Reviews For Pacific
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Reviewer: Wendy Blue Signed [Report This]
Date: December 26, 2007 11:34 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

How did I not read this until now?  That was the most intense 13 chapters of fic EVER.  So beautiful, so heart-breaking, so real, so perfect.  Very very very very well done.

Author's Response: Wow, Wendy Blue, I cannot tell you what your very encouraging words mean to me. Thank you so much. This story took a lot out of me, I have to admit. It was pretty emotional to write! So for you to review with such great things to say, wow. Thanks so much again.

Reviewer: Emilys List Anonymous 10 [Report This]
Date: December 23, 2007 11:09 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

holy cow. what a startling, beautiful series. i just read an AU before i started reading this - it didn't work at all - but THIS is an AU that fits and furthers the story of jim and pam even if it's not cannon. first of all, the language is just amazing. precise and beautiful. but more importantly, or maybe not, the story just works. using pam's talking head from "michael's birthday" was phenomenal. jim's longing and pain. karen not being a crazy, crazy woman. i love everything about this.

Author's Response: Wow, Emilys List, I'm just rendered a bit speechless by your really great review. I worried quite a big about this AU story, so I'm just very glad to know that you think I pulled it off in a somewhat realistic way. Your comments about my language are overwhelming! I was glad, too, to write Karen as not crazy and actually somewhat noble, in the end. This story took a lot out of me, as you can imagine, very emotional...but I'm glad I wrote it. And I'm just flattered and so grateful that you enjoyed it. Thanks a million for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: injoy Signed [Report This]
Date: December 22, 2007 05:46 pm Title: Day One: The Office

this seems incredibly familiar.

Author's Response: Yes, I see that you wrote a near-death experience with Jim, also based on The Negotiation. I searched on several related topics before I wrote it and did not find yours; nevertheless, I believe we all put our own spin on the stories, even though they may share some similar features. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: December 22, 2007 04:30 pm Title: One Week Gone

You have officially broke my grief bone.

Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Author's Response: Yeah, Bees...angst just coming out of my ears here. If I ever write another Jim and Pam story, my next one is going to be very, very fluffy. Like spun sugar. :) Thanks again for reading, encouraging, offering your wonderful advice and just basically being fabulous.

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: December 22, 2007 04:15 pm Title: Day Six: The Hospital

What a powerful chapter.  It was such a good choice to keep Jim so detached and distant.  My heart breaks for him.

Author's Response: Thanks again, Bees. Yes, Jim just shut down there. His poor stomach. :(

Reviewer: Beeswax Signed [Report This]
Date: December 22, 2007 04:00 pm Title: South America: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

I love this chapter!  It was wonderful reading about Pam embracing her dorky dancing.

You already know how I feel about this story, ra, but let me say it again:  I love every word of this.  It is a Jim and Pam holiday confection.

Author's Response: Thank you so much Beeswax. Your encouragement has just meant the world to me, as you know. Yes, I was happy to work her dorky dancing in too. :) Thanks a million again!

Reviewer: A Little Stitious Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 07:02 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

Wow, amazing work RA!  I enjoyed this tremendously...thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to more of your work. :)

Author's Response: Thanks so much, A Little Stitious! I think I need a breather after this one, though I appreciate that you would read more of my stories, if I write them. Thanks for a really encouraging review!

Reviewer: bitterpill Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 06:50 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

I read this at work today, and was tearing up before I knew what hit me.  This is really wonderful, emotional writing that had me hooked right away.  Really outstanding story.  Kudos!

Author's Response: Thank you so, so much bitterpill. I really appreciate that you thought it was well-written and also a good story. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 06:41 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

Ok, I'll try to write a coherent review here.  I finished this story early this morning when I got to work and at the conclusion, I was sitting there in front of the monitor with tears streaming down my face.  So suffice it to say, I was really moved by this story.

I liked how Pam got to sort of visit all those places she mentioned that she wanted to see if she only had a week to live, since this certainly could have been her last week on earth.  But Jim brought her back. *smiles*  I loved all his little jokes about why she finally awakened, then how he quietly revealed what he was really thinking at that moment. 

And the last paragraph was perfect.  Through all the ups and downs of marriage and childrearing, Jim is occasionally reminded of how he will never take her for granted.

I can't thank you enough for sharing this with all of us, RA!

Author's Response: Thank YOU for reading, and especially for a really detailed, great review. This one did take a lot out of me. Most of the time I just wrote and reread it, but once in awhile it stabbed me in the grief bone all over again. I'm also glad that Jim brought the joking in the last full was time. Also, I'm glad you thought the story stayed strong through the end, and that you enjoyed the last paragraph, even. Thanks a million again for the great review and for reading!

Reviewer: khand3stooges Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 05:06 pm Title: Day One: The Office

Oh my gosh, I loved this story so much.  I loved the whole back and forth thing.  The last chapter was done so beautifully.  Thanks for this gem.

Author's Response: I'm really so glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad too that you didn't think the last chapter disappointed. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: bebitched Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 01:56 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

I discovered this story last night while I was procrastinating and I just fell in love with it. There's something about the ebb and flow of consciousness to unconsciousness, reality to dreams, that's so poignant. Amazing job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much, bebitched. I really appreciate your kind words, and I'm glad that the Pam to Jim chapters seemed to have a really different feel to them. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: impish1 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 12:01 pm Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

What a beautiful story. Very poignant. I love this line, from last chapter:

He doesn't look at her, right away, and it occurs to him that even now he is very accomplished at not looking at her; even now he knows how to soak in her presence without taking her in with his eyes.

It's so season 3 Jim, to me.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked that line, impish1. I think it was season 3 Jim as well, being able to feel her without seeing her. Also, I really wanted to stay away, if possible, from having to describe Pam's appearance in that bed. :( Jim never really looked at her in that state, so we didn't have to either. Thank goodness; this story had enough angst as it was. ;)

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 08:42 am Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

Wow.  Excuse me a minute while I go to find my tissues.  Gah.

I usually shy away from fics in which bad stuff happens to Pam, but this is so beautifully done and incorporates elements of a few episodes in a unique and inventive way, I just had to review and tell you how touching it is. 

And I feel like Pam a bit with her lapses in brain function, in that I don't have the right words to write a review worthy of how lovely this fic has been.   

Author's Response: Wow, lisahoo....I'm not sure I have right words to respond. Thank you for your super kind words. I really hoped to treat this story delicately, and I am glad to see that it seemed to come off that way for you. Thank you again for reading and reviewing, it really means a lot to me.

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 08:33 am Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

This was a fantastic story, RA, from beginning to end.  Excellent job.  Get cracking on another one, OK? 

Author's Response: NanReg, thank you for being such a faithful reader and reviewer. I really hope you were satisfied with the ending. **phew** I think I'm taking a break for a bit, but I'm encouraged that you would maybe read more of my stories, if I write them. Thanks again!

Reviewer: Ozana Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 07:58 am Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

Wonderful story!  I am glad that I was able to read it.  I loved the characterizations of Pam & Jim.  I even liked how Karen was so noble.  I was actually in a coma (twice) and I have the same "brain farts" and I liked your description of how Jim and Pam react to them.  Kudos!

Author's Response: Wow, Ozana...I am really glad that I seemed to depict the after-effects of comas OK. I did a bit of snooping around the internet to just make sure I was at least somewhat realistic. But, two comas! Wow, I'm sorry about that, but so glad you made it through. :) Thank you for your kind words about my story, and for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Abigail Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 06:48 am Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

*tear*  Great story, RA. I couldn't imagine it ending any other way.  Congratulations on being bold enough to write it!

Author's Response: Yeah, I just could not have Pam go out over that ocean at the end, no way. :) I did worry over the whole story though, and how I treated it, and I did have to be kinda bold to forge ahead with it. Thanks so much for reading and especially reviewing, Abigail! I really appreciate your encouragement.

Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2007 06:34 am Title: Epilogue- A Gift of Remembering

This story has been a hell of a ride ;-) I really like how you structured it - alternating Pam's coma-dreams with 'reality'. And her thoughts truly had that dream-like, almost hyper-real, detailed quality to them. I also thought you skillfully merged the two modes, in the chapter where Jim just knows she's back (sob...) Loved his jokes later about what she murmured while waking, by the way. Couple more things: the image of Pam at the Pacific, at the very edge of the continent, was a great metaphor for what she (and Jim) have had to go through to finally connect -  also a nice allusion to their chat at the lake in BG, that also propelled them forward. And when Jim first sees her, and cries with his head on her stomach, I actually teared up, which I almost never do while reading fanfic. So, yeah...really enjoyed this. 

PS : this story is marked as incomplete - since you've already posted an  Epilogue, did you mean that?

Author's Response: Hi Colette. Thanks for the wonderfully detailed review. I worried a little bit about maybe being too poetic with Pam in her dream-state. She, like Jim, is usually pretty succinct. But, she is also an artist, and I think Pam has it in her to be very poetic (and is very good with words, probably better than I am, come to think of it). ;) As I was writing the chapter where Jim finally goes in to her room, I just wrote it; I didn't really think about the merging of their stories together at the time I was writing. But later as I re-read it made sense to me, and I noticed that Pam even sounds a little more conscious there (using all capitals on "FEEL" is more Pam like, less dreamy, I hoped). I was glad that Jim joked with her too in the last full chapter. It was time for some levity and Jim takes the reins on that at every opportunity. I love your catch of Pam on the edge of the continent and also by the water in BG. I have to be honest: the waterside in BG didn't occur to me as I was writing; I was going strictly by Pam's own musings in "Michael's Birthday" and in my own head wasn't looking forward to BG at all. I'm so glad you pointed that out though- it makes great sense. As for Jim with his head on her abdomen....yeah. Pretty desperate. He waited a long time to break down, so when he did....he really did. **sigh** Lastly, I just went through and marked it as complete. I meant to do that this morning, but it slipped my mind. Thank you, thank you again for all of your really wonderful feedback and insight. I really appreciate it!

Reviewer: Annika Signed [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 08:49 pm Title: One Week Gone

I've held off reviewing because quite honestly, I've been unable to express how I feel abou this story adequately.  I still can't.  Just know, that I don't think I've ever read anything that has touched me as deeply as I've been touched tonight.   You truly have a gift. 

Author's Response: And you have just given me a huge gift. Thank you so much. A long time ago, I used to write for my own pleasure, and haven't written at all since. But over the course of this last month, through this awesome site, I have discovered how completely exhilarating it is to write- completely consuming. And that's been a gift to me, just my own experience in the writing. So for a reader to say that the story touches them as well....that maybe someone other than myself is getting something from the story, is Amazing. Again, thank you....your words have really meant so, so much to me.

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 08:35 pm Title: Day Two: The Hospital

So heartbreakingly sad for everyone - Pam, her parents, Jim and Karen.  I'm not a Karen fan but the way you've written her in this, the way Jim is shutting her out, makes me feel sorry for her.

Author's Response: Yeah, Karen took a hit at the beginning there, but I'm glad she called Jim's parents, because then Jim's mom was able to talk him into going in to see Pam, finally. Not sure Karen would have been able to do that. And, I probably should know these things as the one who wrote this story, huh? ;) At any rate, thank you so very much for your detailed comments on the various chapters. Your insightful feedback is so appreciated!

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 08:22 pm Title: Europe: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

I loved the imagery in this chapter - and your words here were like beautiful lyrics. Amazing.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks again so much! I am actually a musician...the lyrics comment is fitting for me. :) I've been living in lyrics for years and years...interesting that it comes out in my writing. I noticed other peeks too, after I read it back: the sing-songing children and the melody and beat and rhythm of the language, and that Pam's mom talks to her later and her voice sounds like music. I guess I can't escape my day job, even in my newest hobby. ;)

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 07:32 pm Title: Day One: The Hospital

"Jim know that she and Bob will serve as anchor to their own little craft of uncertainty and worry."

"Jim briefly wonders if doctors have any idea, as they go through their day, how often and how thoroughly their words are replayed and turned over, how often those words become the foundation of hope or the beginning of despair."

Such great lines in this chapter.  You can feel Jim's pain. And I think your portrayal of Karen is spot on - trying to help Jim while at the same time realizing how he's slipping away from her.  Very moving chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks again kaystar. I'm glad you liked my portrayal of Karen in this chapter. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 07:18 pm Title: Day One: The Office

"And Jim was about to have some of the horrible, irrevocable words that doctors can say written forever on his heart."

What a beautiful line. I'm glad I decided not to wait till it was done to read this.  I'm hooked already.

Author's Response: Thanks kaystar. That was a pretty succinct line, but I hope it said alot. I'm glad you read it, even before I was done posting it!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 06:49 pm Title: One Week Gone

Whew.  That was heart-wrenching.  I can't imagine what it must be like for you to write this, RA. 

Author's Response: It was really difficult as I typed it out the first time, but then I took steps back from it as I refined and edited. And it helps that I knew how it was going to end, which I am wondering if many readers were not sure about. I have no idea what I am doing here, I have no idea how to judge the reader's experience except through reviews. I suspect that there might have been readers who were really wondering what I was going to do with this, but there also might have been readers who knew all along. Again, I have no idea what I'm doing. heehee. Perhaps it's a case of "kids, do not try this at home." ;) At any rate, NanReg, as always, thank you SO MUCH for being a faithful reader and reviewer. I am so deeply appreciative.

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 06:24 pm Title: One Week Gone

Tough, tough chapter to read.  Brought me to tears. But just awesome.  Can't wait for the ending.

Author's Response: Thanks, EverybodyHurts! It's all over, and I hope it did not disappoint. As I said in my author's notes for the epilogue, it was about as 'near miss' as near miss can get. But, Jim and Pam were pretty far apart in that episode....I guess I just added to that exponentially. And made it about 1,000 times more angsty. ;) As I said, if I ever write another story for Jim and Pam, it will be cream puff fluff....oy. Enough angst for awhile. :) Thanks so very, very much for your kind words and for reviewing!

Reviewer: bcd Signed [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 11:51 am Title: Day One: The Office

No no no Pam don't go into the water!!!! Poor Jim. Seriously, I love this

Author's Response: Thanks again, bcd. It's all over now. :) I hope you liked the ending. I really appreciate your review and kind words!

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