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Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17, 2007 06:09 am Title: Chapter 12 - The day Dwight was Jim

haha, go Pam. that was awesome

Reviewer: LindsayLeigh Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17, 2007 12:13 am Title: Chapter 12 - The day Dwight was Jim

Hillarious chapter! Pam's prank was awesome. Jim must be awfully proud of her right now. Hooray for two chapters in one day. (Btw, I like the changes you made to the last chapter. It comes off much funnier when told through Kelly's POV--and Meredith sprinting off to Toby's office was hillarious.)  Thanks for writing!

Author's Response: Thank you! I totally had to make the changes when my boyfriend said he was turned on by Karen's accosting Toby. Nope. Not good. I was like "it was supposed to be funny..." and he was like "Really?" So yeah, definite rewrite.

Reviewer: Tangy_Zip Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16, 2007 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 12 - The day Dwight was Jim

I'm so enjoying this story.  This chapter was sheer genius; you totally nailed it!

Author's Response:

Wow! Such a nice review! Thank you!

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16, 2007 10:48 pm Title: Chapter 12 - The day Dwight was Jim


holy crizz-ap. that...whole...thing. it was just...brilliant. i may never write again. you are too awesome, and i am shamed in comparison. can't wait for more.

(also...feeling slightly braggy because i got to read both versions of chapter 11. it's like...second drink, but with chapters. aaaaaaaawesome.) 

Author's Response:

WOW! Did not expect that.

If you stop writing, you know what will happen right? Your legion of fans will come after me with stakes made out of mops!!!

I had to change Chapter 11 because my boyfriend really liked it. He has awful taste. Plus... he thinks Karen is "HOT" so... we don't want too much Karen. Is that mean?


Reviewer: angie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 15, 2007 11:27 pm Title: Chapter 10 - Dundies in Your Pants

I love it!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard  in a long time. Keep 'em coming!!!!! (I have nothing more contructive than that, sorry)

Author's Response:

loving, laughing, coming! It's all constructive. Wait. That sounded wrong somehow.

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15, 2007 04:43 pm Title: Chapter 10 - Dundies in Your Pants

NO! you can't just STOP THERE! this is too ridiculously amusing! i'm freaking loving it. yeesh. what am i gonna do with the whole rest of my day, now that i don't have any more of this to read? ca-rap...i guess i'll just have to wait until you update again. dammit.

 ::whistles:: any more yet? :0)

Author's Response: I have an idea! Why don't YOU update 'Turnabout's Fair Play' so I have something to read before tonight's episode! It's a win-win-win!

Author's Response:

Yay! Double dose!


Reviewer: Emma Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15, 2007 09:50 am Title: Chapter 10 - Dundies in Your Pants

I said "Yes!" out loud when I saw this had been updated. It is so fun!

Reviewer: KittyCat Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 04:56 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

Oh that makes more sense but wouldn't he have told her if he was engaged, if not to Pam but ever?

Author's Response:

The best answer I can give is that I think Jim doesn't tell Karen anything unless he really, really has to. He seems to play his cards very close to his chest. I think that's why Karen was sounding Pam out about the kiss in BF. Karen knows she's missing something but she doesn't know what it is. I picture her being pretty paranoid about Jim's relationship with Pam. I'm probably all wrong though. :)

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 04:23 pm Title: Chapter 9 - Pam's Tattoo

i am in love with you. in your group of friends, you *must* be the funny one. (otherwise, you must have some *crazy* funny friends.) cuz HOLY CRAP! i can't tell you how many times my coworkers have given me odd looks today because i randomly burst out laughing as i read this story. seriously. ridiculously amusing. i fully look forward to as many updates as possible, as often as possible. thank you and LOVE.

Author's Response:

Oddly enough, everyone thinks I'm the straight one in the family. But hell, they're a bunch of freaks! Happy Valentine's Day!! And by the way, I'm one of the legion of devoted fans who love TURNABOUT'S FAIR PLAY!

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 10:14 am Title: Chapter 9 - Pam's Tattoo

“Michael, do you remember carrying your Dundie around the office this afternoon? Maybe you were going to polish it?” Jim asked helpfully.


Loved that line. I spit out my coffee I was laughing so much.

Author's Response:

I make sure never to drink coffee while writing about Michael and his Dundie because I know the same thing would happen to me!

Reviewer: Teresa Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 09:16 am Title: Chapter 9 - Pam's Tattoo

Okay, I've decided.  You have to finish this story asap!  I don't care if it's 50 chapters, I can't take it anymore.  I have my suspicions about how it ends, but it's really tough waiting.  You have killed me for stories in progress.  From now on, I will only read completed ones.  (yeah right).

Seriously though, amazing job, keeping all these characters and personalities straight, thinking up dares and questions, and although I was curious, I loved how Phyllis forfieted that question.  Did not expect that.  I love how it involves the ensamble but I still feel like I'm reading about Jim and Pam.  And although we wouldn't be able to "see" something like this on the show, (because of the email thing) I feel like this is how it would happen.  Good show, my friend!

Author's Response:

AARGH! The pressure! But just 50 chapters? THAT should be easier than 15,000. I'm hoping by the time I get to chapter 15, you guys will pay me hard cash to just stop writing.

Phyllis may have forfeited the question but I guarantee you that the Email in question will be made public before this is all over!

Reviewer: KittyCat Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 07:29 am Title: Chapter 9 - Pam's Tattoo

Wait why does Karen think Pam and Jim were gonna get married? How did she ever think of that?

Author's Response: Because she has heard nothing from anyone about Pam having a boyfriend ever. All she knows is that Jim kissed her. That's it....

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14, 2007 06:18 am Title: Chapter 9 - Pam's Tattoo

i was just about go go when i saw a new chapter posted so i had to read. hehe, this is just getting so funny and awesome! poor angela, she is really sinning today :)

Author's Response: I'm concerned for poor Angela, too. I think she'll be sinning a little more before the day is through! Luckily Dwight will be there to wipe away the tears...maybe, kissing away the tears is more accurate.

Reviewer: Tangy_Zip Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 08:04 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

I really like this's nice to think of JAM and get to laugh ;)  More girly-girl truth or dare, please!

Author's Response: I'm telling you, with JAM if I don't laugh, I will cry. Get it together you two!

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 04:24 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

Ooh - intrigue!!  Next chapter please!

Author's Response: As you wish.

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

Now it 's really getting juicy. More please

Author's Response: juicy? that's given me an idea for a dare! prepare the peaches!

Reviewer: LindsayLeigh Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 02:22 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

This is my favorite story ever, just so you know! I laugh out loud at some point in every chapter, and yet it's also full of such delicious tension. I can't wait to see what Karen, Pam, and Jim do when everything comes to light! Thanks for writing, and please update soon!!!

Author's Response: ♥ well, now, that's just sweet... I'm blushing ♥

Reviewer: uncgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 01:24 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

I am at work and just about fell out of my chair when the secret got out about Phyllis's wedding.  Plus, not sure anyone is gonna buy that I normally grin like this at my screen for no reason!


So good. 

Author's Response: Tell them you were trying to knot cherry stems in your mouth!

Reviewer: Calli Wall Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 12:59 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

ooo, very interesting development, can't wait for more!

Reviewer: kaystar Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 12:55 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

"Phyllis said she likes to be on top when she does it with Bob. I guess she likes “bobbing” for his “apples”.  That was the funniest line!!  And I love the way Pam's broken engagement came out! 

Author's Response: That was the line that made my Sister say "Do NOT tell me that means what I think it means!" That's when I knew it was a winner.

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 12:05 pm Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

I am so loving Meredith's saucy humor through all of these.

And what a great way to "out" the Pam/Roy engagement to Karen. 

This is all very brilliant and funny. I cannot thank you enough for writing something FUNNY about The Office, since I am wallowing in JAM angst these days! 

Author's Response: Oh my god! The day after Phyllis' Wedding I couldn't write anything funny to save my life! I had to recover from that episode, I am telling you! Too much angst, too much!

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 11:57 am Title: Chapter 6 - Hot Sauce

I am just creeping out imagining naked Ben Franklin covered in hot sauce and knotting cherry stems in his mouth… I think I might be scarred for life.

I think I might be, too. :D This was hysterical! 

Author's Response:

I have to fast forward past that scene in BF because it just freaks me out! Only sex kittens should be able to do stuff like that! Ben Franklin? I don't think so!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 10:32 am Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

this is so great. so hilarious. now i want to know what is going to happen with karen/jim/pam. and i want to know what was in that email!

Author's Response: The email is integral to the plot and I promise that it will all be exposed! Just hold on to your seats!

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 09:51 am Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

This is so much fun...every single chapter has made me laugh out loud at least once....Meredith, especially,  is a riot!

Author's Response: Oooh, Meredith! I love Meredith. I just know she's going to end up in a fist fight with Angela by the end, but getting there will be SO GREAT!

Reviewer: Beth Signed [Report This]
Date: February 13, 2007 08:52 am Title: Chapter 8 - Bobbing for Apples

Wow, this story is getting really good.  I can't wait to see what karen does when she gets the whole story.

Author's Response:

She'll never get the whole story! The only people who know the whole story are Jim and Pam... the masters of understatement!

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