Date: May 05, 2020 01:42 pm Title: It's nothin' new, nothin' new
You do such a great job of painting the picture of their PAIN in very few words.
And don't worry. I'll just think about this for a million years: "His body feels more foreign after ten years of searching than yours did in ten seconds of being found."
Date: November 13, 2019 10:52 pm Title: It's nothin' new, nothin' new
It's so beautiful and so heartbreaking...
Date: November 13, 2019 06:18 pm Title: It's nothin' new, nothin' new
"His lips aren’t as gentle as yours. They’re rough and demanding in a way that’s scary and strange, even after knowing him like that for years and knowing you like that for minutes that stretched for far longer." -- Congratulations. This is the most heartbreaking line written in all of 2019. I hope you're happy.
I really like the choice not to use names; and how painfully aware they each are that these substitutes aren't working for them anymore.
Ugh, this one hurt in the best of ways. It's so good.
Author's Response: Thank you so much where's my Dundie
Date: November 13, 2019 06:15 pm Title: It's nothin' new, nothin' new
Very real way of capturing their feelings at that point in their lives. Vivid descriptions as always.
Author's Response: Thanks Warrior!