Reviews For Knock On My Door
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Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26, 2007 07:58 pm Title: Chapter 2

So sad.  Poor Pam, Addision and Jake.  :( 

You already know that you are amazing and this makes my heart break whenever I read it sooooo yeah.

Sorry for being "too smart" to read it!! I still loved it :D "Who's Jim again?"

Author's Response: Hehehe. You're too smart....I had one reviewer go "Is Jake and Addison their kids?" so...maybe my way actually worked! Hehehe...anywho, thanks!

Reviewer: katiej Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26, 2007 06:57 pm Title: Chapter 2

are Addison and Jake their kids? I'm hooked, this is really good. Suspenseful.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading! ANother chapter will be posted in a day or two....then you'll find out more....:)

Reviewer: JamLover101 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26, 2007 05:22 pm Title: Chapter 1

so so so sad

But i would imagine this is how Pam would act in a situation like this.

Superb writing! 

Author's Response: Thanks....I didnt have such an enormous amount of feedback the first chapter, so thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts. I hope to have more....thanks agian!

Reviewer: JAMfan22 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: November 24, 2007 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 1

Oh God, depressing. REALLY WELL WRITTEN. Bt oh so depressing. Ah, I must find out what else happens, please update soon.

Author's Response:

Yeah, depressing....but, I think this story is more about Pam's journey then about Jim's death. So, its gonna have it depressing moments, sure. But, I think in the end, the story will be about personal struggle and overcoming that. So....until another chapter is posted...

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it!  

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