun challenge. I've been long on the opinion that when Jim and Pam are truly in sync with each other they're a force to be reckoned with so thanks for picking up on that. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this so much.
Date: April 12, 2019 11:17 am Title: Starting Fresh
Lol! Nice ending. My favourite part, Dwight's reaction to the changing of seating arrangements.
Happy birthday (belated) again!
Author's Response: Thank you for the review and Birthday wishes. Dwight can be a lot of fun to write so I'm glad this went over well. Thanks for all the great comments.
Date: April 11, 2019 02:49 pm Title: Starting Fresh
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day! Thank you for gifting us on your day. Loved the canon adapted reveal. Dwight wanting to be notified about the desk change was so very Dwight. Very fun to end it on a “cliffhanger” like that. This has been a super fun read!
Author's Response: Thank you for the birthday wishes and all the great comments. I had a lot of fun when I thought up the ending to this chapter/story. I'm very glad you liked it so much. Hope to hear from you again when I start up my next story.
Date: April 11, 2019 02:46 pm Title: Starting Fresh
Are the TPS reports the movie reference?
Love this story. Keep the chapters coming.
Author's Response: The TPS are A movie reference, but not the one from last chapter. The reference from last chapter was "was has made me paranoid and it gets my Agent Orange acting up," from the movie "Major Paine." Glad you liked the story, but it has come to an end. I have a bigger story planned that I need to really start researching so I decided to wrap this one up. Thanks for all the great comments. Hope to hear from you again when I start my next tale.
Date: April 11, 2019 11:49 am Title: Starting Fresh
I'm glad you didn't resist.
This was lovely and also a great way to resolve it all. The use of IM was smooth and the details of how he dealt with Ryan amused me. Very glad you went where you did with this.
Author's Response: Glad this last chapter worked for you. I'll admit I had a great big evil grin on my face when I figured out how to end the last chapter still with a cliffhanger. Thanks for sticking with this.