Date: November 08, 2020 03:51 pm Title: Progress Reports
This was funny, and again seems like you've gotten the voices down well. I loved Nellie and Oscar getting into a conversation about Downton Abbey, and the Creed line was on point - he's surprisingly difficult to get right, I think.
I'm glad to see you doing more of the Nellie-Erin exploration here, too...
Author's Response:
Appreciated! The Downton Abbey tie-in was downright serendipitous considering the whole plot of that finale involved money. And Creed is this weird enigma that makes sense even when he makes no sense. You're right, it's a fine line.
Nellie and Erin's friendship is so fun to write, Erin especially since her whole thing is bringing out the best in others.
Date: November 01, 2020 11:10 pm Title: Progress Reports
Good job in getting all the character's voices down. Especially Creed. I could easily see him confusing Nellie for Meredith.
Also nice little moment there with Erin too. Always nice to get some support.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Again, writing all these characters has been an absolute joy. Gotta love Creed. He's always a treat to write.
Erin is such a sweetheart so I wanted her to reach out to Nellie, especially considering they're going through the same journey, in a way.