Date: November 16, 2020 07:23 pm Title: Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again
Ugh. Roy. This feels a *lot* like the guy canon Roy would have been in high school. Thank goodness Pam came to her senses.
Date: November 14, 2020 01:22 am Title: Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again
WW. I knew this was going to be amazing because every time someone brought it up, they had nothing but glowing reviews. Em and Beth are always hyping this story up on twitter, and for good reason. It's so, so good. I know that I did a couple updates in chat while reading so you know I binged this all at once, but I seriously couldn't stop. Jim and Pam are adorable. You know I'm going to be bugging you for more of this now that I'm caught up. I can't wait for that valentines day chapter (;
Author's Response: Lady, I know I have told you thank a lot, but seriously thank you! :) I love how much you love it and it makes me want to write more!
Date: November 11, 2020 04:34 pm Title: Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again
There's a line between the teasing of a friend and the mockery of someone else. I feel like Jim knows that line well. Thus his two reactions to his students comments. While he can grin ruefully at the first one I can imagine the conversation after class going something like this.
"First and foremost, Mr. Allen, you will address me as Mr. Halpert and Miss Beasly as Miss Beasly. Second you're comments were rude, disrespectful, and completly innaporpriate. Regardless of their past no girl or woman is EVER leftovers. They are their own people and deserve to be treated with the utmost of respect. To help you learn that you just earned yourself an extra assignment. A five page paper on examining the history of respect, honor, and integrity. You need five seperate sources minimum and only one of your sources can be from an online publication. Due one week from today. If you ever say anything like that again in my presense or I hear about if from another teacher we'll go to the pricipal. Do you understand? Good. You're dismissed."
Or at least that's how I would deal with that student.
I really liked how Jim dealth with Roy. It's one of the things about canon Jim that always kind of bugged me. He never really stood up to Roy. Early on I get why. However even in later times, like at the bar, Jim kind of wimps out when talking to Roy. Like he's scared of him. I don't see that here.
He is willing to have the man to man conversation, but he's not willing to let Roy get the upper hand. Likewise Jim doesn't need to resort to anything physical. He's an English teacher and thus knows the power of words. Words can often cut deeper than any blade and Jim uses that to great effect. I'm sure Roy is the kind of guy who wants to flaunt his physical prowess. For Jim to cut that down so easily shows that Roy really doesn't stand a chance against him.
I also really like that Jim is honest with Pam about everything later. Again a great sign of a mature relationship. I wonder if Pam will say anything to Roy. At this point she very much seems like she's the kind of woman who has no qualms about taking Roy down a peg or too. Likewise I'm curious to see of Roy will continue to make a stink about things? Will this Roy, like in canon do something dumb that costs him his job? Time will tell.
Great chapter.
Author's Response: I’ll be honest, I’m kind of over Roy, so he’ll probably just stay in his lane from now on. Haha thank you for such a thoughtful review, as always! The things you are noticing are the things I want to be picked up by readers, so that’s a big encouragement. :)
Date: November 10, 2020 09:23 pm Title: Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again
I was not disappointed by the confrontation that you teased. Loved Jim’s defending of Pam turned from fuming anger to him being calm but calculated. Can’t wait for more!
Author's Response: Thank you!! :)
Date: November 10, 2020 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 12: The Faculty Lounge...again
Okay first of all, that ice cream emergency is the cutest thing ever. My grandmother has done stuff like that with me a couple times, and I love it. Not the same as JAM, but it’s still really special to me.
I am a huge sucker for any scenes that involve one of them sleeping and the other one thinking about them. So, so romantic and adorable.
(As usual) I can’t wait for more.
Author's Response: I, too, am a sucker for those kinds of scenes. Hence it showing up in my fics. Haha thank you!!