Date: February 18, 2022 10:14 am Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
I said before that I'm always interested to read about the tension caused by the nature of Jim's relationship with Pam, and what he would like it to be, and I like the way you've explored that here.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself! I actually forgot to count look for things to count, because I was caught up in the story - don't know if that counts as 'harsh criticism' or not... :o)
Author's Response: I don't think that counts, no. :D
Appreciate the review, friend!
Date: May 14, 2021 09:10 am Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
I like this chapter even though it made me sad. There's something about the first season that almost completely disappeared in the following ones: this aura of stagnation and hopelessness, the grey days at a monotonous job with no growth and no future, and only sparks of human communication could brighten this gloom. I think you grasped this moment extraordinarily well.
And you're right, there are not so many stories about the summer of '05. So thank you for writing one!
P.S. I've already seen that the next one is about Casino Night, and I'm afraid I'm not ready for it now. But I'll definitely return/read/review this one too!
Author's Response: It really is too bad they lost some of that, because it feels like a sitcom where you're always supposed to return to the status quo at the end of the episode would be a great genre to explore that. I mean, it would have been a lot less funny, but a lot more real.
There may be another in me, who knows.
Okay. Just remember: it's canon compliant, and that's a point I'm going to make over the course of the story...
Thank you as always for reading and reviewing my friend!
Date: May 09, 2021 06:46 am Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
I'm surprised there aren't more 05-05-05 fics out there, but - I think this might be the only one I need! This party is amazing, and just so very Michael. I also really enjoyed the glimpse into Jim without the cameras, and the sense that he's putting it on a little bit feels very in character: he does actually care a bit about his sales and can be civil to Dwight. It's a really nice touch.
And everyone's reaction to Michael's news about the documentary - Dwight's drumroll and Oscar and Angela's concern about the glass, Stanley's little comment, Toby's expression - is just perfect.
I love pretty much all of Jim and Pam's interactions in this, and the way you've written Jim's conflict and pining and his intentions with Katy, and Pam basically needing him to get through the day - but I think my favourite parts are - the 'not good' line after he falls for Pam a bit harder with her shoulder drop, and this bit: 'Jim doesn’t know what he can say. What’s going to reveal too much. What’s fair. What he’s objective about. What’s in her best interest, and what’s he’s only convinced himself is.' It just feels so true of so many of their interactions in seasons 1 and 2.
And then I loved the contrast between Pam's 'she likes knowing what's coming...she's not ready for that stop' and Jim's 'he can't got on like this...something has to change' - which pretty much sets you up for the entirety of season 2. So great!
(Also I recently went down a wikipedia rabbithole about orcas after I watched Blackfish, so...this is just deeply satisfying).
Author's Response: I will confess, I think Jim's sudden attention to sales is mostly because he doesn't want to talk to Pam, but I have always thought of Jim as someone whose behavior is among the more impacted by the cameras, and I'm definitely glad you enjoyed this look into Jim not having to perform.
I do love a good ensemble scene, and you've got to feel for Michael here, right? I mean... he's saving the branch! With comedy!
It doesn't get explored much because Roy is so comically awful, but I do think that would be on Jim's mind a lot... he's in a pretty awkward position as Pam's go-to guy and would-be suitor.
(Blackfish is a genuinely game-changing documentary which I *definitely* wanted to work in if not for the anachronism, so I'm glad this was well timed for you.)
Glad you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
Date: May 07, 2021 05:29 pm Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
Tiring or not, you did a great job with this one. You're right there's not a lot of Post-Hot Girl fic. You really did a great job of nailing their characters along with the feelings that would go into not only the party, but the end of and news of the return of the cameras.
Jim pining away and trying and failing to detach himself from Pam was so bittersweet. Clearly he knows he's using the relationship with Katy as a way to distract himself from Pam, and he knows it's not working.
Very good feeling of early season Pam. Locking into the same predictable patterns and holding onto those because she's not ready for big changes yet. So she stays at her job, stays with Roy, stays just friends with Jim. Really well done with this one.
Author's Response: Their relationship to the cameras is FASCINATING and it feels like there's a lot to be written about it... one of the better bits of Season 9 imo.
Yeah, this is clearly not the first time Jim has gotten to this point, and of course we know it's not going to be the last. He just feels obligated to try even knowing he won't succeed because he doesn't see another option. Poor guy. Not too long, Jim.
Pam at this juncture in the story is tough, and I'm glad you felt like I got the vibe right. I do think she's noticeably more interested in Jim in the first half of Season 2 than at the end of Season 1, and I wanted to put her in a place where she was maybe starting to make that transition... but it may need more development than this.
Glad you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to read and review! Hope the ice cream hangover wasn't too bad...
Date: May 06, 2021 08:15 pm Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
I heard Michael's voice perfectly in my head, you really captured him! And I agree, there should be more summer post-season 1 fics!
Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad to hear it! Michael is... challenging.
*Sigh* Maybe I'll write one.
Thank you taking the time to read and review!
Date: May 06, 2021 04:01 pm Title: 05-05-05 (May 5, 2005)
So discovering this story was like discovering the bonus gifts in the teapot because well I feel like it is a bonus chapter that brought a smile to my face.
You are BADASS 😎- to be able to do this on the fly like this.
My first favorite line came early on - Pam has been having trouble whittling down her list to just five different ways she’d like to murder him.
I caught the reference about helping Roy's cousin move...I love the attention to the little details. And how the cameras are gone for a it - but what really struck me was your addition of the big reveal that they were coming back - and I did appreciate the way you mixed in fees to play a part in saving the branch.
NOw of course all Pam and Jim stuff felt very true to the time/season/feeling going on at the time. Getting a deeper perspective on Jim's feeling regarding the Katy stuff is great to see too - not a lot about that I've seen.
The vending machine prank was one of my favorites so got a little giggle at that coming.
The ending seems about right too. He's becoming more self aware that his situation is not healthy - and that well you said it - something has to change.
Nice job on this one. Keep 'em coming.
Author's Response: Ha. This one was a little rushed, and I think it shows.
Unusually, I think I had more fun getting the Michael interactions right than I did with anything else here. I have a greater understanding of the Office writing staff now, writing Michael bugging Pam was hilarious.
One of the big things I wanted to do with this was get into their relationship with the cameras a little more. It comes off pretty heavy-handed, I think, but it *has* always struck me that Dunder Mifflin has to be getting *something* out of this to let these guys hang around the office-most-likely-to-cause-a-lawsuit for nine years, and fees that end up being counted as sales DOES explain why Scranton keeps surviving.
I feel like Katy is mainly treated, both by the show and by the fandom, as an obvious non-contender for Jim's heart... and I get why. I'm also always struck by how she literally asks him if he thinks they might get married one day seconds before they break up, and it has occurred to me that out of Pam's sight that might be a more functional relationship than in comes off in canon. Which makes Jim dumping her on his work cruise abruptly and with great cruelty about 50 times worse.
Canon Jim goes back and forth a lot about what he wants to do about Pam, doesn't he? I think he must be very aware his situation is untenable, but not how to fix it.
We'll see! This one took a lot out of me.