Date: May 15, 2007 11:32 am Title: Lust
I just discovered this story, and it's really wonderful. You've got great nsights into who Jim and Pam are, and what made them who they are now.
I am on the edge of my seat for the next chapter. Great job!
Author's Response: Edge of you seat hey? Well I better deliver then. No pressure ;)
Date: May 15, 2007 06:06 am Title: Lust
i just caught up after missing a few chapters and i just have to tell you that it's wonderful. there's so much love here and tons of backstory to remind us why they fell in love. i really like that you don't just rush them into things, that they take their time and work through the hard stuff :) and i also like the fact that they're together now listening, instead of on the phone with each other.
Author's Response: Rushing will soon be taking place. Getting them in the same place is just one more step to nakedness.
Date: April 22, 2007 06:28 am Title: Sandalwood
I love this. You've captured everything they're going through, both internally and externally. I love this last chapter especially because Jim NEEDS to know she wants him physically, just like he, the man, has always wanted her. It's heartwrenching and wonderful.
Please continue with this fic. It's very well written and I definitely want to read the rest!
Author's Response: To me there seemed to be an asexual nature to the relationship. Need to be fixed, so I fixed it.
Date: April 04, 2007 01:49 pm Title: Not A Pretty Girl
wow those lyrics were perfect, and the way you wove them - great job! I mean, wow, I am still thinking of all of that and how that relates to Pam. Great!
Author's Response: I gotta say Awww shucks again. Can you see the blush?
Date: April 03, 2007 12:18 am Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
I really like where this is going! Good song choice, I love "Not a pretty girl". I never really thought of it as a 'Pam' song, but it actually ties in perfectly with who she is becoming. Can't wait for the next chapter:)
Author's Response: After all this talk of Fancy New Beesley she just seemed like an Ani girl. She is an artist after all. Thanks for waiting for the next chapter. It is coming.
Date: March 28, 2007 07:47 pm Title: Fancy and New, Bold and Brave
"All they had was hope and the sense that this could be the beginning of everything." - what a beautiful line. I love that they listened to the CD together over the phone - it reminds me of them sharing the earbuds to Jim's Ipod that night. So very them.
Author's Response: That line was one of faves. Thanks for taking to the time to read and review.
Date: March 22, 2007 06:56 pm Title: Fancy and New, Bold and Brave
i loved it. as much as i love the entire story, i really like the way you summed it up in the beginning Jim looks for courage. He finds Pam instead.. its just simple and it is so perfect.
i can't wait for more
Author's Response: Awww shucks.
Date: March 10, 2007 07:26 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
Awww, you are so sweet to thank me for the review on your first story. I'm so happy to see the reviews on this story - way to go! I do hope you keep going, I love how music plays such a large part in their lives.
Author's Response: My first ever Jam review. How could i not give of the thanks.
Date: March 10, 2007 05:28 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
The time line is a bit confusing, but liked all the stories intertwined. I would love for you to continue this!
Author's Response: Yeah it was confusing to me too. Remember this was attepmted on little sleep and on the tail end of a very late night. Thanks.
Date: March 09, 2007 06:10 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
Hmm...I think it could work both ways. It's great as is, but I would be interested in reading more. Either way, great story.
Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time.
Date: March 09, 2007 02:03 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
Extremely Brilliant!! I would LOVE for you to keep going. I mean it's so eloquent.
Author's Response: Wow. Brillant and eloquent. I'm speakless here. Many thanks.
Date: March 09, 2007 06:55 am Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
I want more of it, cause I am curious. I know how many son I think can relate to JAMness, so I am curious what you pick and all that stuff
Author's Response: You know what they say about curiousity. Thank for the review.
Date: March 09, 2007 06:41 am Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
I'm looking forward to more!
Author's Response: There will be more. There will be plenty.
Date: March 08, 2007 09:35 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
Yes, I would definitely read more of this if you wrote it!!! And you're completely right about songs speaking to you when you're sad. Please write more, I'd love to hear what songs you chose to put on the CD!
Author's Response: It's hard cause there's just so many songs that work. Thanks for the review.
Date: March 08, 2007 09:20 pm Title: Mix Tapes and Heartache
I would love to read more of this - perhaps we could get Jim's perspective on receiving the gift and a hint as to the songs? I think you have really added information to the character's backstory that is great and fits well with the show. Great job.
Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to drop a line.