Date: May 24, 2023 02:44 am Title: Unplugged
I'm in love with this story. I really am. This is just one of these stories you don't know you need until you find them.
I could totally see having to be stuck at home with Roy for so long as the catharsis to make Pam break up with him, and the way she and Jim just became best friends without even meeting in person was just so cute and so them.
Thank you for writing and sharing it with us!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for reviewing! I'm happy you liked this story. Part of it was channeling some lockdown experiences, part of it was just playing with the characters.
Date: May 18, 2021 08:49 am Title: Unplugged
Such a great story, and SO Jim and Pam!
Date: November 20, 2020 11:59 pm Title: Unplugged
This was just a really charming story about love growing under the pressure and constraints of this moment in history, and it’s great to see someone here wrestling with the challenges that brings. I love the feeling of freedom you’ve created here, mixed with a sense of unreality, as they adjust to being fully present in each other’s lives.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us!
Author's Response:
Than you for joining!
I really enjoyed writing this story. Served me to process this strange situation in ways I didn't think possible.
I'm happy you enjoyed it as well.
Cheers !
Date: November 19, 2020 01:05 am Title: Unplugged
That was fantastic! I love how cozy they are and how naturally they crossed all the lines! It's just how it should have been. And the intimacy of their communication... just perfect.
Thank you so much for writing this story and for sharing it with us!
Author's Response: Thank you for all the encouragement. I'm happy you liked it!
Date: November 18, 2020 10:35 pm Title: Unplugged
Lovely way to wrap this all up. Jim just basically moved in then? I'm okay with this. If they're going to quarantine, might as well quarantine together. It was a lot of fun to see this one come together. Well done on seeing it through to the end. Ending on a sweet note like this was wonderful.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
Author's Response:
Thanks very much!
Let's say, Jim moved in while they are sick but... you know, since they have a routine already... who knows...
Thanks again for joining me for the ride.
Date: November 18, 2020 10:12 pm Title: Unplugged
“He is looking up too, his eyes over his own screen, his hand still raised for just a millisecond, and then there is the smile. Jim, he smiles a lot. But there is this particular grin I love to think is just for me.“ UGH, yes. I loved this.
This whole story was wonderful and I was so happy to see it pop back up!! Great job! It was a pleasure to read. :)
Author's Response: Thanks so very much for sticking with it!
Date: November 18, 2020 10:04 pm Title: Unplugged
Awww what a great ending! I have loved this story from beginning to end, and this did not disappoint. Such a great read.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much! I must confess I struggled a bit with the ending. I'm glad you liked it.
Date: September 26, 2020 09:19 pm Title: Host
This is it. I don't know how you managed to make a Covid story that just WORKS--your story's a balm for our own social distancing lives, and I can't wait to see it to the end.
Author's Response:
Thanks so very much!
I guess one of the few perks of isolation is the new ideas for writing. I hope you like the ending!
Date: September 11, 2020 07:22 pm Title: Host
Love in the time of coronavirus. Lovely.
Author's Response: Thanks very much!
Date: September 11, 2020 02:30 pm Title: Host
It kind of threw me off a little that this chapter switched to first person. I love that we get Jim’s POV though. It’s really nice to see it all playing out from his perspective.
Thank god for Jim living with a roommate. I love that it forces them to quarantine together, like it‘s the most logical thing in the world (which it is, because roommate).
“I swear that from that moment and for the rest of my life Chinese food lost half of its appeal.” This is completely and utterly adorable.
Somehow you’ve made two sick people kissing still be all kinds of cute and that takes a whole lot of skill!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! (And sorry I'm responding this late).
The change of PoV is something I debated for a while. But Jim is fun to write, so, that's the reason.
That kissing scene was rewritten so many times I started finding masks sexy. It's over now, though, lol.
Thanks again!
Date: September 11, 2020 02:23 am Title: Host
Very nice.
Author's Response: Thanks!
Date: September 10, 2020 09:03 pm Title: Host
OK, that was cute. I can't believe I missed that you were going to make them quarantine TOGETHER with the virus. Smart move.
Author's Response: Thanks very much!
Date: September 10, 2020 08:31 am Title: Host
Just last night I was looking to see if an update to this story was up.
Really nice AU told in a modern world. Thank you so much for this story.
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! I'm glad you're liking it!
Date: September 10, 2020 03:08 am Title: Host
I only read this from start to chapter 8 last night and I was praying for an update soon, then I wake up this morning and there was number 9. This is such a great story, absolutely love it!
Author's Response:
Lol! Love your pen name!
I'm glad you liked it, thanks for reviewing!
Date: September 10, 2020 12:51 am Title: Host
Oh my, oh my, oh my! This is fantastic, and I don't even know where to start.
I love that we saw that happened inside Jim's mind, and I love that he came to help Pam. Their first interactions were lovely, and, of course, she tried her best not to infect him and felt guilty when it happens. And her suggestion... just awww.
Also, you make me reconsider my opinion on masks. I couldn't imagine that wearing masks could be that... intimate. Perhaps, it's the magic of JAM :)
And the rest... oh, the rest I can't describe properly, I just fan myself. I hate to see them sick, but I'm so happy to watch them together.
Thank you so much for your chapter, it's amazing and beyond! Looking forward to the next one!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for your review!
You know sometimes while writing you get this image in your head and you want to get there? Well, the image was of somebody taking off the other's mask, and making it look like something intimate and even sexy. I'm glad and relieved it landed!
And also the idea of them looking at one another for real, for the first time.
Next one is half-formed, so I hope I won't take very long.
Date: September 09, 2020 11:05 pm Title: Host
Ahhh, ok, it was Jim there at the beginning in the face shield. Had me going for a bit.
So obviously I loved that Jim came over to take care of her. Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead kind of a mentality. Looks like Pam really knows what kind of guy Jim is here. He's willing to get a sick just to help her out.
That Pam is the one to suggest he stay with her is lovely. Of course there's the practical reason, but it's probably the least important reason for them. The scenes of them dancing around each other in her kitchen and the first kisses were of course just lovely.
This chapter from Jim's POV also worked really good. Great to get an insight to how he's been thinking about all this. Been waiting for this update and it delivered. Great job.
Author's Response:
Jim's here, ladies and gents. I was a worried about writing from his PoV, but it was very fun.
At this point, Pam is head over heels, but she still wants to play it cool.
While the last chapter is already half-written in my mind, I'm still not sure if I should use Jim's or Pam's voice. Let's see what my next zoom meeting inspires me to do.
Thanks very much for all your support w4!
Date: August 18, 2020 10:29 am Title: Error
I absolutely buy that Pam and Roy's relationship would have been a casualty of the lockdown - especially a Pam who hasn't had and is now discovering the outlet of Jim.
Author's Response: I think that lockdown made things more intense, for better of worse. Thanks for reviewing!
Date: August 17, 2020 01:03 am Title: Connection problems
Oh, the excellent chapter as usual!
I feel sorry for Pam so much, you painted her turmoils so vividly, and they were so, so real (it's so familiar with me when you're sick and every little imperfection annoys you so much!)
To be honest, I was scared a little while reading your chapter, two times: firstly, when Pam received a package from Roy and thought nice of him ('No, Pam, you can't get back to him!' I thought back then and I was relieved when she thought about who would have taken care of whom in case of sickness) and the moment when Pam heard banging ('Noooo,' I thought, 'I was a terrible idea to give Roy your address!..')
Turned out, I think of Roy much worse than he deserves it :)
Oh, and Jim's just the sweetest. I love their interactions so much! And this line:
"To her mind came the phrase “in sickness and in health” but she forced that thought away. She was definitely going crazy."
made me smile so much that my cheeks hurt :)
Thank you, and looking forward to the next update!!
Author's Response:
Hi! Thanks very much for your review!
Re-watching season 3, because of office Ladies, made me notice two characters that are supposed to be "mean" but that are, in fac, quite interesting: Roy and Karen. No Karen in this fic, though.
I toyed with the idea of making Roy come over and check on her, but it seemed a little bit out of character. He's a selfish person, he wouldn't just go there and risk his own health.
Jim, on the other hand... oh, Jim.
Author's Response:
Hi! Thanks very much for your review!
Re-watching season 3, because of office Ladies, made me notice two characters that are supposed to be "mean" but that are, in fac, quite interesting: Roy and Karen. No Karen in this fic, though.
I toyed with the idea of making Roy come over and check on her, but it seemed a little bit out of character. He's a selfish person, he wouldn't just go there and risk his own health.
Jim, on the other hand... oh, Jim.
Date: August 16, 2020 06:13 pm Title: Connection problems
Oh my gosh. You’ve done it again. Amazing. I love how you incorporated a positive interaction with Roy. That felt very true to the story. And I’m DYING to know what happens next!
Author's Response: Thanks a lot for your review! Season 3 Roy has some good gestures... not enough though.
Date: August 16, 2020 04:51 pm Title: Connection problems
“Silly stuff, really, but it bothered her.” This makes a huge difference to how at home you feel in a place. It’s always harder when you’re sick too. Even as an adult I find you always want familiarity when you’re not well.
Aww, look at Roy actually kind of coming through. I like that. I feel like it fits nicely with Season 3 Roy, softening around the edges and making a genuine attempt to suck a little less.
And then there’s Jim. I love their communication here. One of the ways they struggle in canon is leaving things unsaid. I adore that he comes clean with feeling jealous. It’s really very sweet.
Author's Response:
Because of Office Ladies, I am rewatching season 3, and it is cute hoy Roy is really trying to make an effort... and seeing him fail.
Thanks very much for reviewing!
Date: August 16, 2020 03:59 pm Title: Connection problems
Very S3 feeling with Roy there. He only treats her nice after she's gone. It's an interesting take really. Most of the time Roy is seen as kind of a blockhead, but we often forget Pam and Roy were together for years. I'm sure some things tend to stick. Especially where there's things like what he sent over that are probably reminding him of her all the time.
Nice bit with the Jim and Pam interactions. They're still very early in their relationship so it feels right that Jim would be feeling like that. Likewise Pam's not at her best what with being sick. It feels very real that she'd be on edge.
That is Jim there at the door in the mask and faceshield right? Nice job with this one.
Author's Response:
Hi! Thanks a lot for reviewing!
You know, I didn't realise that last part was a bit of a cliffhanger, until you wrote that you were not sure if it was Jim. Roy showing up would've been fun, and very 3rd season.
I think he has his moments, but then he has this line of Pam's art being the prettiest of all arts and it's so cringey!
Anyway, thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it!
Date: August 16, 2020 02:53 pm Title: Connection problems
Oh Jim. You better not get Covid. But it's very sweet of him, and also in character. I am glad Roy wasn't an ass. He isn't fundamentally a bad guy, just totally wrong for Pam. Good storytelling.
Author's Response:
S3 Roy is trying his best to be a nice guy to Pam. Like when he tries to take her away from Michael's Grief Counselling.
Date: August 16, 2020 09:42 am Title: System failure
So yeah, there probably isn't a rapid test at all in PA, but I'm fine with her not having to wait 36-72 hours to find out. So, um, how dark is this going to get? Because Covid can go a lot of ways...
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot for all your reviews, which I'm going to answer, but I wanted to clear this before you panic.
NOT very dark. :)
Date: August 16, 2020 09:37 am Title: Point-to-point
Awwwwww. Good job Jim being honest and Pam responding honestly! I'm glad for them, though of course here in the US "after coronavirus" is kind of ... Never.
Actually that might make a good plot point: when do they just say screw it, and well...
Author's Response:
That's the thing. Let's say she gets better in 2 weeks. Still, they'd have to wait another 2 for her not to be able to give it to him. Will they wait this long, though?
Thanks so much for your reviews!
Date: August 16, 2020 09:31 am Title: Leaving
Also, like, company is precious during lockdown, so of course Jim would be forward about becoming part of Pam's bubble/pod/personal contact group. Makes sense.
Good on Phyllis for having her back.