Date: May 31, 2023 11:51 pm Title: Halloween (October 31, 2013)
I really enjoyed this collection of stories. I could totally see them saying and doing everything as you described it. I liked all of them, of course, but my favorites were without a doubt Jelly Bean Day, Casino Night, and Halloween II. I hope you will get the inspiration to write more,
Thank you for writing and sharing these with us!
Date: November 03, 2022 11:12 am Title: Halloween (October 31, 2013)
*she’s MERIDA FROM BRAVE with shamefully straight hair.*
love this detail!
*JIM (snapping a black eyemask onto his face):
It’sssssssssssss showtime!*
It's a crime we did not get to see JK actually do this
*PETE (in talking head):
Oh, Erin adores The Incredibles. She says she really likes how they come together and fight evil as a family. (beat) She also roots for Simon in Die Hard With A Vengeance. (beat) Not sure the fighting evil thing is that big a part of it.*
OMG I can't believe you made a Die Hard 3 reference and worked it so seamlessly into a character's very believable library of knowledge. Bravo.
*This may be one of the top 10 most disappointing things to ever happen to ERIN. If you discount anything related to the orphanage. Or sex with ANDY. Or GABE.*
Stop being amazing. Just stop it. These are the best. (The absolute best.)
Author's Response: Truthfully? Erin should've put more work in here. A non-curly haired Merida? I mean, what's the point?
I think he would've enjoyed this scene.
This, the force field joke and Pam being excited she's gotten Jim to wear a costume were the foundations on which all the rest of it was built. But yeah, that worked out way too well.
I'll see what I can do for you there. Thanks for taking the time to review!
Date: October 31, 2022 03:42 pm Title: Halloween (October 31, 2013)
So there was a Caffeine Corner fic after sneaky devil.
So I'm old as a vampire so some of the pop culture references were lost on me but I knew exactly what a reach extender was even without the link.
Wish that Erin had gotten a monster perm to look more like Merida.
Believe it or not, I do know Blackadder (Mr. Bean too).
The best part of this fic was imagining Jim as Mr. Incredible, but seriously you really touched the mummy in me in that the family went as The Incredibles. It so just warmed my heart - it's one of my kids favorite movies still and I have video asking "Jeffery Dahmer" (only you know who I mean) as a little kid if he was fast like Dash. And Cece trapping Dwight in a force field - be still my heart, how adorable.
I know why Dakota is featured and why she goes as Tes McGill - again because I'm from the dark ages. SHould I spoil it for all - naw you know I know. Let them look it up.
I also caught the good at Jellos - and Clark dressed as HP and was there a nod with the phrasing 'like a traveler' or am I just overthinking as usual?
Gotta tell you the Incrediperts had me howling.
And really the reason Angela goes along on this prank does track.
Fun stuff - thanks for posting!!
Author's Response: I mean, not a Caffeine Corner *fic*, but yes. (There's a talking head in the Jeffrey Dahmer chapter set there too. Apparently it's in my head.)
I was very unsure whether or not people would get the reach extender thing... I feel like that was a part of daily life at my house growing up.
It's such a perfect family costume, if you've got the people for it! And such a fun family movie. That's a very sweet story about your serial killer there. And there should be more Cece-Dwight fanfic moments.
I was thinking of making it more pointed within the script exactly why that costume worked, but nah. That's an Easter egg, dammit.
The like a traveler part was just me trying to be overdramatic with my metaphors... but going with Harry Potter was an intentional tribute.
Glad the Angela bit worked... this one came together pretty slowly, but I thought in the end it all grew fairly organically.
Thank you! And thanks for such an extensive review!
Date: October 31, 2022 08:44 am Title: Halloween (October 31, 2013)
Oh this was so much fun! Love that Jim FINALLY dressed up and that it was all to prank Dwight.
Loved the part about Dwight’s scarecrow care 🤣
Happy Halloween 🎃 👻
Author's Response: There is no limit Jim will not overcome if it means pranking Dwight.
Lol. Dwight has so many oddities that must try Angela's poor Christian soul.
A Happy Halloween to you!
Date: October 31, 2022 08:33 am Title: Halloween (October 31, 2013)
Yeah I could see this as a way to get Jim in costume. Pam started wearing him down with Popeye and he's found it's a lot of fun to make the two best girls and guy in his life happy. And prank Dwight at the same time.
Erin being all about the costume and her and Pete still going strong was great fun too. Same with all the other costume descriptions. Dwight going through HR staffers seems to track. Not that he was as antagonistic to them as Michael was, but almost as if he's trying to out-to Michael in his disregard for things HR.
The best part though was Cece forcing Dwight into a force field. Love how that came across.
Great job and Happy Halloween!
Author's Response: Jim's love for his family, and perhaps more importantly his love for pranking Dwight, would make him do far worse things than dress up for Halloween.
Erin's sheer joy in things always makes her fun to use. And I had *way* too much fun thinking up costumes.
I think that's about right... Dwight isn't *purposefully* hateful towards HR guys the way Michael is, but he's certainly not going to let an HR guy prevent him from doing anything.
There should be more Cece-Dwight fic.
Thank you, and a very happy Halloween to you!