Date: February 08, 2008 10:33 pm Title: Suddenly I See.....
I'm so glad Pam's awake. Loved how Jim said "absolutely I do".
Date: February 06, 2008 06:31 pm Title: Suddenly I See.....
This chapter was great. Thanks for the quick update. You write Jim's spoken words just as I imagine he would deliver them and you've done a good job getting inside his head (and taking the reader there), too. I especially enjoyed the paragraph where he summoned the courage to ask Jenn about what Pam had told her about him. This was a great angle that I didn't see coming, but well worth taking! You added depth to both Jim and Jenn by including this conversation in the chapter. Another great line was when you described Jim's feelings after being told Pam was awake: "He felt like running and screaming and crying and laughing all at once". I truly loved this line. Jim would definitely have felt all these emotions all at once at the thought of finally getting to see and speak to Pam after this whole ordeal.
On a editing note, I respectfully mention that there were a couple of extra words that didn't get edited out where I had to stop and re-read the line to understand what you meant, but those were very small details. You've done a great job overall and I can't wait for your next update. :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate you reading my story and giving detailed feedback! Thank you! Also, thanks for the editing notes. I just started using a beta so hopefully they will be able to catch what I miss. I will have to re-read that chapter and make the corrections! Thanks for telling me!!
Date: February 06, 2008 06:10 am Title: Suddenly I See.....
oh my vivid...can't wait for more