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Reviewer: Keds Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21, 2007 12:41 pm Title: Chapter 2

This is just lovely.  Very subtle and understated and lovely.  Can't wait for more

Author's Response: Keds, thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21, 2007 03:57 am Title: Chapter 2

This is beautiful!  This part made me sway:

Their fingers touch and butterfly wings rustle low, and she smiles because he always gives her the last won ton, and maybe her Jim really is back.

Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: Beeswax, thanks for the review!

Reviewer: big haircut Signed [Report This]
Date: August 20, 2007 07:46 pm Title: Chapter 2

this is really great... I think the akwardness is very THEM!

Author's Response: big haircut, thanks for the review!

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