Reviews For Pacific
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Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 05:45 am Title: Pacific: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

Oh my.  This is so intense and so wonderful.  I'm on the edge of my seat.  You're killing me, RA (but in a good way)!!

Author's Response: It's all over NanReg, I hope you survived. ;) I cannot tell you how deeply appreciative I am of your faithful reviews and kind, supportive words. This is so intensely personal, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into when I started writing these little stories about a month ago. Your kind words have sustained me and encouraged me....thank you so much. I would love to know what you think of the ending. Thank you, thank you and...thank you. :)

Reviewer: epiphilly Signed [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 03:54 am Title: Pacific: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

This is wonderful. Truely, really wonderful. You're so intelligently and so skillfully carving out the story and the characters. Pam's dreams are eerie and telling, and Jim's torment feels so real and so heartbraking. You really thrive with the subtle and the delicate in this story. You're doing a beautiful job, i can't wait to see how you decide to end this one.

Author's Response: I am speechless. Thank you, thank you...and I hope that the rest of this story does not disappoint. **nervous**.

Reviewer: Jordon Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2007 12:04 am Title: Day One: The Office

This is so good - please have a happy ending, I don't know if I can handle something where Pam dies after a long drawn out coma. Nah, whatever you decide is fine, and I'm really enjoying this so far, so please continue!

Author's Response: I will continue it shortly, it will all be done within the next couple of days. I hope that you will hold on through this story and keep reading.....just, keep reading. ;)

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 07:59 pm Title: Day Five: The Hospital

Oh, RA, this is so tough for me to read, being a former ICU nurse and all.  I know how iffy it can be with a seriously injured head trauma patient.  But I can't believe that you'd have Karen break it off with Jim, just to have a sad ending to this story.  Especially considering the title.  So I'll just hang here patiently and wait for some happier news.  For poor Jim's sake anyway. The boy feels guilty enough.

Author's Response: **blush** A medical professional. I actually did a little reasearch on comas for this story, but only articles with words I could understand. ;) So if there are medical inconsistencies, I hope you will overlook them! And I *really* hope that you will stay with me for this story. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: bcd Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 07:34 pm Title: Day One: The Office

I actually registered just to write a review of this story - I am loving it, particularly the way you are writing Jim.
And the fast updates are very much appreciated!

Author's Response: OK, this made my day, or perhaps my week. ;) I am so honored that you would register just to review this story, and now I have you in mind as I refine and post the rest. I sincerely hope that I will not disappoint any readers, but especially not the one who registered to review! Please keep reading, and thank you SO much for your kind words. I'm so glad you're a reviewer now. :)

Reviewer: brokenloon Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 07:10 pm Title: Day Five: The Hospital

Okay, I am officially pleading for Pam's life.  Why do I let myself read these angsty stories?  I always enjoy your work, but man, this is tough. 

Author's Response: It is tough. **sigh** If I write another story it is going to be the fluffiest of fluff, let me tell you, like light whipped cream, 30% less fat. :) I really, really hope you will hold on for this one, and thank you so much for your kind words about my stories.

Reviewer: Ozana Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 06:59 pm Title: Day Five: The Hospital

you are ripping my heart out.  I need a miracle.   Cannot wait to the next chapter.


Author's Response: I hope you will keep reading, Ozana. This story will conclude in the next day or so. Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: JennInTheCity Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 04:21 pm Title: Day Three: The Hospital

Oh, this just broke my heart. Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks, JennInTheCity! I hope you will keep reading!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 02:29 pm Title: South America: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

This chapter was so vivid.  I really liked this sentence:  "I can just tell that the close quarters they live in have taught them to be patient, have taught them to take joy in each other."  I love this story, but I feel so impatient.  Good things to those who wait, right?  I hope so : )

Author's Response: Updates will be coming fairly quickly, NanReg. I'm just so glad that you want to keep reading! Thanks again for the great review, and I'm glad South America came across OK. I've never been there, so I had to do a lot of imagining... ;)

Reviewer: annagirl93 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 01:59 pm Title: South America: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

eeeeeeeeesh, i love this. i need more.

Author's Response: Thanks, annagirl93. I hope you will keep reading!

Reviewer: Becky215 Signed 7 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 01:53 pm Title: South America: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

I'm really enjoying this story, RecorderAlways. The contrasts and structure are fabulous, and I'm always eager to see what happens next! Keep it up! -CH

Author's Response: Thanks so much, CH! I'm glad the contrast comes through. I'm so glad to know you're eager to see what happens next and I hope you will want to keep reading. Thanks again, your review means a lot!

Reviewer: Aiya Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 01:47 pm Title: South America: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

This is such a lovely story. I love the contrast between the starkness of the hospital and the ethereal sense of being in a dream.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks for the review, Aiya! I'm so glad the difference comes through. Jim is pretty stark right now. Yikes. I hope you will stay with this story, though. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: waltisafox Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 11:20 am Title: Day Two: The Hospital

"At 10:00 that night, he thinks: I'll go home at 11. At 11:00 he thinks midnight is a reasonable hour. And at midnight he is watching the late shows, staring at the TV, so he pretends that he forgets what time it is. He watches all the late shows, and at 2 AM figures that it's almost the next day, anyway."

this is such an awesome paragraph. i really am enjoying this story even though its making me sad ;)

Author's Response: Thanks for the great review, waltisafox! Jim is so mixed up, he doesn't know which way is up. **sigh** All he is doing is pretending. I hope you will stay with this story though. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: jammer88 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 07:13 am Title: Day Three: The Hospital

This story is amazing! Really great idea! Please update again soon I can't wait to see what happens!

Author's Response: Thanks so much, jammer! I have updated and it should be complete in the next couple of days. I hope you will stay with this story. Thanks again!

Reviewer: Abigail Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 06:51 am Title: Day Three: The Hospital

Still awesome, RA.  I get disappointed as each chapter comes to an end because I want MORE!!  You are keeping us on pins and needles.  Great story.

Author's Response: Thanks, Abigail! I just put up a couple and I hope they didn't disappoint. I want to get this story completely posted in the next couple of day. I hear there's a holiday coming! ;) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: scrantonbranch Signed [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 06:09 am Title: Day One: The Office

Good story RA!  You're doing a great job portraying a brooding and despondent Jim.  I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks, SB! I hope you will stay with this story, and I really appreciate you reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: NanReg Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 05:43 am Title: Day Three: The Hospital

Wow.  Just read this and the previous chapter.  Unbelievably good.  I can't remember ever reading anything like it.  Anxiously awaiting more! 

Author's Response: Thanks, NanReg. As always your reviews are so appreciated!

Reviewer: impish1 Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: December 18, 2007 12:50 am Title: Day Two: The Hospital

I love sick jim/pam stories, and there aren't enough of them.

I think Jim's reaction is realistic. I can imagine him being paralyzed with inaction, yet unable to leave, in this situation.

More please ;-)

Author's Response: impish1, I'm so glad it seems realistic for Jim. He's starkly drawn in these chapters, but he's just...stark right now, so I'm really glad it seem to 'fit'. I have added chapter five. Thanks so much for reading and for reviewing, and I hope you will stay with this story.

Reviewer: NanReg Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 02:41 pm Title: Europe: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

This is heartbreaking to read, but so well written.  I'm always amazed when writers are able to envision a different angle to a story. 

Author's Response: Wow NanReg, thank you for reading and the review. Yes, this one is a bit different for me, but I hope you will stay with it. Thanks again!

Reviewer: Ozana Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 02:25 pm Title: Europe: "If I Knew I Had a Week to Live...."

So moving.  I cannot wait until the next part.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Ozana. I really appreciate you reading and reviewing! The updates will be coming at a pretty quick pace. :)

Reviewer: Abigail Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 01:33 pm Title: Day One: The Hospital

Wow.  This is heavy stuff. please post chapter 3 as quickly as you did chapter 2! :)

Author's Response: It is a little heavy for me, Abigail. Thanks for reviewing! I'll put up chapter four sometime tomorrow before work or late tonight. I really hope you'll keep reading!

Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 01:29 pm Title: Day One: The Office

I must be losing it, cause I'm seriously worried about Pam now - must repeat to myself: Pam is not real. Pam is not...

Really like your explication of the 'cute' Karen/Jim banter from Pam's p.o.v. at the beginning (this line is really apt: ... Karen asked a lot of questions that sounded liked they ended with periods, not question marks.) Also, Pam thinking how easy it is for Jim to simply follow Karen (kind of playing with that idea myself in a fic I've been writing.) And this:  I started watching Jim cave in on himself. Wow, what a powerful description and I could really see that being his reaction. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Author's Response: Wow, Colette, thank you so much for the really great review. I'm just so appreciative that you are reading and reviewing! I hope you will hang on with me for the rest of the story, and I hope it will be worth your time. *nervous* Thanks again!

Reviewer: Abigail Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 01:07 pm Title: Day One: The Office

Oh Recorderalways, you brought me to tears.  I hope you will update this story fast.  I don't doubt the ending will be happy, but the angst we will have to endure to get there hurts my grief bone immensely! 

Author's Response: Thanks a million, Abigail. I will be putting up three chapters today, and more over the next few. I hope you will hang in there with me, and I hope it will be worth the read. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: overreaction Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 17, 2007 01:02 pm Title: Day One: The Office

oh, this is so good. what an interesting idea! but geeze. whew.

Author's Response: Yeah. Hang in there with me...please? I hope it won't disappoint. Thanks so, so much for reading and reviewing.

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