Date: December 05, 2023 01:39 am Title: Chapter 1
Ok first off, I LOVE this song!! It works so well here, and the little nods to Jack, Gus and Lee were so cute and perfect!!
I love how you wrote Helene, much more the original rather than the one we got in S5
Great little one shot! Really liked it a lot a86;a039;
Author's Response: Thank you! It was fun to come up with different situations for each character in the song. I liked the original Helene a little more, she reminds me of my own mother.
Date: December 04, 2023 04:38 am Title: Chapter 1
Nice little blurb there about the after effects of Casino Night for sure. The lyrics fit in well too. I kinda figured Helene would want to know what happened after Pam let her go so quickly. I do like that Pam is seeking out her help in a time of her life that's so chaotic. Methinks she'll be heading back to her mom quite a bit for the next year too. After all this is the start of a very messy time for her and for Jim. Still it's good that she's finally gotten some perspective on things. Nice job.
Author's Response: Thanks for your comments.
Date: December 03, 2023 09:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very nice, short and to the point.
Author's Response: Thank you.