Reviews For Breakable
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Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: December 04, 2007 11:06 am Title: Chapter 4

Damn.  I'm not even sure how to sum up this one.  All I know is that I think I'm a little bit in love with Frankie.  Kid is wise.

Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: December 04, 2007 10:53 am Title: Chapter 3

Oh man.  This is so tense.  I am completely sucked into this world you've managed to illustrate so fully.  Jim's mother's humor was fabulous and I adored the description of Frank Jr. as being stuck between worlds.  And the reactions of everyone to the stress of holidays multiplied by the stress of terminal illness is amazing.  Nothing I've been through but it all seems so real.

Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: December 04, 2007 10:40 am Title: Chapter 2

The conflicting emotions that Jim is feeling are just so spectacularly displayed by the conversational snippets.  And meeting Roy.  I knew it had to be coming, I mean, obviously he'd known Pam's family for years, but unexpected in the store, late at night?  Ouch.

Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: December 04, 2007 08:46 am Title: Chapter 1

Ooh, first person!  Nice.  This piece was highly recommended by nqllisi.  Definitely off to a great start.  Love the character you've given to Pam's dad.  And of course I love her mom's name (I'm not biased because it's my own, nope, not at all).  :-)

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 02:18 pm Title: Chapter 6

Ooooh. So sad, but perfect. Jim was right- Frank had everything, and now Jim had it, too. Beautiful from beginning to end.

Author's Response: Wow! Thank you so much Nqllisi!

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 02:11 pm Title: Chapter 5

What was I saying about Jim being perfect? Yep. Because he loves her as perfectly as he can, and that's all you can ever ask.

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 02:07 pm Title: Chapter 4

Painful, awkward, and Roy. Poor Jim. Selfless and still kicking himself for selfishness, even justified. And then Roy, who is as blind in his love now as he was when he was with Pam.

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 01:54 pm Title: Chapter 3

Oh, Jim. And Pam, who is pushing him away because if she lets herself lean on him she's afraid she won't be able to hold herself up. So spot-on and just...pristinely sad. Still, Jim's pretty much perfect.

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 01:43 pm Title: Chapter 2

The brilliance continues. Roy was part of her family, and Jim is new, and his uncertainty, coupled with her remoteness...this is beautiful, like a very fragile vase under pressure that could snap but probably won't. Love the tension.

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed [Report This]
Date: November 30, 2007 01:38 pm Title: Chapter 1

Ooh. Wow. But Jim's there with her, and for her...and it'll be OK. Your style is lovely- sparse and precise, with just enough to set the scene and let us know who these people are and why they are gathered. Gorgeous.

Reviewer: AllysonB Signed [Report This]
Date: November 28, 2007 02:19 pm Title: Chapter 1

This story is lovely. I love that it's from Jim's point of view and I think your characterization is spot on. That ending had me in tears. It was beautiful.

Author's Response: Thank you so much AllysonB.  I'm glad you enjoyed it, and what a nice thing to say about the characterizations!!! 

Reviewer: Sevian Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: November 28, 2007 01:41 am Title: Chapter 6

I almost have no words for how your beautiful heartfelt story has touched me.  What a beautifully drawn family and a deeply emotional story that has left me crying into my laptop.  Well done.  Thank You.

Author's Response: Aw, I hope your laptop is ok! :-) Thanks so much for the lovely comments Sevian. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: thirtypercent Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: November 26, 2007 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 1

So, I know I'm late to the review party, but I had to give this story a few days to sit in my head so I could articulate what I loved about it rather than just saying AMAAAAZING!  (Though that is also true.)

So, here goes:  I think you did such a great job of making everybody in this story human and three dimensional, especially Jim.  He's not perfect -- he feels jealousy and insecurity and uncertainty just like everybody else, but he's doing the best he can.  Watching him put aside his own feelings so he can be there for Pam and her family was so touching.  Being a good person doesn't mean being impervious to mortal flaws, it means you do what you think is right even when it's hard.  And I think you captured that so well here.

Scenes that stood out to me: Pam crying on Jim after reading his letter, and Jim and Pam's father's conversation at the end.  Just, so good.

So... I loved it, can you tell? :)  

Author's Response: I do not have a problem with late reviews! lol. Thank you so so much thirtypercent for such thoughtfulness.  I'm a big fan of the non-perfect side of Jim.  I find Jim to be perfect BECAUSE he's so flawed at times.  Because even though he can be a bit impatient, I think it's the fact that you KNOW he will totally end up doing the right thing...that's what draws me to him.  Along with of course that humor.  Thanks so much again for the wonderful review. 

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: November 23, 2007 06:34 am Title: Chapter 6

There really aren't proper words to tell you how touched I was by this story. Every time I reread it, I'm crying at the end, and just very, very emotionally satisfied. The ending of one season always signals the beginning of another.
The way you wrote the atmosphere of death/dying in the Beesly household was spot on, especially how each member dealt outwardly with the turmoil within.
Loved how Jim verbalizes his wishes for the future with Pam, both to himself ( sixty years ), and to her via the terrace conversation.
Have I rambled on enough? Suffice it to say, this story is right up there with the other classics in the fandom and will be a frequent reread in my favorites. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Author's Response: Wow...what awesome, awesome compliments. The word "classic" just makes me all giddy inside to think that someone will think of this story, this way.  I'm definitely proud of it, so knowing someone else regards it as highly just is so wonderful. Thank you so much!

Reviewer: BeckySue Signed [Report This]
Date: November 22, 2007 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 6

So good! Very moving in this last chapter! Well done.

Author's Response: thanks a bunch Beckysue!!!

Reviewer: pbandj4life Signed [Report This]
Date: November 21, 2007 09:08 pm Title: Chapter 1

Fluffy and angsty at the same time. I loved every bit of it, and everyone was in perfect character. you rule. haha

Reviewer: nightskiesfading Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: November 21, 2007 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 1

This was such a wonderful story. The ending broke my heart and made me really happy at the same time. Great, great job.

Reviewer: bitterpill Signed [Report This]
Date: November 21, 2007 09:51 am Title: Chapter 6

This was such a beautiful story.  You captured the emotions perfectly.  Loved the first person narrative, and think it really enhanced the story.  Wonderful work!

Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much bitterpill!  The first person was a nice new challenge for me. I think the story definitely called for it. Thanks for the kudos!

Reviewer: Pamalama Signed [Report This]
Date: November 21, 2007 08:06 am Title: Chapter 6

I adore this story. It was perfectly matched to the song, it was just a lovely perspective of what, maybe could happen, cutely. I loved it.

Author's Response: thanks pamalama! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thought it fit well with the's one my new faves!

Reviewer: xoxoxo Signed [Report This]
Date: November 21, 2007 07:26 am Title: Chapter 6

I don't know whether to thank you or be completely disappointed that Jim is fictional - and you've made him so incredibly perfect.  I love it when you write something fluffy - but you've just more than proven yourself here.  Really fabulous LoveFool.  Thanks so much for this.

Author's Response: Aw, thanks Hugs! That's so nice of you to say!  I certainly haven't given up my beloved fluff...but it's certainly nice to do something different from time to time. Thanks again for the support!

Reviewer: Snoznoodle Signed [Report This]
Date: November 20, 2007 06:53 pm Title: Chapter 6

omg I was basically crying the whole time. That conversation with Frank and Jim was just perfect. I love how you make something so serious and something that we'll probably never see on the show sound so realistic! It's amazing! It'd be pretty hard not to cry while you read this, were you crying when you wrote it? It was beautiful! It was all perfect.

Author's Response: hahaha...was I crying when I wrote it? You know the only time I came close was during Jim's letter. There was a moment when he talked to Pam about the "view" from where Frank terms of his relationship to his family -- that he had all he wanted. A wife he loved, kids that adored him...for some reason that moment got to me.  I'm so glad this story effected you so deeply. Thanks so so much for the wonderful review.

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: November 20, 2007 06:48 pm Title: Chapter 4

"They're's just memories in there. That's all they want. It's all they have room for right now...They're not stupid. They'll snap out of it...She will too."

I loved Frankie's discussion with Jim. So very true, but poor Jim is just to hurt to see it.  Same with Roy's conversation in the car with Jim - I can see where Roy wants to be there with the family and acts with them the way he always has.  What a tough holiday for all of them.

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: November 20, 2007 06:25 pm Title: Chapter 3

"Roy who felt like maybe he was a well-worn part of the upholstery here in the Beesly household. While I felt...I felt like a brand new piece of furniture that they'd picked - that they liked even...but they were still getting used to it. They still weren't sure it was quite as comfortable as their old furniture. Weren't sure it quite meshed with all the rest of the knick-knacks."

What a perfect analogy of what Jim is going through.

Reviewer: luchy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 20, 2007 05:37 pm Title: Chapter 1

THis is the most beautiful heartbreaking story I have read in a LONG time.  I'm seriously crying my heart out here.  The way you wrote Jim was awesome... sooo him.  It's nice to get a story from his point of view.

Thank you


Author's Response: Luchy thank you! I'm so happy this was such a fulfilling read for you. It was certainly fulfilling for me to write. Thank you!

Reviewer: Shassafrass Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: November 20, 2007 05:24 pm Title: Chapter 6

So. Incredibly. Beautifully. Perfect.

Author's Response: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :-)

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