Date: May 11, 2022 08:12 am Title: Chapter 1
I really like this. It was a beautiful moment, and it's great to see you pay tribute to it - and Jim's butterfly reminiscence is gorgeous. Thanks!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Date: May 02, 2022 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was absolutely lovely, great first post!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it!
Date: May 02, 2022 08:04 am Title: Chapter 1
*I thought of that moment when you put your head on my shoulder. You were my butterfly and I couldn't move or you'd fly away.'*
This was so sweet! Welcome to MTT!
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the welcome!
Date: May 01, 2022 10:35 pm Title: Chapter 1
I loved the direction for the butterfly landing on Jim’s shoulder in the script and Jim’s explanation of it is so cute!!
Congrats on your first fic and welcome to MTT
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I love the idea of Jim not wanting to move, or she'll fly away. Just gets to me every time.
Date: May 01, 2022 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 1
This is just so sweet. I love it! That it's set when they're together and they can talk about some of those moments is really great. Pam falling asleep on Jim's shoulder and that little smile he gets is always a favorite scene. To have them reminisce about it like this in bed was beautiful. And he gets to add what feels like a private pet name to the always popular Beesly moniker. Very touching.
Congrats on posting your first fic too! That can be a nervous thing for a lot of people. You did a great job. Hope to see more from you.
Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
(Fortune Favors the Bold)
Author's Response: Thanks. I am excited that this story touched you. It was a little nerve wracking to post my first fic, but the response has been great!
Date: May 01, 2022 07:37 pm Title: Chapter 1
The butterfly stage direction is a beauty, and I love the memory you've created here for Jim to bring it to his mind. Too adorable!
Welcome to MTT, and congrats on your first story! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Author's Response: Thanks. I think it was the Office Ladies podcast that first mentioned the stage direction for John Krasinski. I thought it was a beautiful idea.
Date: May 01, 2022 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was just lovely. The whole thing about telling a message to the butterfly was beautiful. Heartwarming that he told the butterfly both times of his love, for his parents and then for her.
I like that, too.
Welcome to MTT and hoping to see some more sweet stories like this one from you.
Author's Response: Thank you. I love the idea of telling messages of love to a butterfly.
Date: May 01, 2022 07:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
Welcome to MTT! Congrats on your first fic!
This was so stinking cute! I love this little story here about whispering a message to a butterfly, and Jim whispering a message to Pam during Diversity Day! Ugh, that warmed my heart!
Author's Response: Awww, thanks. I had fun coming up with the story.