Date: April 20, 2020 12:05 am Title: Chapter 1
All the fluff! This was a hugely romantic gesture. I feel like it’ll be hard to top when he’s ready to propose... Way to pull out all the stops! I love the idea of casino night happening in a universe where Pam and Roy have already broken up.
Author's Response: What a world that would have been, right??
Date: April 19, 2020 07:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very sweet!!
Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: April 19, 2020 06:14 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was so cute!! Oh how I wish Pam would have told Jim she loved him too on Casino Night. But this was a great replacement. Great job!!
Author's Response: That would have been a dream!
Date: April 19, 2020 04:27 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very aww. Very fluff. Interesting premise. I like it.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!
Date: April 19, 2020 04:26 pm Title: Chapter 1
Here I was thinking this was gearing up to be another classic Casino Night story, then out of the blue, "Well, her and Roy have been broken up for months now."
Ah gah, what was that now?
All of a sudden this became so much more interesting. Loved all the details with them getting ready and then spying each other as they get to the warehouse. Lovely scene setting. Also lovely to envision all the effort Jim went to, to make the moment special.
I'll admit I was starting to get the feel like this was to good to be true. Like one of them would wake up from a dream. Thank you for proving me wrong.
Wonderfully cheesy and romantic. I liked it a lot.
Author's Response: Oooh, the dream would have been torturous...I can't even imagine the rage that would have sent people into!
Date: April 19, 2020 04:08 pm Title: Chapter 1
SUPER cute!
Love this :)
Author's Response: Thank you!
Date: April 19, 2020 03:20 pm Title: Chapter 1
Definitely a high aww factor. I quite enjoyed the story.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad! :)